
Come at me, baby

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-07-2019, 07:21 PM

She hadn’t had a friendly spar in some time, and was interested to see how she matched up to Rhyme these days. They had both recently finished their bracers, or rather, he had finished the bracers he had extensively designed and laboured over. She had stolen the design and coloured them white. She thought they looked rather dashing on her, and had had the help of her newest companion, the little Albino squirrel monkey who had found its way to her pack and was also her newest ward.

Having nimble little hands had speed up the process remarkably, and the leather still felt new and tight on her legs. It was going to take some time to get accustomed to. Winter took to the skies above her, and the little monkey clung tightly to the fur behind her neck. She wanted to get accustomed to the idea of fighting both with her newest accessories, and with her newest friends, too.

She had pre organised the spar with Rhyme, but she had beaten him to the battlefield. Sure, they could have had this fight back home, but she would make it as authentic as she could. She had been so distracted with politics lately that she had been neglecting her training, and wanting this experiance.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-07-2019, 09:09 PM

The leather bracers he and the two ravens had spent the better part of spring working on were finally finished. They’d managed to braid some leather and lace the bracers up and around his forelegs. The dark purple tinged leather complimented the dark fur of his upper half well, and they fit better than he had expected. He wore them now as he and his ravenns made their way to the battlefield.

Somehow she had managed to keep her own raven wing bracers a secret, as he finally caught sight of her he grinned as he lifted a brow. She had mentioned that she wanted a pair, but he didn’t realize how much she had appreciated his design. Imitation was the greatest form of flattery right?

He stood tall, eager for this spar against his alpha partner. They hadn’t tested each other in a long time, and he even found the place appropriate. They didn’t know the terrain as well as they knew the pack lands, they were on even footing here. "Ladies first," he gestured with his decorated forearm. Solitude flapped his wings impatiently as Imperia circled above them. Rhyme shifted himself into a defensive position as he awaited her first attack.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-13-2019, 02:36 PM

It wasn't long before the familiar shape of Rhyme appeared in the battlefield, and her smile widened for the familiar sight of her friend. He raised a brow and indicated her similar adornment, and she grinned back at him, giving her paws a little wiggle to show off 'his' creation. She was the white match to his black, and well she still thought a black cape would finish off the mysterious edge of being a raven knight, he had not adorned himself so.

She glanced towards his flying companions, then to her own Winter, and back to the man before her. He indicated that she should go first, and she gave him a sly smile. Right, he just wanted to see what she did. "My Wisteria" she said "your such a gentleman."
Her blood was up, and some of the weight of responsibility fell off her shoulder. The teasing words fell easily from her lips, and a hint of laughter was in their tones, and for a moment the wall of their world fell away. She was a raven queen, dressed in white, and he was her knight, shrouded in shadows. He was sleek and handsome, and utterly unattainable, and all the more desirable for it.

The little squirrel monkey clung tightly to her and winter let out a haunting cry. The alpha let her posture fall into the familiar rhythms of a warrior. With her paws spreading out for balance, her neck fluff scrunching up, her tail behind her like a banner. She let her eyes narrow to slits, and then she dove at him. Ran towards the solid wall that was her alpha companion, and banked at the last second. Not to go past him, but to dig her right shoulder into his left, and attempt to drive her spiked bracers into the flesh of his left foreleg. Had he seen the spikes? She thought they were rather a nice touch. Her mouth moved over his shoulder and attempted to bite into his neck on its left side.

Winter dived and pretended she aimed to harass his eyes before banking and hovering above the monkey to defend him. The squirrel monkey hung over neck and aimed to bite an ear.

Shaye vs Rhyme for spar
Round 1/2
Size: extra large
Build: medium
Offensive Accessory: raven braces with spikes
Defensive Accessory: raven bracers
Companion 1: battle Raven
Companion 2: battle squirrel monkey
Fight Skill Level: expert



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-13-2019, 10:19 PM
His alpha partner didn’t hesitate to tease him as he offered her the first move, he smirked as she called him a gentleman. She was the one who would know, after all she knew him best beside his raven companions. Shaye hesitated only a moment longer before starting, her coiled haunches released her swift form as she came at him. The slate alpha balance his weight on his toes and only his knowledge of Shaye allowed him to predict her next movement. She didn’t have any good tells as she suddenly veered to his left. Rhyme leaned to his right and missed Shaye’s spiked shoulder by millimeters.

