
Rise With The Tide



2 Years
04-30-2019, 12:24 PM
After another successful hunt and meal, Paris was on the lookout for any sort of body of water that she might be able to use to clean up in. The downside to being draped in pearl white and light grey; blood stained everything. Had she been born with midnight hairs, she might not care enough to clean it so soon, but with the rich iron stench following her every move, and the blood stained chest and muzzle giving away her lethal intent, Paris often found a clean start was best. So swiftly her paws carried her across the terrain, floating over the uneven piles of rock and dirt, occasionally pausing to sniff the nearby shrubs and air for scent of water. Some would say water had not scent, but for those who lived in the highlands of her home, where streams or rivers were difficult to come by at certain times of the year, they knew better. It was crisp and refreshing scent, clean of all stench and toxins from other animals. It was as pure as moonlight.

Evergreen eyes flickered up to the heavens, where a full moon rose up overhead with the blackness of space as her backdrop. the void only interrupted by the billions of stars that littered the night sky. Her pace slowed as if she had truly seen the night sky for the first time, but in truth, it was probably the fist clear night she had seen since leaving home. Not a single cloud blocking her vision, just pure space and beauty laid out before her, illuminating the night with it's pale moonlight. Just then, she heard the rumble in the distance, a new but familiar sound just the same. A distant roar of pounding water slamming against the wakes and rocks below. Within minutes of weaving through the trees, Paris stumbled upon the first of the many hot springs.

Warm water rippled softly as it burst forth from the fountain formation, the moon reflected perfectly from the scales of pools across the open space. Tall pines surrounded the area, enclosing the hot springs from the outside world. It was breathtaking, making her eyes widen from surprise as she moved to stand before the first pool. Leaning down close to the water, Paris took in a few deep breaths, and shook out her head as a corrosive scent wafted through her nose.  "No good." She would mumble to herself, shaking her head as she lapped the corners of her mouth from the sudden urge to drink, only to flinch from the familiar taste of iron now on her tongue. She sighed heavily, turning back to lean over the pool as she peered down at her reflection; the snow white woman looked like she had dunked her face in a pool of blood, the sticky liquid now dried and tangled in her hairs.

"Maybe... just a quick dip." She argued with herself before lifting to submerge one of her front paws into the warm water. If it was truly toxic waters, she could still wash up without drinking it and get away without any damage. At least, that was her only thought as she dipped her toes into the pocket of water, pulling it back as the water was still shockingly hot. After a moment of mentally preparing herself, the female plunged her whole leg into the water, expecting the bottom of the pool to come up and meet her, but it never did. Green eyes bulged out of their sockets as she was suddenly off balance and falling face first into the water. Before breaking the surface, she clamped her mouth and eyes shut tightly, bracing for impact as she dove in. Once under the water, she quickly turned and flipped her body around, frantically kicking at the water to propel herself back up to the edge of the pool. When her hind legs connected with the edge of the poolside, Paris pushed up with all her strength to break the water's surface once more and hooked her paws over the rock edge to keep herself above water.

The blood that once was dried and tangled into her fur began to slowly seep into the hot spring, turning the clear water red as it swirled and turned. Opening her eyes once more, Paris let out a shaking breath before rolling her eyes at her own actions. "Graceful as always, Paris." She groaned before turning her attention back to the task at hand; dunking her face into the water time and time again, until the droplets leaving her body were no longer tinged red with blood.
