
Roll with whatever flows



4 Years
07-04-2014, 03:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-04-2014, 03:28 PM by Chord.)
ooc: I'd prefer for someone other than his siblings join; he'll get to Abaven for a visit soon.

Whilst Chord hadn't paid much attention to packs beyond where their borders lay, the young Destruction boy had found himself learning something rather interesting about packs as of late. A new one had apparently been formed in the lands. Keeping in mind he was a rogue out for adventure rather than a home it probably didn't seem that it would be all that noteworthy but it was the leader of the pack that had truly caught his attention. Bass Destruction.

Truth be told he had laughed the first time he'd heard it. His brother an alpha? It wasn't that he doubted him, more a case of it was simply a surprise. None of them had ever expressed any interest in such a position before, admittedly they'd still been rather young back then, ideas probably hadn't seemed quite so likely until they'd actually got out into the world. His own mind hadn't changed as of late though, a pack was not what Chord wanted, he preferred the idea of exploring.

A visit did still need to be paid to his brother however, just to take a look at this pack for himself and so slowly he would make his way East once more. There was no use in rushing there after all, there was still plenty more to do and see on his way, at least Chord hoped so anyway.



07-04-2014, 04:39 PM

Again, the young woman had returned to the place for some peace. And maybe should could see that spotted Armada again. Yes-...and maybe this time he could look at her while he spoke. Or while she spoke. The half-blind woman seemed pretty attracted to places as such. They were tainted in sorrow...kissed by death itself. And to walk through was all so thrilling. It sent strange yet exciting chills running up her long fragile spine. These days, with only one healthy eye and a pretty sucky life, she has a tendency to do whatever lifts her spirits. Whether it be meeting others, joining a pack and finding power, or just taking a little walk through a quiet area.
Catrix breathed smoothly and watched the soundless forest sorrowfully. Her expression was blunt, and she wasn't very dazzled by the forest today. Usually, on some mornings, the sun leaked through the weak branches of the leafless trees and set a beautiful-looking sight. The canvas it displayed seemed to sparkle and shine over the ash. It casted itself down to the earth and always captured the woman's attention. But that morning the sun had refused to be cooperative, hiding itself away from her one eye. This left Catrix in a rather blunt mood-, instead of her happy little self that was a bit creepy and awkwar at times. And blunt to others, was normal, social, and...not crazy.
Paw's would move slowly, carrying the mocha babe through the wood. One step after the other silently. A new, fresh aroma of a man wafted into her nose. He didn't seem familiar...and nothing too interesting filled his aroma. But investigating who he was wouldn't hurt. Catrix slowly switched directions and turned to follow the trail that led to this man. Seconds passed, and seconds turned to minutes until finally she could spot the man from a distance. She exhaled slowly and continued forth, calmly and quietly. Just to show she was no possible threat.
Her ears pushed forward slowly and she stopped in front of him after getting so close. Then, playing a weak smile, the babe would tip her head down in greeting. Before she thought of getting too comfortable, her jaws gaped open a bit to a few calm, relaxed lyrics. ?Hello there, sir. Can't say I've ever seen you around...? She paused for a moment and moved her eye over his features, taking note of those ebony lines that kissed his face in an unusual fashion. Nothing, yet again, seemed to familiar about the boy. Catrix rolled her shoulders forward slowly and addressed herself softly. ?I'm Catrix. Some of my old friends used to call me 'Cat Tricks'...but I'm fine with either, I guess.?



4 Years
07-04-2014, 04:56 PM

Chord had to say of the lands he had visited so far these seemed the most bleak. The blackened, dead remains of the forest were rather eerie. The lands were surely the place of stories, though ghost stories perhaps not the grand tales of adventures of a hero. Horror tales certainly were not what the boy had in mind, his grandfather had of course never told them about the darker aspects of life, not in a blunt manner anyway though had still warned them to be careful. Chord would find himself somewhat thankful for that message now, ringing clear in his mind as he continued along his way. Perhaps he would aim to arrive in Abaven sooner than he'd originally planned.

Then again he could be mistaken once more. The steps of another would be heard softly upon the ground, their deep exhale meeting his ears as well. He would turn his attention to look behind and spot the dark coloured female approaching him. She was calm in her approach, not appearing to be a threat yet and Chord would give her the benefit of the doubt and pause his movements to see what she wanted as she too came to a halt and greeted him.

"Nor have I seen you." Chord responded simply, his tone light and a small smile upon his face to show he too meant her no harm not that she had seemed too worried by that possibility in the first place. "I've not travelled here before though I've wandered through various other lands." He would explain, he wasn't exactly new to the area though he didn't often linger in places long enough to makes new friends it seemed.

Catrix or Cat Tricks to her friends. He would likely stick with the first to be honest, though Cat perhaps would make a better nickname really he felt, a shortened version of the name, not it split into two words. "I'm Chord Destruction"



07-05-2014, 05:48 AM

This boy was obviously no harm to her, either. Of course if she knew he was she would of avoided him, or attacked him. But he seemed very calm to her approach. He even smiled her way. The man seemed young and innocent, while also pretty handsome and masculine. But right now, with a life as hers, she wasn't interested in love. Friendship or rivalry was the only two she allowed. A pack also came to mind-...she'd either join Glaciem with that spotted boy, or Elysium. A new pack that had been challenged for not too long ago. The winner had always put her into curiosity, and meeting her further wouldn't hurt. She did indeed seem powerful and fearless...they'd be similar in so many ways.
"Nor have I seen you," The boy's voice was full of respect and attention, and all Catrix did was chuckle softly. Her voice didn't seem at all relative to hers...but still. How he acted was a bit amusing. "I've not traveled here before though I've wandered through various other lands." Not traveled in this beautiful paradise? What a shame. She thought, before randomly speaking in reply. ?Ahh...that's a shame. This is such a beautiful place, ya'know.? The woman joked, smile exchanging with a smirk. The boy addressed himself as Chord Destruction, and the bitch giggled. Destruction. That should be her last name- after all, she loved chaos. The woman split her maw apart yet again and responded.

?It's nice to meet you, sir Chord. Do you mind me asking who your parents are...??



4 Years
07-05-2014, 07:32 AM

The smile would grow as Catrix commented upon the beauty of the place, a small chuckle sounding at her words. Of course he hadn't seen it quite as often as the dark female before him, all he was seeing was the dull and ashen terrain in a dreary light that surrounded them now. One thing to note however was it didn't seem quite as bad with company. It still wasn't exactly the model setting of course but any building tension had eased, it was no longer as eerie. "It's certainly something else." Neither good or bad though however you viewed the lands it certainly was rather unique, Chord thought so anyway.

Destruction was hardly the appropriate surname for many of the family, perhaps it had once suited them a lot better though Chord had never seen such personality traits in any of the family he knew. All the same however he wore it with pride, never thinking of it's meaning but instead simply as family. He may not have been around them much but he truly had a loyal heart to any who bored the name. He would frown slightly therefore as Catrix would giggle at his introduction. He wouldn't question it out loud though, deciding perhaps it was simply a laughter of the irony that she was meeting a member of the Destruction family in this destroyed forest.

"I doubt you've ever heard of them, they rule a pack a fair travel from Alacritia." Ahlon was hardly a well known pack, they may have quite enjoyed their stories though they'd never travelled really beyond their homelands. "But their names are Lyric and Darilnor." His grandparents were perhaps more likely to have been heard of, living here in Alacritia and ruling a pack now, and of course his brother with his pack. Though he certainly didn't want to be an alpha, the fame that his brother was likely to receive did make the boy a little envious.