
Fire, Hell Fire



7 Years
05-04-2019, 01:27 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2019, 01:28 AM by Nephthys.)

The muggy heat pressed in on bronze mistress, even sweating through her pads was no good. It trickled down her claws leaving trails behind herself. Autumn tendrils clung to her slender, feline-like frame, locking in the heat. It was high noon and the sun beat down with unrestrained brutality, a few withering trees cast patches of pathetic shade onto the baked terrain, more of an insult towards her than actually offering any protection. Heat poured into her veins, with each and every single calculated step, as if pumped in through a hypodermic needle. It swirled in her brain inducing her into sleepy stupidity and no matter how much came in, none of it seemed to escape. Even the air was like breathing liquid fire and her plush, coral tongue hand dry as sand outside her pretty maw. No matter how much she drank from the Rio Grande the thirst gnawed at her until sun down, when the welcome scarlets and tangerine lit up the horizon and ushered in the sweet relief of the night air. She missed the sweet and cool air inside her den however she was a Mother now and with Hannibal being under enslavement from the Religious Maniac she was to be a Father too for the three unsuspecting devil chops that she left behind. She had to not only protect them and herself but also gather enough food for the four of them. As she kept her fiery jewels forward, the searing heat from the sun was the only entity present; not even the importunate clouds that always come to bestow summer showers upon them from time to time were to be seen. It was just a bright, gaudy sun stationed at the sea of clear blue. Plants seemed to indulge and bask mirthfully in this torrid atmosphere as they photosynthesize eagerly yet nothing and no-one moved in this penetrating heat unless they were desperate, and before long they were.

The smell of smoke had the animals moving right away, no time to ponder weather or not to take anything for everyone was running in the opposite direction, from small to big, from herbivores to carnivores, it was maddness and chaos. Their only chance was to out-run the flames and that'll be hard enough on it's own but with all the confusion surounding the bronze mistress it took a moment longer in order to get her regalia back in the game. Fire, h e l l fire -- The fire started to burn like a temper not too long ago, as if the leaping flames have a terrible anger toward the living world and it was spreading. It moved faster than a canine could run though the deer stand a strong chance, moving swiftly as they do. The air was smelling and tasteing like bonfire on her plush, coral tongue while the horizon glows orange beneath the smokey wind-dragged plume. How did this happen? Of course. The sun has been savage even in early Summer, rising above the pleasant temperatures that are normal. The forest has been tinder dry for weeks, every fallen piece of wood bleached and dehydrated, almost as good as scattered kerosene. Now the wildfires rage sending billows of black smoke into the sky, leaving animals to fend for themselves as the fire spread it wings towards the oxygen that fuels it, uncaring of the damages left behind.

The flames transform the wood into the most transient of beauties, hot ribbons of light. There are times it sparks, as if it wanted more than one crazy way to dance, as if it needs to leap, to fly, willing to land where it may. But one touch,one spark is enough to lit the other aflame and transform the Forst into a person hell. What was there too do? The bronze mistress was on to move with the other animals, running in the opposite direction, with the flames at her heel but there was no plan, there was no escape route that she could use and survive. The fire flashed into existence in a wash of red and yellow sparks. Like the beauty of running water so unearthly. Yet it has a dangerous beauty. It was leaping up and with it so did every single animal, picking up speed like a river does tributaries, holding its head up regally and proudly as its destruction spread while glowering at the surrounding daring them to challenge its awesome power. She tought she could scent the smell of burnt hair and with a few more wiffs she realized that it was the tip of her own tail that was aflame. Fuck! profanities erupted from her pretty maw at the pain, mile-long limbs carrying her frame as fast as they could across the lans and the moment she managed to put more distance between her and the flames was the moment she halted abruptly in order to stomp on her tail with her teacup pads.

What to do? What was there to do? The flames were spreading at an alarming spread due to all the dry wood and oxygen fueling it. A furstrated growl erupted from the pits of the autumn babe throat, which resulted in the attention of two scared deers. Predator and prey. Who would had known they would be so close but not at each other throat. No, she had bigger problems on her paws than that. Think, damnit, think. the hairless tip of her tail kept batting at the ground in frustration as small, highly above whispers growls still resonated, making her chest vibrate in their way. Before she realized the tip of her tail came across a puddle and submerged in it, the sudden wet sensation sending a shiver down the autumn babe spine as she turned abruptly with a growl. She remained speechles for a mere moment before she parted her lips, Rio Grande.. That was it. Rio Grande! The river. The cool water of the river would put a stop to these flames, acting like a barrier. It should be safe on the other side. She thank every single God and Goddess in the mighty Sky for the safety of her spawns but now was not the time to fret -- she needed to get out of this alive to reach her pups!

This was not just fire. It was death, she decided. It was a giant wave, a fire storm, rolling in on itself, undulating like some grotesque creature hell-bent on their murder. And it was hurtling towards the animals at staggering speed. It was time to get moving...and fast. Easier said then done but at least now she has a plan. Athletic limbs made for speed instead of strenght carried her across the terrain, applying as much strenght and speed that they were capable, and to some individuals they could swear the bronze babe was flying due to how fast her teacup paws left the soil.

She could see the river in the horizon. Cool, cold and blue water just waiting for them to take a dip and get on the other side. It was calling them, promising their protection from the hell flames. It was their salvation that crumbled before their very eyes as a flame encased tree fell just before her. Abrupt halt after another, the fiery jewels of the bronze mistress were hectic to find another route, another escape but it was pointless. With the fire storm behind them catching up speed and the ones in front they have been traped in a circle of flames. There was only one way to go and it was not going to be pleasant. make way! she growled to the other herbivores and carnivores alike as she lounged herself at the deer back. It came as a surprise for the herbivore for sure because once her paws touched its back he rose himself, balancing only on his rear limbs before coming down again. That did not stop the babe, if anything, she hold tight and continued to walk crawl across the deer back before coming near his nape. It was now or never, she decided, as she rose to her full height, supporting herself with one paw in front of the other on each side of the deer back, attempting to balance her weight. It took only a moment for her frame to reach the air , as all four of her limbs were stretched -- she had jumped through the flames over the tree andw as wet with cool and cold water clinging to her frame as she hit its surface. She managed to get on the other side, lifting herself with her front paws over the edge of the river before she observed that the animals she left behind followed her suit before a moment or two of hesitation. Time was not on her side and she could not celebrate with the others -- she needed to make sure that her devil spawns were safe and sound. After her orbs lingered for a moment over the animals that successfuly landed into the water she turned on her heels and began her journey back.

Word Count: 1520

" words of a god"

html by castlegraphics;
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together