
I Lived



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-08-2019, 12:09 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2019, 02:23 AM by Eulogy.)

She knew deep down that she couldn't hide behind the walls of her den forever. Nor could she stay inside her brother's pack forever. Even with all the evil in the world there was always more out there that was still good. Yet the bad kept her inside the pack land like a coward. Rhyme was probably too busy as an alpha to be bothered with her much so she left it at that. She'd also yet to meet any of the other members so that was a no go to go asking strangers to go anywhere with her. Besides she was an adult wasn't she? She should be totally ready to go where ever on her own right?

Only she was terrified of the bad that could happen.

Well every adventure started with a step right? That's what she was doing. She had now stood on the border for probably an hour now just working up the courage to do this and it had come to this. She tentatively set a paw beyond the border as if testing to see that the ground would not set her to flames. truly she was seeing if she was watched to be stopped. her head was low and ears back. It was scary enough without reminders that she was property. Life had taught her to be careful and to test things before doing them. When nothing happened she moved further. It was slow but eventually she literally jumped her back paws over the border and looked back. Was this too far? She didn't know. Rhyme had never set boundaries for her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as rain started to trickle from the sky. Then she was off. She made slow but steady progress.

Eventually she came to the lake. Frogs croaked and sang their joy at the water. She still had yet to relax though. She took up a position to watch the water join with the rain. She laid in the tall grasses partially hidden from the world. This was far enough for today but she could at least try to enjoy the place she had come to right? Hopefully nothing bad would come from this though.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]


05-26-2019, 05:48 PM

One of his sisters was dead. He wasn't quite sure how to process that. He still didn't completely understand what death meant, but he knew she wasn't coming back. The almost yearling walked quietly along the water, his gait less animated than usual. He had lived by the lake for as long as he could remember and hadn't really left it. He didn't know what he was missing beyond here, but with his sisters recent passing, the lake was feeling less welcoming than before. He didn't know much of anything about the world, either. And that troubled him. He didn't want to die like his sister, not knowing anything and not having gotten the chance to go out there and see the world. He didn't have to stay here anymore...did he? And if he decided to leave tonight...was he even prepared to face the world on his own?

A slight rustle captured his attention and he became apprehensive. Though he was larger now, he didn't know what was out there. "Who's there!?" The fanged boy quietly moved forward, the breeze gently tugging at his mane as he searched for the intruder.
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