
mixberry shortcake



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
05-15-2019, 03:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2019, 03:48 PM by Iroh.)
Iroh was being a good little soldier in training as he marched over the Empire’s borders. This was the closest border to their den and the young Abraxas frequented the spot. His head was held high, but not so much that he couldn’t survey his surroundings. When patrolling the border you had to be aware of what was around you. Not just by sight though.

Th boy lowered his head to the path before him, sniffing at the highway in the woods. Most of it was pack wolves, a couple prey species. What was really interesting was the musky grease scent he picked up. Iroh blinked his bright blue and lavender eyes as he lifted his head again and looked behind him for Zagan. He couldn’t put a name to the scent but it was possible that his brother could.

He shifted his barrel like body to return the way he had come, sure that Zagan had mostly followed him this way. Striped tail wagged high behind him as he ducked into a thicket thta would prove to be a shortcut. What he hadn’t expected was the sudden presence of predator. Iroh didn’t know what it was, but it was big and black and as it blinked its eyes into wakefulness, angry.

Iroh stuttered uncertainty as he backtracked once more. His long awkward legs quickly got in his way as a bit of fear wormed its way into his heart. He squeaked as he tripped over a branch and landed hard against the earth. Eyes wide as he took in the pursuing predator he called out to his brother for help. ”Zagan!” He screamed, trying to be brave but suddenly fearing for his life.

Where My Demons Hide



6 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Treat 2019
06-03-2019, 11:35 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2019, 11:37 PM by Baal.)
He wasn't far behind his brother, but his pace was slower. He enjoyed spending time with his brother, sure. But he also liked to stop and watch what other pack members were doing, and when he wasn't watching them, he would think about the stories his mother had told him about other great warriors fighting off predators. He wanted to be a great warrior like the ones in her stories. He was a Godling, after all. Surely he could even be better than them, right? While Iroh pulled ahead, Zagan had stopped to face a tree. He bared his teeth and crouched low, fur bristling as he pretended that the tree was one of the predators his mom had talked about. He didn't know what they looked like, but he could try to picture them based on the descriptions given to him. Of course, his imagination brought on wild visions of these beasts. The tree took on the appearance of sharp, dripping teeth and the branches above had long, sharp claws that threatened to slice him up.

He puffed out his chest and let loose the fiercest puppy growl he could before rushing at it. When he got close, he whacked the tree with his paws a few times as he darted in and out, pretending he was in a real fight. When he imagined the tree-predator roaring, the air was suddenly pierced with a cry from his brother. His head abruptly rose, confusion on his face for a moment. Did...he really just hear that? The sudden scent of something unfamiliar followed by the heavy thud of footsteps caught his attention, and he suddenly realized that he wasn't just imagining what he'd heard. Without hesitation he broke into a run towards where his brother was, fur bristling with both fear for his brother and the thought of fighting whatever was threatening him.

As he ran to find his brother, he spotted a black figure running up ahead, and he realized that it was after his brother who appeared to have fallen down. With his heart pounding and blood roaring in his ears, he didn't slow down as he raced towards the beast with the fiercest snarl he could manage. "Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" He called out as he aimed to zoom past between it and his brother, but just far enough to avoid it tackling him. The tactic worked to a degree. He managed to get its attention off of his brother, but now he was being chased by the beast! He kept running and checking over his shoulder to make sure it wasn't getting too close but also not turning back to Iroh. Maybe he could lure it away from his brother, and if all else failed maybe they'd end up having to fight it. He'd never been in a real fight though, so he wasn't sure how he was even supposed to fight this thing without getting seriously injured by those long claws he spotted.

Word count: 500



4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
06-28-2019, 04:47 PM
Iroh was sure he was about to die. He was never going to become a general, he wasn’t going to grow up, he was about to meet the lord Abraxas in the flesh. Wide eyes stared in horror as the bear began to charge towards him. Iroh was sure its eyes were red and its teeth at least a foot long. He was scared into silence as he attempted to retreat backwards, but his feet and his body refused to cooperate. The beast grew closer, its shining black fur streaking through the thicket at impressive speeds. Iroh didn’t give up, even though he couldn’t find his feet at least the bear wouldn’t get him from behind. He tried to remember the lessons Pyrrhic had given him about The Art of War but his mind was a blur as he lived his last moments.

”Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" Iroh successfully resisted the urge to look, but the bear did not. The moment of interruption was enough for Iroh to regain his paws as the creature took off after Zagan. The striped boy veered in the opposite direction, his breath coming in gasps and adrenaline racing through his veins as he realized he would live through the encounter. Now the boy was unsure what his next move might be, he should have stopped and called out for help. Iroh didn’t want Pyrrhic to think him a coward in the face of the bear.

First, he was going to have to get the bear off his brother’s tail. Iroh called out loudly, not so much in words but more a yell as his dark form shifted and made as much ruckus as his barrel bodied form could manage. ”Hey! Back over here!” He didn’t have as much luck as Zagan though. The bear barely flicked an ear at him when Iroh decided he needed to get closer, or more physical. He picked up his speed and yelled out again, this time only earning a swipe. The bear aimed for Zagan’s legs but couldn’t quite reach. It was enough to slow it down though.

Hey!” He called out again in addition to a deep growl as he raced towards the bear now. He didn’t know if he’d gone crazy or if he really was invincible as his paws carried him swiftly in the direction of danger. He was only lengths away when the bear decided he was the more amusing target, Iroh’s eyes went wide again as he took his turn in leading the bear off his brother. He shifted awkwardly, but managed not to trip over himself as he raced back the way he had come.

wc: 456
Where My Demons Hide



6 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Treat 2019
07-24-2019, 12:29 AM
Shit shit shit shit! The black bear was on his tail now, but Zagan wasn't ready to meet his maker. He raced across the ground, paws drumming it hard and fast as he sought to find a new escape route. He hadn't completely thought this through...but at least his brother was safe. That was what mattered right? Panting from the effort of running faster than he ever thought possible, he could hear the paws of the larger beast drumming on the ground behind him. Ears flicked back when he heard his brother yell and try to gain the attention of the bear, sparing a glance over his shoulder when he realized the bear didn't even give his brother a second look. Fear started to course through him now, and when the bear swiped out at him, he felt the wind of its claws flash near his hind legs as the boy scooted his rump as far ahead as he could, though it nearly caused him to fall. Luckily he didn't, because he wasn't keen on becoming someone else's lunch today. Adrenaline course through him, heart pounding wildly against his chest.

He heard Iroh yell at the bear again, and this time his brother had managed to get the bear off his tail. He didn't know what they were going to do. Maybe it would get tired of chasing them around and it would go away, but he had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy. When the bear veered away to go after his brother, Zagan slowed down a bit but not enough to really catch his breath - as much as he would have liked to do that, his brother was still in danger. Narrowing his eyes and baring pearly white fangs, he doubled back and gave chase. He summoned a growl, muscles burning with the effort of running so hard and fast, but he refused to let the bear have his brother for lunch, too. The lumbering beast roared and lunged for his brother, but Zagan lunged too. He grabbed the bears hind paw in his mouth and yanked his head back as he tried to stop the bear completely. It didn't completely work, however. He was dragged several feet even with all of his weight trying to counter the bear, it didn't seem to be enough. Frustrated, his gaze darted up for a moment and a sick but determined feeling washed over him. He was going to have to fight dirty in order to save his as quickly as he could, he let go of the bear and put on a final burst of speed until he was practically running right under the bears butt.

He leaped upward, jaws aimed directly for the black bears balls and the moment he felt fur and...other things, he snapped his jaws shut and let his weight drop until he was nothing more than dead weight. The bear roared with pain, turning and twisting to get him off, but Zagan refused to let go for now. The bear dragged him around in circles, and when Zagan felt like he could no longer hold on, he let go and went rolling across the ground. Dazed, he stumbled to his paws and watched as the bear howled in pain and took off back to the hell it had come from. Panting hard, he spat out fur and debris from the bear before swiping his tongue across his teeth, all with a disgusted look contorting his face. "Blech! I can't believe I just did that!"

WC: 591 (Soooo sorry for the wait ;-; )