
It must be nice



4 Years
Extra small
05-19-2019, 01:02 AM
With the turn of seasons being long ago the land was in full bloom. It was perfect for the broken healer to gather what she might need. Her satchel hung on her and her cloak covered her head from sight as she moved. She knew today she was airing close to the border of Abaven and that shaye or someone might catch her scent but the herbs here were growing beautifully. Her primates were with her, basil relaying herbs to her satchel that they'd need in winter and Alma on her back riding her like a tiny horse. It was a quiet comfort that they had settled into, the mutual agreement that they couldn't risk Shaye finding her close and the potential that she might attack to kill Tana this time. Even with Acere as her next potential alpha she figured shaye would hide the crime and deny that she'd done wrong.

Such was Tana's life though. Hiding from one wolf and running from the rest. Acere's pack might truly need these herbs though in the winter. They were collecting anything they could find and at the moment they'd settled in a patch of cotton and were busy trying to collect all they could of the soft substance. It would make a great packing for minor cuts and gashes. Though she hoped to get her paws onto a horse, for the wiry hair of its tail. It would make a great suture for Alma to close major gashes with. Of course with having decided to join Ace's newly developing pack it gave the tiny woman a purpose, though honestly the depression still nipped at her heals. Her children were growing she knew and would one day forget they even had a mother. Even with acere hopefully bargaining for them she doubted that Shaye would give in. A sigh passed her lips as she tucked another mouthful of cotton into her bag. Her hips lowered as she settled onto the ground and she dropped her head. She'd honestly started to hate the two of them and to believe that they'd never had intentions of helping her. At least she could say Vail had though. Vail had given her so much knowledge and friendship, even comfort when she'd been hurt by Rhyme. Solor as well, even if the warrior had never really interacted with her. Shed honestly come out of her shell alot only to now retreat back into it.


Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
05-19-2019, 02:50 AM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2019, 02:52 AM by Lament.)

Lament Pyre

He jogged East, the harsh pace he kept bringing him into the Eastern lands of Boreas for once. It felt strange not to be entering the dusty territories of the hotter regions, and he must admit that there was a slight relief in the shade provided by the sweeping trees. At least here, in this direction, he could search for the likeness of the tree that haunted his sleeping mind.

The limber warrior pushed himself hard, making quick time skirting past the volcano, and around the strange stone ruins. He did pause for a moment at their mossy grey base, before moving on. When he reached a lake, he decided to cool himself, and moved his pace to a brisk walk, and then a gentle one. Once he came to a stop at the edge of the water, he began to put himself through the motions of his training. He couldn’t say exactly where he had learnt it, or who his mentor had been. He could say little to nothing of his life past waking in the battlefield. His body, it seemed, held a far greater capacity to remember.

As he finished the last of his cool down routine and took a cautious sip of the lake, just a small intake, not enough to cramp his belly, he would catch the scent of wolf. Well, a more recent one - there was plenty enough scents around to tell him this was a popular place, but only one hinted of a wolf that lingered in the area.

He looked about himself a moment, before his eyes found the dusty brown of the wolf that settled in the earth. It was easy to understand how he missed her, she was tiny, with a quiet aura, and blended in all too well with her environment. As he moved closer to her, he would begin to catch the edges of her condition, the scars that littered body as common as lily pads in a shallow lake.
“Miss?” he asked gently, with his perfectly pitched voice that carried to her, and her alone. The warrior didn’t come any closer, now that he had identified this woman as a victim of some kind. He was uncertain if he wanted to interfere in the lives of others, but some part of him, another training he did not remember, pushed him to ask. “Are you in trouble?”