He felt her teeth graze the skin on his neck as Solitude leapt from his shoulders and warded off his sister from Rhyme’s eyes. The white raven couldn’t protect him from the bite the squirrel monkey landed on his ear. It wasn’t anything close to severe, and almost laughed it off as he returned her attack.

Rhyme lifted his front paws off the ground and aimed to twist and wrap his bracered arms around Shaye’s neck. He wanted his chest to the broad side of her shoulder so that she couldn’t try and get him with the spikes again. He aimed his teeth at her scruff to gain control of her and he’d want to push against her and knock her to the ground beneath him.

Rhyme v Shaye for Spar
Round 1/2
Size: extra large
Build: medium
Defensive Accessory: raven bracers
Companion 1: battle Raven
Companion 2: flying Raven
Fight Skill Level: expert

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-14-2019, 12:12 AM
She couldn't help it, she grinned wide as he managed to shift his weight to the side, avoiding the spikes she attempted to drive into his skin. They wouldnt have done any perminant damage, but they certainly wouldnt have felt good. He had seen them obviously, likely when she had wiggled her paws and showed them off on his approach. Still, good eyes.

She felt him shake slightly, easy to feel with the way they where pressed together, locked into combat. was he laughing. bastard. Her squirral monkey was a greatly fierce companion. She laughed a little herself, but the monkey tugged on the ear in its mouth and moved to jam its nimble little hands into his ear hole. Gross.

Winter flared her wings and screeched at Solitudex still only mock attaching, fainting one way then another with her claws to her egg mate. Clearly Winter was a lit mire weary about causing damage.

Shayes teeth had landed on Rhymes neck, and she dug them in as best she could, pulling down and to the side with the strength of her jaw. Her paws scrambled to keep her balance at the same time as trying to find the right angle to dig her forleg bracer spikes into his flesh. She used them to ward off Rhymes hug. If he wanted to land, he was going to lose some skin to those spikes.

His own fangs locked into her scruff, and he too tried to pull her and it became a game of rug a war, each alpha with a piece of neck fluff in their jaws. She growled around her mouthful, but her bright eyes held too much mirth for it to be a threat. If anything, the low throaty growl was playful.

Shaye vs Rhyme for spar
Round 2/2
Size: extra large
Build: medium
Offensive Accessory: raven braces with spikes 
Defensive Accessory: raven bracers 
Companion 1: battle Raven
Companion 2: battle squirrel monkey
Fight Skill Level: expert


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
05-15-2019, 02:09 PM
He could tell that Shaye was enjoying herself as much as he was as they grappled for dominance. Neither wolf sought to do any real damage, but he knew Shaye would flaunt at any extra wounds she managed to land on him. They were evenly matched in skill, body type, and their companions. One of Shaye’s happened to be more annoying than anything as he got an earful of monkey paw. He cried out an, ”Agh!” at the terrible feeling. At least they were warm little fingers.

Solitude managed to occupy his sister as Imperia gave little warnings of Shaye’s movements. The three of them were like one being as they fought against Shaye. Rhyme’s bracered arms fell to his icy paws on the ground as his alpha partner warded off his grasp with her pointy bracers. His weight shifting evenly to all four paws. He managed to get a hold of her scruff despite his earlier scream.

Shaye tugged back as she grabbed hold of a similar place on his scruff. For a moment he fought her, but quick as a lick Rhyme pushed instead of pulled. He aimed to push her to the ground and lay claim over victory.

Rhyme v Shaye for Spar
Round 2/2
Size: extra large
Build: medium
Defensive Accessory: raven bracers
Companion 1: battle Raven
Companion 2: flying Raven
Fight Skill Level: expert

The Judge


06-08-2019, 08:27 PM

And the winner is...

Shaye must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Shaye: 178
Rhyme: 197.73

- Judged by Nyx