
Burn Like Fire



6 Years

Samhain 2022Double MasterHalloween 2020 - Haunted HouseValentines 2020Trick 2019
05-26-2019, 01:25 PM

But the devil always won...

Harbringr worked his way south for no other reason than curiosity. As far as he could see this land was vast beyond his comprehension. The coastline seemed to go on for miles, it truly was stunning. When he'd reached the land bridge he'd happily strolled across it, tail waving like a banner in the air though part of him did hesitate when he was half way across. He could imagine the ocean swallowing the land up behind him as he moved. It was a terrifying thought. Still he pressed onward into the new lands and continued his journey until he reached the Aspen Dam where he stopped for a break in the shade of the trees.

It was winter in Auster, that much was clear from the drop in temperature he experienced the further her walked south after crossing the land bridge. The south in Boreas right now was boiling in the heat of summer and the drought that came with it. Auster seemed to have the opposite. Ever since he'd set foot in these lands it had rained the majority of the time and this morning fog clung to the ground. For a moment he pretended that he was walking atop the clouds. He sang out a few silly songs from his childhood, make a great ruckus until he had the sudden feeling that he was being watched. It was hard to explain but he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up straight up. The wind shifted in his favor just in time for him to catch the scent of a jaguar which leapt down from the trees with a ferocious snarl it's claws just clipping his left shoulder as he scrambled out of the way. The cat's fur stood on end, its ears back as it stepped toward him.

Harbringr took a step back realizing a bit to late that the cat was backing him toward the river that ran through the aspen forest. Well, this certainly wasn't good. Looks like he would have to fight this crabby cat. His head and tail gracefully shifted to align with his spine.  His chin tucked as his neck scrunched back, shoulders rolling forward in anticipation as his hackles stood on end.  Karabela shifted his limbs equidistant apart, just slightly wider than shoulder and hip width respectively, his weight shifting evenly across his limbs.  He was nearly a foot taller than his opponent and his limbs coiled to lower his center of gravity and bring him closer to the cat's level.  His toes splayed, claws digging into the moist soil for extra grip.  His jaws parted, brows wrinkling to wrinkle the flesh of his face as his ears pinned tightly to his head, eyes narrowing.

Harbringr resisted the urge to smile and instead willed him self to focus as his opponent bounded forward. The cat leapt and as it's left forepaw swung for his head he twisted his head to the side catching the jaw with a powerful bite. The beast was fast and remarkably strong. Harbringr's goal was to puncture the flesh and cause damage but he had no desire to keep a grip, instead letting go almost immediately as he attempted to back out of the way of the cat's right paw. He moved swiftly but not swift enough as the claws struck a glancing blow on the side of his muzzle.

Harbringr swore and growled as he lunged, ducking below another swipe of the cats paws to attack its soft underbelly which he closed his jaws around. He could feel the cats claws and teeth digging into his back but the bite alone was not his primary goal as he pushed forward with all his might. Though the cat was smaller than he was it was solidly built and far heavier than he'd expected it to be. However, with a mighty push from his limbs and back he managed to knock the cat off it's feet and push it off of him. In doing so he'd cleared a path for escape and escape he would. Putting on a burst of speed he barreled down along the banks of the river. He didn't look back, he just wanted to get as far away from the cat as possible. Injuries to a lone animal were never good and in battling the jaguar he was almost certain to take more injuries than he could reasonably deal with even if he did emerge the victor. He had healing experience, had no friends or family that he'd found yet, and he would eventually need to make his way back north.

Hari slowed when he was sure the cat was no longer following him and he moved to the river to catch a quick drink and ease the burning in his throat. Wincing he looked at the blood streaking across his white fur. Well crap.