
Promise You This



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
05-27-2019, 12:17 AM

A young fawn dangled in his jaws as he made his way back towards the border. He had a successful hunt, and while it wasn't a bison or a buck, it was still food and that's all he cared about. Drool fell from his lips as his meal swung back and forth, but his head and tail were held high with pride. The galaxy clad youth had been learning alot from the family that lived in the pack, and even on his own whenever he went out. Today though, he was keen on settling down and chewing up his meal. Instead of heading all the way to his den, he dropped his rump unceremoniously onto the ground and let the fawn drop with a thud. Licking his chops, he looked around to make sure nobody was gonna try and steal his meal away, but he also dared someone to try. It'd give him an excuse to knock them around a bit, and he was always more than happy to do that. With a growling belly, Ares leaned down and tore a whole leg off of the fawn and lazily began to eat his catch.




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
05-27-2019, 12:32 AM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2019, 12:33 AM by Lyra.)
She hadn't decided to stalk her brother; it just kinda... happened. She spotted him returning to the territory, and she was bored, so she decided to follow him. At first - she just walked normally. As time progressed and she drew closer, however, she started carefully placing each paw step; she became a shadow of color darting through the gold and green of the wild-growing crops; crops that, for the most part, she ducked under and kept herself low to the ground. It was something that she'd worked hard at, especially with her fur; a glimpse of movement from the side could be enough to ruin her - if she missed it, anyway. She knew, from experience, that if a head snapped towards her, she needed to freeze. Freeze, barely breathing - and if she was in deep cover, it would be enough. If she wasn't in deep cover, she had lost; her coat was too distinctive to actually hide. She wanted to find some sort of cloak - something that could help, but as of yet she could figure out nothing that was quiet AND made her blend in.

She followed along quietly, careful not to draw too close and to also stay downwind of him; she didn't want to give herself away, after all. She did, however, freeze and lower to the ground when her brother abruptly stopped, barely breathing as she counted the seconds. She couldn't see him really; the grasses were too high for that, so she relied on luck, because she was still too far away to hear a reliable crunch amid all the insects and other things living in the grasses and crops. She let it stretch a long moment, before she cautiously pushed herself up and peeked through the grass: he was eating. Perfect.

Each paw careful, and with her counting her blessings that he stopped and started eating not facing her, she crept forward. If the wind changed, she'd be given away. If she stepped wrong, she'd be given away. If anything went less than perfect, she'd be given away. And even so, she didn't expect to get so close as to touch; the scent would grow way too strong for that, but she could get damned close.

And damned close she did get, stopping a few lengths away from her brother. As she straightened, she spoke. "Not gonna share, brother? How rude." The tone was teasing, of course, but mostly she was hoping she'd get a reaction; a startle.

"Speech" "You"

art by gunhorse



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
05-27-2019, 12:58 AM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2019, 12:59 AM by Ares.)

He wasn't quite aware that his sister was close. Probably a little closer than he would have liked at first. He was so busy munching on his meal that he didn't immediately notice her as he was too focused on scarfing down his food. So when she spoke, he startled slightly before turning to face her, a half eaten leg dangling from his jaws. "Not gonna share, brother? How rude." He took a moment to swallow what he was already chewing, not bothering to release what was left. He was rude!? She just tried to sneak up on him! "Findersh keepersh," He spoke past the meat in his mouth, offering a smug smile as well. He lazily continued to chew until his long fangs crunched the bone before he let go of it, letting it drop with a dull thud to the ground while he ate the piece he had broken off. After swallowing that, he looked at her with a devilish smile. "What're you doing trying to sneak up on me? I coulda attacked you thinking you were a trespasser or something," He wasn't sure if he was the lucky one, or her. He hadn't fought someone with paws and claws quite like his sister yet, but he felt confident enough he could probably take someone like that on if he had to. Or even her for that matter.

But at the moment, he didn't quite feel like getting scratched up. "Oh alright, you can have some. But only cuz you're my sister," He retorted. He was glad she was here. He missed her presence, even if he didn't admit it most of the time. "Where've ya been? Too busy exploring or something to catch your own food, lazy butt?" His tone was teasing of course. He didn't mind sharing with her this time. He wasn't terribly hungry, and he doubted he'd finish the whole fawn on his own anyway.




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
05-27-2019, 12:12 PM
Ha! She got him. She grinned widely, her expression mirthful as she chuckled at his startle. It wasn't a big jump, but from Ares, that startle was enough. Even more amusing was his speaking through the meat, and she waited patiently for him to be done. When he spoke, she shook her head. "I highly doubt that. You know no intruder would sneak up on you and speak. If an intruder snuck up on ya, it'd be to attack. And... well, most people can't sneak as well as I can anyway." He'd have heard almost anyone else; she was sure of it. Her ability to creep was in large part due to hard training on her part, and taking advantage her large cat-like paws offered her. It was hard work, and she had a natural advantage. Not much of one - her body wasn't as sinuous or flexible as a cats - but she could.

She flashed a grin at him as he caved, and she plopped down next to him. Bracing her paws against the meat, she ripped off a chunk and chewed slowly, savouring the taste of the young fawn. Normally, she wasn't a fan of killing fawn - it was the next generation, after all - but this season seemed particularly... well, there was a lot of them this year. "Nah," she spoke after the chewed the chunk of meat. "Was about to go out when I saw you returning - figured I might as well bother you."

"Speech" "You"

art by gunhorse