
Facing Shadows


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-08-2019, 05:06 PM

Fenrirs Maw. He had not been here for some time. Not since he found the two foxes. He didn't bring them with him today, not wanting them to relive their memories of loss and fear. He remembered, however. And quite clearly too. Crimson gaze found the spot where he had found their mother, but instead of her body, he found it mostly empty...a few, scattered bones were all that remained. Likely taken apart by scavengers. Turning away, Acere walked quietly up the trail that would take him through once familiar lands, his steps heavy as memories came flooding back. He wished he could say there were good memories, but all he could think about was Actaea cowering in her den, left at the mercy of the coyotes after her father had left her to die. The fear in Ignis' eyes as they tried to escape through the rogue coyotes that threatened their very lives. The trust he sought to build with his brother...only to have it stripped away by Elias' own hand. Needless to say, this would likely be the last time he ever ventured here for as long as he lived if he could help it.

A nearly quiet sound captured the titans attention, drawing his gaze from the mother fox's resting place to further up the trail. Curious and wary, he kept his wits about him in case the coyotes still roamed these parts. But so far, everything seemed desolate. A ghost town of what it once was. There was no pack. No wolves. No life. He had grown to know Abaven as a bustling hub of activity, but this place was the exact opposite. Treading carefully, he climbed a little further until a breeze brushed through the mountain crags and brought with it a somewhat familiar scent. Brows furrowed as he picked it out, realization then washing over him. Why was she out here alone...? He tracked her scent as best he could until finally..."Hello?"

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4 Years
Extra small
05-09-2019, 10:06 AM

She'd been here for some time now. Ever since Shaye had snapped at her. To be honest it hurt to leave her children there but she could do nothing against shaye. Rhyme had failed her. He had promised to protect her, and he had failed to protect her from his own cousin. It was a long time coming though, she knew it. Shaye had hated her the moment she had conceived with Rhyme, it was better this way. Shaye could have Rhyme and Tana would go back to being a little scared of the world woman. A sigh was given for probably the umpteenth time that day. She was a coward but at least she knew when she should run.

She was in the den that she had been forced once by elias to fill in, remembering its location easily. She had dug it out once more and started her collection of herbs inside it. She was inside with Alma sorting it out for the tenth time that day. She missed having things to do but it was harder for her to stay when she was obviously not wanted. Basil was outside and his alarm call was enough to alert her that they had company. Her ears pressed and she sat there waiting. The will to stay free and live had basically been sapped from her. The voice had her incline her head towards it and a recognition of who he was, was there on her face. "Come in Acere..." her voice was downtrodden and defeated.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-09-2019, 12:51 PM
Ears perked at the sound of what might have been some sort of alarm, though he didn't recognize the creature. He took a few steps forward as he sniffed at the ground, the Male carefully listening for any response. "Come in Acere..." He was surprised by the voice he heard, recognizing it as one of Abaven's of Ruina's former members. What was she doing out here in such dangerous lands alone? He slowly approached the den where she hid, noting that it smelled like herbs. "Tana? How...long have you been here?" The better question...why was she here? Didn't she have pups?

He knew he didn't really know her well, if at all. He had mainly tried to stay away from her because she cowered everytime he was near. He understood the reason to be due to his former affiliation with Ruina, but that hell hole was well in the past. Even if he hadn't been the one to enslave her, it still left a bitter taste in his mouth. He was a nice guy, wasn't he? Or he tried to be when he wasn't doing official business stuff.



4 Years
Extra small
05-09-2019, 01:19 PM
He came in and she could hear Basil shuffle in behind him, protective like always of her. The squirrel monkey was quick to place himself beside her with Alma clinging to her chest peeking over her shoulder at Acere. At least the mouse lemur was less rude to the man now, but she knew Basil wore a glare and was becoming more and more protective of her. The world had shown him so far that they couldn't even trust those they had thought were their friends.

