



2 Years
05-07-2019, 12:05 AM
The cold from the frozen landscape began to nip at the young pup's hide. She was alone with no one but her wits and her mind to help her through this. With her family being gone, the young child was unaware of what troubles lurked within this strange land that she just so happened to wander into. Dual-colored eyes of blue and yellow focused heavily on the land, her small paws crunching against the snow as she tried to stay above it, being rather small than other pups her age.

She tried her best to focus heavily on what was around her, but, only the vast snow happened to catch the canine's attention, causing her ears to droop slightly. However, she always was told to stay calm, even if mother nature or some other danger is breathing down your spine, so the young pup took a deep breath and continued onward, focusing on her breathing as well as possible landmarks.

After what felt like an eternity, Altair happened to see a rather large structure off in the distance, her cranium tilted slightly in curiosity. The structure was rather large, snow and ice surrounding it as it stayed still, not moving from its spot. Was it an enemy, something that could swallow a small wolf like herself up in a second flat? Those were questions that she had to figure out for herself. Altair loved to learn and figure out things herself, so, perhaps this would be a new experience for her if she lived to tell the tale.

Her paws stepped onto the floor as she walked inside, the wood creaking from her weight. So far so good, the alabaster dame stepped further inside. The smell was unlike anything she had witnessed before. Some plants and other objects the child hadn't seen before caught her attention, her fur brushing against an iron door as the foreign and cold object made her skin crawl, causing her pace to increase a little more. There was a room a small distance away from where she was, a small bed catching her attention. Though she was unsure what it was, it did seem rather...comfy. She jumped onto it, scratching her paws onto the blanket that still covered the bed, age caused it to be rather messy, but she didn't care. At least it offered some sort of warmth for her and a place to lie down as she rested her head on her paws to sleep the night away. She wasn't sure what tomorrow held for her, but, for now, this seemed like a nice temporary home for a curious pup.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-08-2019, 11:48 AM

Dawn. It was a time where he liked to go out and do his own business for a time before returning to perform mundane tasks within Abaven. He didn't quite like thinking about it that way, but when there was nothing much to do save for pointless border patrols considering the pack was friends with every other pack, was safe to say he felt like his life was coming to a standstill. So he ventured northward to clear his mind and think about his prospective pack. He had an idea of what he wanted for it, but now what remained was whether or not others would follow. The day was warm and clear, even for the north lands. It was welcome, however, but he could also smell the hint of rain on the horizon. His foxes were with him as usual, and together they traveled beyond the wall to see what they could find today.

By the time they arrived at the frozen ship, the air was still cool and the sun rising over the sea. It was still early enough in the day, not quite noon just yet. Claws clicked on the structure beneath him, the tiger armor he wore shielding him from the cold and wind. He had visited this place before, but he had never really gotten a good look into it. Well, since he had nothing but time, today was a good day as any to take a look, right? He wasted no time in moving along the deck and slipping along the side, noting the many door ways and windows and other things.

Acere moved into the ship, his steps slightly muffled by lingering snow and the strange, wooden ground that enveloped most of this place. He began to investigate the rooms one by one, noting some things of interest while others...not so much. His companions had gone off to do a little exploring of their own, which he didn't mind. they were old enough to take care of themselves now, so if they did get into trouble then he was sure they could fend for themselves until he could get there. Continuing on, he stuck his head into a dim room with a small bed in it, though he was unaware that someone was lying in it. Peering through the shadows, he spotted the old, tattered blanket but didn't give much thought that just maybe...someone was underneath. Seeing nothing of interest, he moved on to the next room.

speech action



2 Years
05-14-2019, 02:04 PM
As Altair was resting, the young wolf didn't expect for someone to come inside the ship. She had been too preoccupied trying to regain some energy, it didn't occur to her that perhaps someone was showing themselves.

Her ears happened to swivel a little bit, catching the small sounds of steps though they were definitely a little more muffled. Though, unsure if her mind was playing tricks on her, she quickly leapt from the bed that she lay upon and walked over to the entrance of the room. Her eyes widened a little when she noticed someone walking in the opposite direction from where they was.

