
dancing queen



3 Years
07-09-2014, 03:07 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

Slightly oversized paws would strike the terra at a fast pace, a gangly pup cantering over the soft grass underfoot. Salmon tongue lolled from the side of her mouth, the girl looked like she was having the time of her life. And she was. Her laughter bubbled up from her mouth to fill the air, and she wove between the overgrown trees that filled the landscape. Her tri toned plume trailed out behind her as she ran, and her ears were flat against her tiara as she pounded across the terrain. Joyous whoops escaped her lips as she leaped over massive roots that had started to tangle over each other. She'd gone off on her own again, exploring the world she'd been brought into. She wanted to see it all, and experience everything there was to experience. It would be her eventual goal, but she would never leave her family completely. That thought seemed impossible to her, so she didn't even try to think of doing it.

A crack in the limbs above, and she looked up suddenly, skidding to a stop. There was a bird there, a really big bird. She let out a bark, tail wagging despite the obvious need for caution. The bird had some freakishly long legs, and big feet with equally big claws. It regarded her curiously, peering through the canopy of pale blossoms. It's beak was long, longer than it's face, and it's feathers had a blue hue to them. The two watched each other curiously for a few moments, before the bird took off, winging into the sky with it's huge legs tucked beneath it's belly. With a satisfied huff, the girl started bounding along again. She was drinking in the look of this place, her toxic green eyes scouring every inch of land she could see.

Finally, the inevitable. One oversized paw crashed down directly in front of the other, and she tripped. Without further ado, the dark form of the girl cartwheeled across the grass until she skidded to a stop with her face in the dirt. Her ebony rump stuck straight up in the air, triple coloured banner sticking out like a flag. She coughed once, and that was followed by a sneeze that got the dirt out of her nose. Slowly, the little one picked herself up and shook herself off. No tears, no whimpering, just a little shake. With that, she was off again, running like hell was on her heels. Which it very well could be, for a child of Loki. She ran until her legs were so tired they hurt, and then dropped like a stone without any warning. She lay there in the lush grass, panting heavily and smiling like a kid on Christmas. Her limbs were spread eagle all around her, flung out like a starfish, and she stared up at the sky. For a child who was usually lazing about, that was quite an escapade. Now she would watch the clouds through the ceiling of blossoms until she decided to move again.

But the rest is forgotten


07-09-2014, 05:31 PM
Pooka had been sleeping in the thick grove of trees. He was a nocturnal wolf after all.

The orchard of bygone days, now reclaimed by the wild, was a perfect place for a wandering outcast like him to hide. In the night he had found a particularly dense bramble of vines and thorns, having noticed a dried flower and piece of cloth tangled in the outside of the bramble. It was a secret signal from his own family. Sure enough when he found a way to wriggle into the bramble he found that it had been emptied inside creating a small shelter for a single wolf, completely hidden from the outside world.

When the morning came he was safe in the soft green glow of light through the dense leaves, hidden mostly in shadows. It wasn't until the yapping and explosion of wings nearby that he stirred from his slumber. Pooka had cont to bed a few hours before morning, so it was far too soon to be waking up; but still the yapping sounded like a pup and the wolf was curious.

Cautiously, as he heard tiny paws dash away, followed by the sound of a tumble, Pooka crept out of his bramble and saw the tri-colored plume of a tail waving like a flag. Well well, if it wasn't the little pup from before. Pooka laughed inwardly and began to stalk her from a distance, watching as the pup ran with the abandon of youth. Her running was a mild trot for him, but it took more effort to follow only in the shadows of the overgrown trees. Pooka's ghostly coloration drifted through the shade like some kind of Phantom until she finally stopped.

Smirking, Pooka waited and watched as she flumped unceremoniously on the ground, sprawling carelessly. He let her rest a moment or two before finding a low hanging plum and pulling it from the vine with his teeth. Pooka aimed, turned, and then kicked the plum so it sailed through the air hoping it would land near the pup with a splat.

Watching its arcing path, he sat in the shade, half hidden by bushes and weeds. The dark patches around his eyes on a mostly greyish white coat might make him stand out a bit more than it did at night, from where he sat and waited, watching to see what she would do and saying nothing yet. He was not trying to avoid her detection; but he was a cautious and skittish wolf, and last time this little one had been guarded by a tiger. Who knew if another one was close, or if her parents might be lurking.



3 Years
07-09-2014, 10:19 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

Her breathing was slowly growing normal, and the clouds were moulding into infinite shapes before her toxic green eyes. Onyx fluff was soaking up the heat of the sun, providing a delicious warmth all over her petite frame. A decadent sigh shuddered through her flanks, and spilled from her charcoal nostrils to stir the tall blades of grass in front of her snout. She was quite close to giving up on the illusion of wakefulness, sleep tempting her weary body. It was such a lovely day, and even better weather to doze off under the sun and fragrant fruit blossoms. The heady aroma filled the air, and the perfume only made it harder to resist sleep as it pulled her close. Her acidic pools fluttered closed, and her tail gave a contented wriggle on the grass. She wasn't about to bother pulling in her gangly limbs, the dark furred girl was quite content where she'd fallen.