Acere seemed concerned but Tana just gave him a small forced smile. No one should be concerned for her anymore she figured. Eventually she would fade away into memories for those she had loved. "A while..." She should tell him but she didn't want to ruin his image of Shaye. At least let the rest of the pack be happy right? There was alot she could say but excuses were not what anyone needed. What was she even supposed to say? Acere was their head warrior and aligned with them no matter what. "Are you here to drag me back?" she knew leaving without an alpha's permission was probably punishable but she didn't care. In the darkness of her den here no one knew her, no one saw how this disheveled creature of a woman was already punished enough. She wouldn't fight him on staying though, all fight had left her already. She was beaten.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-09-2019, 01:38 PM
"A while..." He wondered how long 'a while' was. It wasn't surprising that he hadn't noticed considering he himself had been scarce from Abaven, choosing to focus on finding suitable lands and trying to work for his future, and the future of his niece and nephew. When she smiled, he knew it was forced. Last time he'd seen her she had cowered in front of him. And the last pack meeting? He couldn't remember how she'd been then, but probably not happy at that time, either. He didn't immediately say anything as he looked her over. Asides from her old scars, she looked relatively unharmed. But that was just the outside. He couldn't fathom what she might be feeling on the inside.

"Are you here to drag me back?" He was almost surprised when she asked that. Did she think that's what his reason for coming out here was? He shook his head, forgetting for a moment that she couldn't see him. "No. I got demoted, so I don't have that sort of power. Even if I still did, I wouldn't force you somewhere you don't want to be." He sighed and sat down, shoulder slumping when he thought about it. It still angered him, but as soon as he left the pack he wouldn't have to deal with that anymore. "I'm not here to hurt you, either." He was curious though. Why did she leave? "Why are you out here alone, anyway? Don't you have pups back in Abaven?"



4 Years
Extra small
05-09-2019, 01:56 PM
He wouldn't force her back to Abaven, he's been demoted. She gave a sort of relieved sigh and a small nod, careful not to dislodge Alma from her chest. Even though she couldn't see she still knew he had shook his head, the minute sound of fur rustling gave it away. His rump met the floor of her den and she turned herself by twisting and scooting her own rump to face him. It didn't surprise her when he asked why she was out here in the maw. Shaye probably didn't want to look like the bad guy that had driven a woman to run for fear of her own pathetic life. Her ears pressed back at the mention of her children though as well as guilt and heartbreak painting her features.

"I'm not surprised she never told anyone what she did to drive me away. Shaye attacked me Acere, because I just wanted to take my child and flee to our den to escape her anger. Verse had made it to the battlefield and it was apparently my fault..... I didn't even know she was gone until she was late to check in with me." She turned her head away then. She wore guilt and shame on her face. Here she was making someone else see the bad in Shaye, when Acere probably would never believe Shaye capable of such a thing.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-11-2019, 09:30 PM

He watched as she turned to face him, the reaction she had when he mentioned her pups. He was confused. And that confusion was painted clearly on his face, even if she couldn't see it. He waited patiently for her to speak, and when she did, that confusion grew more intense before turning into a cold, burning anger the more he listened. Shaye had attacked her? That was something he didn't know. He didn't know Shaye had returned to Abaven that day to yell at Tana, let alone that her kid had made it to the battlefield on her own. He had been too focused on his own goal that day, and that too had been thwarted by Shaye. Despite his anger, he made sure it didn't show in his voice. He knew Tana was a flighty individual, and didn't want to scare her anymore than she already was. "And with all that bullshit she says about protecting others." He scoffed, teeth baring the more he thought about it. She was a contradiction, he saw it. She was no perfect alpha despite her trying to act like one. And while he knew he wouldn't be perfect when he came to lead, he could at least be honest.

"I wonder if it's because she was jealous that you and Rhyme had pups...I know they had kids together, but she claimed it was a mistake when I know it was a choice.. Though I must admit, it took me a while to come to terms with it because I was in denial. She claims many things, and yet she's picked on you and treated you unfairly, and lied to the pack." Irresponsible and untrustworthy was what she was. Though Rhyme had some fault, too. He had been noticing the alpha male spending way less time with Tana than he used to, and he knew that must have been hurting the blind woman before him. "I'm sorry your trust was broken. And I'm sorry Shaye has been treating you unfairly..." He shouldn't have had to apologize, but he felt like he should since Shaye or Rhyme likely wouldn't do it. He didn't know Tana well, or the things she did that made Shaye react the way she had. The only logical reason he could think of on why Tana had left unsupervised was because well...she was blind and handicapped. She had three pups to look after on her own, and he thought there was someone else helping her just like there was someone helping Shaye. But maybe her help decided she wasn't worth helping anymore. He didn't know.