Their coat was as white as hers from what little she could make out from them, but no other significant features were present to her. Her cranium tilted slightly in thought: were they an enemy? Were they just passing through? Those were only a few questions that the she-wolf could think of for the moment as she kept herself hidden as best she could between the edge of the door and the hallway. However, as if luck was playing tricks on her, her steps happened to just be forceful enough for some of the wooden to creak. Her eyes widened slightly and her ears pinned back slightly from shock, moving away from the door but staying where she was if the stranger were to approach her location. After all, it was she who was not careful, so if they were going to hurt her, it would be on her not being too cautious. But, she stayed where she was and stayed calm. One never knew someone's true intentions, so the femme wasn't going to run in case she had to.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-16-2019, 09:57 PM

A sound somewhere he behind him caused him to stop. Hackles lifted slightly as he turned around, the prickling feeling that he was being watched settling around him. Eyes narrowed through the eyes of his armor, but he saw nothing. He was a little wary of being followed, but he didn't know anyone who had anything against him save for Elias...a spy of his, perhaps? Quietly, he doubled back a few paces and peered into the room he had just passed for a moment before walking in. It was quiet now...nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, until he made to leave.

Standing there and huddled and trying to hide was a white pup staring back at him. He hadn't noticed it earlier, and now that he thought about it, this was likely the one that had been watching him. His hackles lied flat and his apprehensive attitude melted away as he stared at her. A quick taste of the air told him she was alone...which led him to wonder where her parents were. "Don't worry kid, I'm not here to harm you." He didn't know if she'd trust him or not even when he spoke with a gentle voice. Her parents were probably out hunting, but with the lack of their scents...he had a feeling she was out here on her own.

speech action



2 Years
05-17-2019, 01:43 PM
Once the wolf stood before her, the femme could tell that he had definitely been in quite a few fights. However, despite the scars that surrounded his form, he seemed rather sincere in his words that he wouldn't harm her. She calmed down a little more as her two-colored orbs focused heavily upon his. She hoped that her instinct was true, that the pup could possibly trust the stranger that stood in front of her exit route. After all, Altair wasn't sure if she was trespassing on his home turf, and with the faint scent of a pack lingering upon him, it would seem the brute was a part of one; least from what she could tell.

"Sorry if I trespassed on your home. I'm alone and...I just needed a place to rest." Her voice was gentle and calm, but, she soon sat upon her haunches but kept all of her attention on the alabaster wolf. "I'm...rather new to this world and, well, haven't been taught a lot. Do you know what this...thing... is called?" Altair was always a curious one, wanting to learn and see new things, even if she got herself caught in a situation she shouldn't be in. But, the place she resided definitely told a story, but, if only she knew it, especially since the word 'ship' wasn't really a part of her vocabulary and knowledge.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-18-2019, 01:49 PM

"Sorry if I trespassed on your home. I'm alone and...I just needed a place to rest." He watched her with a calm expression. She was pretty young, and didn't doubt that she was harmless. After all, what did he have to fear from a pup? If she had attacked him, all he'd have to do is pick her up by her scruff and dangle her in the air. She sat down and asked him if he knew what they were on, where she was. It was by those words he had a feeling her parents weren't with her. "It is called a ship, built by creatures called humans. But they disappeared years ago, and only the remnants of the things they have created remain." He sat back on his own haunches, the wood beneath his heavier build creaking when he moved. "You don't have to worry, I don't live here." While it was an interesting place so far, he preferred forests and more normal lands.

