



Master Fighter (330)

Master Healer (246)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

8 Years
Dire wolf

LegendarySamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Festival OrganizerMammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWinnerPride - AsexualBeevent
Double MasterVolcanoExplorer1KChristmas 2019Trick 2019
Promptober 2019
04-29-2019, 06:42 PM
I'll tough it out, I won't give in

Álarr eyed the robin that hopped to and fro along the expanse of green that cloaked the knolls. The rain had finally stopped and the sun peeked through the clouds that were lazily rolling northward. He yawned and stretched, stirring from his afternoon nap. He wasn't quite sure what to make of his new found family but he had to say he enjoyed the warmer weather that spring had brought to these lands. Of course there was also the fact that he might finally have met his dad! Álarr sat up and shook the grass from his coat. The robin, startled by the sudden movement, took off into the air. He watched it for a moment before he set off across the knolls.

First order of business was to find a good place to get a drink. Even if there weren't any streams lacing through the area there were bound to be puddles and old buffalo wallows. He traversed the terrain, the sun beating down on his back as he travelled. Álarr strolled through the knolls as if he owned the place. Well, in a way he did. After all, he was a prince of the Imperialis and this was his father's kingdom. Some day one of them would inherit it though to be honest Álarr didn't take to the thought of rule. He was content just to be a foot solider… or a medic. He wasn't really quite sure. He did enjoy fighting but after a day of physical activity it was nice to settle down and turn his mind to more intellectual pursuits.

Álarr found a nice puddle and bent his head to sate his thirst. As he lifted his head he spied a herd of bison grazing not far off. Curious he slunk closer. He knew what bison were but he'd never actually seen them up close before. This was too good an opportunity to give up. Álarr crouched down and slunk along the ground, letting the grasses brush past him. Finding a good vantage point he settled down to watch. There were several adults and a few calves. They were bounding and playing and chasing each other. One would scurry behind it's mother while the other one searched only for the first calf to come bounding out and racing away. The second would give chase. He grinned. It looked like it would be fun to play tag with them, even though he knew they were food. Any game of tag would only be practice for the more serious endeavor of hunting.

He continued to watch but soon his attention shifted elsewhere as he looked at the beauty of the knolls themselves. A wide variety of grasses and foliage caught his attention. He wondered if there were any plants he could bring back. He spied the telltale leaves of dandelions. That was one herb he knew about. In honesty it was probably the only herb he knew anything about but at least it was something. Maybe Valentine knew of someone that could train him in healing arts. Álarr walked over to the dandelions and began to carefully pick them. He hoped to spar with his siblings and new relatives as well. He had so much to do and it seemed like there was so little time.

A snort caused his fur to stand on end. What was that? Slowly he turned around to see a mother buffalo standing behind him, her calf off to her left side. She snorted again and stomped a hoof into the ground that was almost as big as his head. He frizzed up, his fur standing on end and he carefully tried to back away. He took one step and then another but then he froze. Álarr realized he was backing toward the rest of the herd, toward another set of protective mothers and their young. Not good, not good! He decided to hold his ground and set his mind to looking as big and scary as possible. He let out as fierce a growl as he could manage.

The buffalo was not impressed and as she stamped and scraped at the ground with her hooves she suddenly charged toward him. He screamed and dived out of the way. The buffalo rolled past him then suddenly slid to a stop sending a spray of dirt and muck into the air. It turned on a dime and took off after him again. Dammit! He ran as fast as he could but knew he'd never be able to outrun her. Luck was on his side and he swiftly dove into a badger hole. With luck it was unoccupied and the buffalo raced passed where he had been. The ground shook and dirt fell from the ceiling. Álarr waited, tensing. When he felt certain that the buffalo wasn't coming back he poked his head out of the badger hole, his sapphire blue eyes watching the mother and calf return to the rest of the herd. Quickly he scrambled out of the badger hole and took off back toward home. He'd had enough of bison today!