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4 Years
Extra small
05-14-2019, 09:14 AM

Despite that he was probably closer to shaye and Rhyme than she was, to her surprise he believed her. It was no lie she was spitting and for once someone was ready to see the truth. There was relief that he wasn't going to jump her for "lying". It wasnt completely visible but if one watched there was tension lift from her shoulders. She still felt guilty about leaving her children behind but shaye had what she wanted now. His scoff had her sighing. Both Rhyme and Shaye had spouted that they'd protect her. She at a time had enjoyed being in Abaven but now she felt almost like it would have been better if she'd have been thrown in the volcano by Elias.

"Who knows..... And it's not your fault it happened, shaye got what she wanted and she can live happily ever after with five kids now.... and a relationship with Rhyme that he wasnt willing to give me, even though he used my feelings get children." she lowered herself down defeated and Alma was quick to move to the top of her shoulders. "I might of been better off to have been sacrificed by your brother." it was a side thought that she voiced quietly. Acere was at least nice though. Maybe he might keep her company more often, though she figured if Rhyme found out and started seeking out where ace was going, Shaye may become jealous again and decide it best to dispatch the "problem". No it was best that she remained alone. She wasnt exactly a use to any pack anyway.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-14-2019, 12:59 PM

He didn't know what all she had been through, but judging by the scars she wore physically and seemed to wear emotionally and mentally, her life hadn't been pretty. Along with the lack of eyes and her foot...he could only imagine the things she'd been through. And then hearing that Rhyme abandoned her in some form, and Shaye yelling at her for not having kept a better eye on her child when it was clear she couldn't do it alone, well...he wasn't too happy about any of it. What happened to Tana before Ruina and Abaven wasn't really his concern. But she was a pack mate, and they were their alphas. He couldn't fathom being treated that way, and he knew that if they had turned on him like that, he'd have no problem fighting back. But Tana couldn't do that, she wasn't a fighter which was why she was here. He knew that much. All she had known was fear, and pain. He hadn't known fear, but he knew pain of all kinds.

When she mentioned Shaye getting what she wanted and Rhyme having used her, his hackles rose slightly. It wasn't right. But he felt she was giving up too easily. And when she said she might have been better off with Elias sacrificing her, he growled. "Elias is a fucking psychopath! He'll never claim anymore lives once I get my teeth into his throat." He could feel his anger rising, but he steeled himself against it. "Your children need you, Tana. You're stronger than this. You don't have to keep running and hiding anymore..." Why? Because...because he had a plan, and he aimed to see it to fruition. He would see it to fruition. "I'm starting my own pack soon. If you wish to find a place there, you're welcome to do so." It was a genuine offer, and he wondered what she might have to say about anything if at all.

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4 Years
Extra small
05-15-2019, 02:47 AM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2019, 02:48 AM by Tana.)

she was able to hear his anger the moment that he started in. Her ears pinned and she flinched back, body shaking as she fought the urge to roll over and show her belly to him. She'd angered him and inside she was starting to already beat herself up for it. Acere was a master and her a lowly slave. Even with the freedom of her life in Abaven she still felt like that's what she had been to them. A servant to please someone she had loved yet turned out he hurt her worse than any physical wound ever would.

She knew that her children needed her, but Rhyme was their father and Shaye wanted anything and everything that was his. Even if that meant driving away a mother from her children. But what Ace said it was hard to find a reason to not do what she already was. Why should she stop running and hiding from the world that seemed to only want to hurt her? But then again Acere had no idea about her life, what she'd been bred and born for. The life she had was on a thin sting and fragile in it's way. All it took was a little thing and she'd be no more. "They probably hate me by now..... even though I want nothing more than to take them away with me, I can't. I'm no fighter like you Acere.... I'm not even able to hunt for myself. I cant go back either though, the thought of what shaye might do next to me terrifies me." she was honest with both of them. All she had was her healing, but that wouldn't save any of them. Shaye had won long before they were ever a thing. All she'd had to do was act on her jealousy and anger at Tana for taking even a peice of Rhyme, and Tana was broke.