He raised his gaze to find his companions had come to investigate, both peering around the doorway as they looked at the pup. "We heard something and thought you might need some help, but looks like you won't need any," Finn piped up, curiously looking at the white pup. "Who're you?" He questioned though not unkindly. Ace returned his gaze to her as the trio waited patiently for her answer.

speech action



2 Years
05-31-2019, 12:05 AM
Dual-colored eyes shimmered with curiosity as little bits of light streamed into the ship. She focused on the older wolf, taking in every word he spoke about where they currently residing, claiming that the structure was a ship and that 'humans' built it a long time ago. The young fae would definitely need to learn more about these so-called, humans. Surely there had to be a lot more about them than what she had known just by the words of the stranger alone, tilting her head slightly in obvious curiosity. The male definitely seemed kind and sincere, so there was no doubts that she should worry about herself being hurt; at least that was what Altair liked to believe.

She was about to speak before slight baritones of someone else whom she had yet to meet joined the older brute. They seemed to be kind as well, so unless she had anything to worry about, the young she-wolf would speak to them kindly and sincerely, "My name is Altair, nice to meet'cha," she spoke, her voice chipper as she wagged her tail slightly in a kind greeting to them. "Thank you for the information, Sir. Would it be ok if I asked your names as well?" She asked, hoping that she didn't come across as too rambunctious. It was hard for the young wolf to sit still sometimes when new faces happened to show themselves to her.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
07-15-2019, 04:03 PM
Altair... The foxes both gave an eager yip at learning her name before the young girl then asked theirs in turn. "Of course it's alright. My name is Acere, and they are Finn and Lumi," He introduced the three of them before he settled down. He was curious as to why this girl was out here alone. He didn't smell anyone else with her, and wondered if they were nearby or...something worse. He was hesitant on asking, but his...parental instincts - if you could call them that - kicked in. He had, after all, took care of his niece and nephew and raised them when their own parents abandoned them. Perhaps he could go about learning about her discreetly for the time being..."If you wish to learn more about the humans, I'd be happy to teach you. Unless your parents have taught you already, of course." There, that was discreet enough, right? His foxes wandered in then, settling in alongside Altair as they sniffed at her, already trying to make friends it seemed.



2 Years
07-15-2019, 04:21 PM
Altair looked to the alabaster wolf as he spoke his name. Acere. It was a rather unique name and one that the young pup would be sure to remember. Her eyes wandered to the foxes once they were introduced, a slight smile spreading across her maw as she nodded in acknowledgement. The pup was always curious about new things, and when it came to the humans, it was certainly an interesting topic to talk about; and one that the young pup didn't really have any understanding, however, she did wish to change that.

She let Acere's companions sniff her as her tiny tail swayed across the floor of the ship. The speed of it only increased when the older male said he would tell her more about them as her eyes lit up, "I'd love to learn more about them, Sir," she informed, but, her gentle and happy nature soon turned slightly at the mention of 'parents'. Her expression faltered slightly as her head turned, thinking about how she had lost them in a raid. Her dual-toned eyes shifted back to Acere. "As for my parents...well...they never really taught me much...They died before I could really learn much," she spoke, trying her best to try and keep her composure, but thinking about their deaths really took a toll on the youngster.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-03-2019, 01:30 AM

She expressed that she would love to learn more about the humans, and he nodded his head. He would be more than happy to teach her the bit of history that he knew about humans, and...anything else she wanted to learn about. His brows pulled together slightly when her demeanor seemed to change. He leaned back a little bit as he studied her, waiting to see if there was a reason as to why she had that look on her face. He didn't have to wait long before she told him. His heart dropped as she spoke, a frown replacing the smile he had before. "I'm...sorry for your loss, Altair..." He knew what it was like to lose someone you loved.

His companions both felt saddened by the news, and they sought to comfort her by snuggling up to either side of her small body as they then sought to groom her if she allowed it. "I lost someone I loved very much, too. It hurts, I know. The pain will never really go away, but we'll always have memories of them." he would say softly. He didn't know how comforting his words might be, if at all, but he felt inclined to help the girl. Even if it meant taking her along so she wouldn't be alone.