However, the sudden splatter of stickiness was a squishy, gooey explosion of surprise that prompted a yelp from the pup as she leaped to her feet. Ashen hackles bristled, and altogether she rather resembled a small, skinny porcupine. The purple blob that had burst right next to the imprint of her body didn't move, simply continued to ooze it's juices. Her mismatched audits gave a curious twitch, and she lowered her dainty cranium to sniff at it. How could it have fallen there? She was under a patch of open sky, not a branch in sight to drop an ill placed fruit right on top of her. The tip of her salmon tongue poked out from her dark lips to taste the suspicious fruit. It tasted fine, if a little sour. It wasn't ripe, so why had it fallen? A small frown would crease her brow, and the girl looked up.

Something had put this fruit here, that was the only answer she could find. Large, intent eyes would scan the area around her in search of the source of said specter. Her leathery sensor would give a few twitches as she sniffed the air, muzzle raising to take in the scents. There was something, but it wasn't familiar. Or... maybe it was? She took a stpe in the direction she thought it was coming from, but with a shift of the breeze, the scent was gone. Gaze would shift to scan the landscape again, wondering where the strange fruit thrower could be. "It's rude to throw fruit at people when they're napping, you know!" She called hesitantly, still looking around in a manner that was only slightly lost.

But the rest is forgotten


07-10-2014, 03:15 PM
Pooka was amused. He watched the fruit nearly hit its mark, and the little wolf's attempt to investigate it. She seemed puzzled and then as she slowly seemed to realize there was a culprit behind the rogue projectile, Pooka almost laughed as she tried to look around and find him. Pooka was surprised she could not see him, only partially hidden as he was. The indignation of the pup was only fuel for his mischief; and Pooka debated what he should do to the gangly pup next.

Pooka was not very hidden from where he stood only half concealed by the leaves and brambles; but he still felt safer in the shade than in the open, and now it was a game to see how long it would take the pup to find him without trying to hide. "It's rude to take naps when you have company." he answered with a snicker, sitting perfectly still within the orchard and watching.

The patchwork pup with the toxic eyes might be able to find him by the sound of his voice if she was quick enough, or perhaps she would simply see his white muzzle with the black patches over both eyes from where it peered out, half framed by ivy and branches.



3 Years
07-14-2014, 09:59 AM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

A voice came to meet her audits now, the mismatched dials flickering to and fro to catch where the sound was coming from. It wasn't long before she locked on, and a form began to distinguish itself amidst the brambles and heather that grew among the trees. A wolf, not very big, but bigger than her still. Blue grey eyes twinkled in the dim light around him, and slowly the little femme drew closer. Stranger danger be damned. "Well how am I supposed to know if I have company if my company is hiding?" She retorted with the snarky tone that would make her father proud. She hesitantly stepped closer, and was soon standing a single pace apart from the shrouded figure. She settled her toxic gaze upon his features, one brow quirked inquisitively. Surely her statement would earn some kind of response, apologetic or otherwise. She wasn't to blame here, for once.

The patchwork girl was curious to know why the wolf was hiding, she wasn't that scary, was she? Her tri toned plume gave a short wag, affirming her sweet nature more or less. "My name's Acadia, but everyone just calls me Ace." She said next, her tail giving another wag. "Who are you?" She inquired then, tilting her delicate tiara to the side as she regarded the curious male. His face reminded her of a skull, and that was cool if nothing else.

OOC: Sorry about pathetic post, muse is currently shot.

But the rest is forgotten


07-17-2014, 10:36 PM
Pooka grinned when the little pup finally found him and came closer. Behind him his tail wagged a little. However when she accused him of hiding he put on a show of mock indignation. "Well I never! I wasn't hiding, just being still. Its something you might figure out the importance of as you get older." Pooka teased the younger pup of many colors from where he sat, not stepping out of the brush. He preferred it in the shade to the open pasture, and there was no need to come out when being half hidden gave him a much more entertaining air of mystery.

Pooka grinned when she gave him her name and began to chuckle when she asked who he was. "You don't remember me?" he teased, having doubted that she might. "Maybe this will help." Tucking his head below the shrubbery so he was mostly out of sight, Pooka called out in his best ghost impersonation voice "I am the shrine spiiiiiirit~ I have summoned a tiger to proooootect this pup!" Pooka then sat back up, still grinning as he was tremendously amused by all this, and that night. He wondered if the patchwork pup would remember that night at the shrine or if he was just coming off as a crazy spirit wolf as he often did.

