
Forbidden to Forget

Novel iii


6 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
04-29-2019, 01:15 AM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2019, 01:15 AM by Novel iii.)
A lot had changed for the young woman in the last couple of seasons. She struggled to find the happiness that she had before that incident with the felt hard for her to let go of that memory. She blamed herself for his death. And maybe if she had been more careful, he would still be alive. She walked along the shore of the lake, her hind leg limping slightly from her once broken leg. It had healed throughout the season, but the limp would serve as a reminder to her forever. It was a beautiful day with birds flying overhead and the occasional fish leaping out of the water in its pursuit to catch whatever bugs landed on its surface. She could see storks and ducks and swans and all sorts of birds swimming together in pairs. She knew she was young, but she yearned for some sort of love that wasn't the sibling sort of love. Would she ever find that now if they found out what she'd done? She was afraid now...she didn't want to be hated...

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
04-29-2019, 01:30 AM

He was yet to venture this far abroad, and every sight was made with fresh eyes and a question - was this truly his first time here? Not knowing his history put everything into doubt, and he was determined to find his answers, whatever it took.

The young warrior spent every morning in exercise, a brisk jog that could take him from the dark of the pre-sunset, to the hours of late morning. He always went a different direction, seeking knew sights, searching for anything that might strike his memory. Once he completed his run, he set himself to his movements, keeping his body limber and fit. He made the motions of a warrior, moving a paw through sweeping tree lashing out with a bear dances. he knew the names of some of the sets, through he could not say how.

They simply felt.. Right. His body remembered more than his mind, and he worked through sets he could not name. They felt true to him, to the point where he knew when he set a paw wrong, or held his balance not quite right.

He finished one, but realised before he could start another that he was not alone. He saw the movement of the woman as she made her way to the lake, her eyes casting out to the fauna and life on the lake. He was lost in the shadows beneath a towering oak tree, and he did not believe she had seen him yet.

He let his body fall still, his breathing quick after the excursion of holding the delicate balances of the exercise. He waited twenty beats of his heart, and let his breathing fall to a gentle rhythm, then he moved out of the shade, and felt the warmth of the late morning sun soak his coat. He blinked up at the golden hues of the day, and his paw would whisper a smile, before the stoic male would make his way into the presence of the stranger. “Good morning to you, My Lady.” his voice, soft and gentle did not call out, he spoke just loudly enough for her to catch it and no further. His face displayed no emotion.


Novel iii


6 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
05-27-2019, 12:35 AM
She had been unaware of someone watching her. Even unaware of his approach until his greeting touched her ears. She whirled around, feeling a little jumpy for fear that someone related to that pup had found her and wanted to take revenge on what she'd done. Even if it had been an accident...She saw his fangs, the strange fiery pattern that draped over his form. Her heart pounded against her chest, but she swallowed back the fear as best she could. "G-good morning," She said meekly. She hated feeling like she had to be on guard all the time, but she wasn't sure what to do about it. She still blamed herself for that mistake. She wasn't sure how to let it go or if she even should.

She stepped away from where she was, still feeling slightly apprehensive until she managed to calm down enough to realize that this guy probably wasn't here to hurt her. If he was, he wouldn't have greeted her, right? He would have flat out attacked her instead...right? She decided to wait and see what this exotic looking male would say or do before doing anything else herself.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!