2 Years
08-03-2019, 06:07 AM
Altair listened to Acere slightly as she nodded her head. She felt horrible that she possibly opened up old, emotional wounds upon the male. But, she. Too, was suffering a little bit when it came to thinking about her parents. She wanted to become a strong alpha someday, much like they were as her attention focused back to the alabaster male before her. The foxes snuggled up close to her which she appreciated tremendously. They all have been so kind to her, and she as of yet had done anything to help them.

“I’m...sorry you had lost someone as well, Sir, but you’re right.” She assured him with a slight wag of her tail, feeling a little more relieved and happier than what she was a little while ago. She had to think about the positives and the happy moments she shared with her family before their departure from this life. She gave the foxes a thankful nuzzle before looking to Acere. “If there’s any way I can repay you for helping me feel a little better, let me know. I want to learn a lot and become an alpha much like my parents were,” she spoke, her tone serious but still had an upbeat tone within. “Not sure what a pup can do to help someone with more experience but...I’d still like to try,” she grinned, trying to lighten the mood after she had brought it down with the mention of her parents.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-04-2019, 01:41 PM

She returned the condolences, and he dipped his head to her in thanks. Despite the tragedies of their past, she seemed to perk up a little, even thanking him on it. She also seemed to pull out of it a lot faster than he had all those years ago. He still had trouble forgetting, but he didn't want to forget. Altair at least, likely wouldn't have as much trouble as him since she had less time...but he also knew that no matter how much or how little time you knew someone you really loved, the pain would never truly go away. Just...lessened, and helped along with the memories that were left behind.

“If there’s any way I can repay you for helping me feel a little better, let me know. I want to learn a lot and become an alpha much like my parents were,” An alpha huh? A bold path, though he was sure she had her reasons. "There's no need to repay me, I just wanted to pass on some wisdom to someone who needed it," He smiled softly before getting up. He wanted to help her more...but he wasn't in a rank where he could do anything yet. "Altair, I plan on becoming an alpha soon...starting my own pack. Right now I live in Abaven, but...when I become an alpha, I'd like to train you, if being an alpha is something you truly want to do." The offer was on the table, and if she accepted he would train her just like he promised.

While the pair had been talking, Finn had slipped away to go catch some food for her and had returned with a snow hare and a ptarmigan. He dropped it beside her before wiping the feathers off his snout. "This is for you!" He exclaimed, glancing over towards Ace for a moment. "We would like to help you until the time comes. Finn and Lumi can help you hunt when you need it," He didn't know if she was able to sustain herself quite yet, but he wanted to make sure she could survive until he was ready to step into leadership.




2 Years
08-04-2019, 04:53 PM
Altair listened to Acere’s words intently as she thought about it for a moment. So, he too was planning on becoming an Alpha? Considering her father was not around anymore to teach her the ropes, she wanted to learn everything she had to when it came to taking on that roll someday, to lead a pack of her own and help others much like Acere and his companions had helped her. Even though they only knew each other for a little bit, just the thought of Acere throwing out the idea made her tail wiggle slightly in excitement. It was like possibly having a family again. Her eyes shifted to the prey that lay at her feet that Finn happened to catch for her as she smiled in thanks.

“Thank you all so much for your kindness. If anything, I was lucky to come across all of you,” Altair said, giving Acere and the fox duo a thankful expression as her tail continued to sway. “I will definitely consider your offer, Sir, but I am still new to these lands and once the snow calms down a little I think I’ll go and see what new faces I come across.” She spoke, her expression changing to one of embarrassment. “Perhaps I’m rather stupid not taking your offer right now, but since you’re still in another pack and I certainly don’t want to be a burden on your shoulders...Perhaps when we come across each other again or if you have a certain spot you would like to meet up again, you might have a pack and I’d be happy to become a member myself regardless...That is if you’d have me,” Altair gave the older male a playful grin in hopes of lighting the mood. She was still young and inexperienced, so even speaking and trying to sound more mature for her age was something that the pup was rather used to, and was sometimes kicking herself for doing. But, still, she appreciated the wolves she had come across so far; all of them were certainly kind to her, and she hoped that that would continue.