
The Song of My People


05-11-2019, 12:11 AM

It was a rather dreary day. The rain had been falling all night, and she had hoped that it would stop today so she could take her children out for a lesson. But alas, the rain continued to fall heavily, soaking the ground and making everything muddy. She frowned as she watched the rain curtain over the entrance, deciding that today the pups would not be going outside. She was sure they'd get bored, and she'd be driven up the wall with it. She thought for a moment, wondering what they might be able to do so that they didn't drive her crazy. She needed...something...something...engaging? What would keep their interest? Narrowing her eyes in thought, the sudden idea popped into her head and a light bulb went off.

Getting up, she headed further into the den until she came to the larger part where it opened up enough to accommodate the three of them. She had spent a considerable amount of time on her den since she returned to the Empire, and it was quite large. She had dug out three large rooms that were connected to the large room she sat in now, one for her personal herb stores and two others for the pups to use should they decide they wanted their own space when they got bigger. She usually slept in the herb den when the pups weren't sleeping with her, and the large room she sat in now was just large enough for a full grown wolf to sit comfortably without hitting their head on the ceiling. She thought about working on the den more to make it bigger, perhaps even big enough to accommodate a small fire or something. For now, though, it was fine the way it was. She called the boys to her as she took a seat.

speech action



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
05-13-2019, 10:42 AM
The darkness of the rainy day would facilitate the late sleeping in of the dark colored boy. His round form lay curled in his personal room that his mom had made for him. Already he stored a couple of fun trinkets he had found while exploring the Empire’s territory. A small tarnished figure of a dragon lay on its side at the wall near the entrance to his space. Even though the dragon tapestry in the castle had scared him Iroh was fascinated with the depictions of the beasts. He had been thrilled to find the figurine to take back to the den with him.

He’d found a few odd pieces of not-leather in the castle as well, and the bright purple fabric was soft enough Iroh deemed it perfect for his den. He lay on a corner of his as Kasdeya shifted into the connecting common room and called out for him. A few very long moments passed before the chunky boy’s bright blue and lavender eyes opened.

A large yawn rolled out of his mouth as his barrel like body similarly rolled onto his paws. He lifted one to rub his eyes sleepily before slipping from his space to the one his mother occupied. He didn’t hesitate to approach her and offer his good morning affections. He yawned again as he rubbed against her foreleg and press his head against her shoulder lovingly.

”G’morning, mom.” Iroh muttered sleepily as he closed his eyes in contentment.
Where My Demons Hide



6 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Treat 2019
07-24-2019, 12:37 AM
He'd been napping when his mother called for them. It was all he thought to do since it was raining and he couldn't go outside. He was bored, too. So he decided sleeping was the best way to make the day go by faster. When he spotted his brother go by his room though, Zagan decided to get up and head over too. He stretched when he entered, a yawn splitting his jaws before he moved to join his brothers side. Gazing up at his mother, his ears flicked lazily as he wondered what they had been called for. "Mornin' mom, what're we doing?" He hoped it wasn't sorting herbs again...that was really boring, and he really didn't want to do that again. He would rather go back to sleep than have to sort through her herbs. They always smelled so strong and made him sneeze. He glanced at his brother for a brief moment, wondering if he had just woken up, too. By the looks of it, he had. He supposed neither of them were in the mood to play today.