Ace went on and she wasnt sure about it. He was starting a pack. But what use would she even be? She who was terrified of the world, and could barely leave the territory when she had been part of Abaven. Yet here he was offering her a place in his soon to be pack. Where else did she have to go though? Did he realize how truly useless she was though? "I.... I'm pretty useless you know...... but if your serious then I have no where else to go, but I don't know about going so far away from my children either." would he try to at least get some of them for her? Or would he make her live with the fact that she had abandoned them because she was scared of Shaye?

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-15-2019, 01:27 PM

He noticed the way she reacted to his anger and flinched away. He hadn't meant to upset her, so he settled on his belly and lowered his voice to reign in his anger. "I'm not upset with you, Tana. It's not your fault, understand?" He knew it would take her a long time to get that. But he was determined to try to get her to understand she wasn't in trouble for being honest with him. Hell, if he got mad everytime someone was honest with him, he'd be a hypocrite. He always tried to be as honest as possible with everyone. Whether it hurt them or not, he couldn't lie to others. He didn't like to be lied to, so he appreciated honesty in others. "They probably hate me by now..... even though I want nothing more than to take them away with me, I can't. I'm no fighter like you Acere.... I'm not even able to hunt for myself. I cant go back either though, the thought of what shaye might do next to me terrifies me."

He held in the sigh that threatened to slip through. He knew Tana was afraid, and it seemed that fear would be hard to get around. " Hate is a strong word, don't you think? I don't believe they hate you. Even with the complications of...the relationship between the three of you, Rhyme cared about you, as did Shaye. While I can't speak for the way they feel, I'd like to think I'm a good judge of character. I can see why Shaye was upset about your pup wandering so far on her own, so she acted irrationally by yelling at you and blaming you for it. Everyone has emotions, Tana. Sometimes we act on them with impulse first, and we always think about the clearer picture after." He had been guilty of doing that. Or trying to, anyway. He had sought to claim Tyranis' children and use them against him...but the more he thought about it, he had been acting on emotional impulse. He wanted Elias to pay for his crime, and he had felt Ty was an enemy because of his unwillingness to go against his father. But in the long run, Tyranis wasn't his enemy. It was Elias. He knew that now.

He waited to hear what she had to say about his offer, claiming she was useless and she wasn't sure about being so far from her children. He breathed deeply as he thought about that, and then "You're not as useless as you might think. It's obvious by your scars you had a hard life and weren't given the opportunity to find your real potential. We all have potential, Tana. We just need the chance to find it, and I'd like to give you that chance. As for your pups..." He grew quiet for a moment. If Tana were to find her potential and possibly get better, he believed she needed her pups with her. To help her know love the way that children give. Just like the love Actaea and Ignis gave him. And the way he gave it to them. "I will do my best to handle that."

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4 Years
Extra small
05-17-2019, 03:30 AM

If he thought it was easy for her to feel safe with someone, or even believe they meant her no harm, he was wrong. And trust went well out the window for her now. It would honestly be hard for her to trust someone so easily again. Rhyme had seen to that when he hurt her emotionally and shaye when she'd made to harm her physically. And even when he said it wasnt her fault she still felt it was, but she gave him a nod anyway because that's what she believed he wanted. She was aiming mainly to make his anger calm by doing whatever he wanted her to do.

She listened to him as he spoke more, this time remaining silent. Shaye acting on impulse was nothing new to Tana right now, but honestly she felt like the other woman had never been committed to Rhyme's mission to help her. If anything Shaye had never once cared about Tana, for whatever reason that was. Tana was convinced that it was because Rhyme had at one point cared about her though, and shaye hated that. She also believed that the impulse could of been curbed or controlled, there had been no reason to act the way shaye had in front of a child. Acere went on after that, informing her that she wasnt useless. She had to disagree with him on that though. She didnt voice it though. Her only skill was healing and even that was still a beginning level. She was silent though as he spoke his peice.

When he went on that he was going to try his best to handle the situation of her pups she gave a gentle nod. "Thank you, you have no idea how much it means to me that your even going to try to figure out a way to help get my children to me. They're the only family I have...." of course no one knew that she'd been born an only child and her parents sacrificed in rituals. Nor that her first litter had barely been born before they too were murdered.

Walk "Talk" Think

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.