Either way he was having fun so Pooka didn't really mind.



3 Years
07-18-2014, 01:44 AM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

The flicker of a tail was followed with shocked mirth, the male taking mock offense to her statements. She couldn't help but grin a little, putting his remark about stillness being important when she was older to memory. "Okay." She said with a small chuckle, nodding her head slightly. She'd make sure to remember that information, as he said, it might be crucial. However, he still didn't move from his place, instead staying seated and looking at her with steely blue eyes. They were very sparkly, and she found them to be much nicer than her own. Everyone else in her family had green eyes, hers weren't special. But blue grey? That was an eye colour to be proud of. His response to her query was at first a little taken aback, then amused. His head lowered behind the bushes, momentarily out of sight. And then, came a very familiar, very eerie voice. A surprised, astounded gasp slipped past her lips, and the girl began to grin in earnest, her tail wagging behind her as she near wriggled with glee. When he reared back up into view, the petite lass nearly bounded into the sky with her joy. She was meeting the ghost from before! Was he really a ghost? Or pretending like her daddy did? Her tail was whipping back and forth at her rump at a mile and minute, and her smile was miles wide.

"I remember you! You're the ghost from before!" She yipped, unable to contain the happy jitter that made her forepaws come off of the ground at a small, constant bounce. "Are you really a ghost? Can you walk through trees and stuff? Did you die?" She asked, her tongue tripping over itself and stumbling as she hurriedly spat out all these inquiries. She stepped closer, her muzzle poking into the bushes as she looked up at him and grinned. She was very close to being as tall as he was, probably only another season before she would be that height. She was going to be just as tall as her father, but not nearly as big. A thin little thing, she was, and always would be. Toxic green pools glimmered with joy as she gazed up at the stranger- who still hadn't introduced himself, waiting for answers.

OOC: Seriously Pookadia is my new ala BROTP

But the rest is forgotten


07-30-2014, 01:17 AM
Pooka grinned when the little wolf remembered him, and his tail wagged happily. Meeting like this might not be quite as fun as being a shrine spirit; but it had its own upsides. Talking face to face was easier for one thing, and for another it was less straining on his voice.

The excited young pup unleashed a slew of questions at him and the older wolf just smirked for a moment waiting until she seemed done for the moment and ready for him to answer. She seemed to feel more free to talk to him now that he was someplace where she could see him as opposed to a disembodied voice.

Of course, the answers to her questions were less than elegant. "Yes. Sometimes. Maybe." were his answers. As the little wolf pushed her muzzle slightly into the bushes, Pooka took a step back, wondering if she would follow him into the shade now, a game he was playing in his head without informing her about it. The patchwork pup was fun to play with and he enjoyed her enthusiasm; but Pooka also enjoyed seeing what people would do with subtle influences, as opposed to directly being told to do anything. Like a fairy trying to lead someone in to their world with no more than a bobbing lantern.



3 Years
07-30-2014, 02:02 AM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

The male replied quite calmly, despite her barrage of inquiries. So he really was a ghost? That was fantastic, though as she grew the girl would no doubt come to realize that leaves wouldn't brush against a ghost, they'd just go through them. However, now was not that time. As he edged backward, the girl found herself trying to keep herself at the same distance, following him backward. Of course, that earned her a solid whap in the face with a particularly angry branch. What a mean branch, what had she ever done to the branch? She hadn't chewed on it- yet. As far as she knew she hadn't chewed it's family- yet. Her delicate cranium would proceed to shake back and forth, the stinging pain of being bitch slapped by a bush more of a physical blow to her than one to her pride. She got hit enough by inanimate objects that things like this didn't bother her that much.
When she finally recovered, the patchwork girl made sure to give the branch a good revenge chewing. Bark was scraped off quite quickly between her sharp teeth, and it wasn't long before the remnants could do nothing but droop helplessly. With a satisfied huff, the girl was reminded of the wolf she was just talking to when she noticed his presence again. Whoops. She grinned broadly at the ghost wolf, triple toned banner swinging back and forth rapidly at her rump. "Can I be your friend? I think it would be nice to have a ghost friend, do you want to be my friend, mister ghost?" She suddenly asked, draping her forepaws over a particularly sturdy branch before her. Tall, mismatched audits perked, endearingly oversized on her delicate head as she fixed her toxic gaze on the ghostly man. It was obvious in her big round eyes that she was hopeful, the dark lass didn't make friends very easily. She had a bad habit of annoying others, or getting herself into trouble first.
OOC: Okay but admit it, POOKADIA IS THE CUTEST like seriously they better be friends forever. Also sorry for craptastic tag I love this thread but I'm all over the place today.

But the rest is forgotten