
don't fly away

Ballad I


4 Years

Treat 2019
05-28-2019, 03:43 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2019, 03:43 PM by Ballad I.)
Ballad had her brother take her for a trip south, she’d heard Auster was colder in the summer and she knew sitting in her den all day wasn’t doing much for her. The pair of them crossed into Auster from the sparkling land bridge, and Ballad was slowly able to block out her troubles. It was colder here, enough that some of the vegetation had gone dormant, but it was still mostly green. Her fire marked fanged form led the way, a position she didn’t often take. This was her adventure though, and Lament wanted her to get the most out of every moment.

Her dark form moved through the underbrush of the large trees, her silver gaze darting all over the landscape as she kept alert. Lament was close enough her tail tip brushed his chest every few steps, and with her confidence blossoming the girl didn’t fear when a rustling started near a tree base they had just passed.

Ballad paused as her toes signed, curiosity to her brother. She turned slightly, ears perked and eyes searching as she tried to figure out what they had disturbed. All at once she would realize. They had disturbed the cat nap of a mountain lion. With his white teeth snapping the cat charged the two wolves. The Pyre girl felt herself slip into her defences, she balanced on her toes and dodged as the cat raced towards them.

With her gaze narrowed and her ears flattened to her skull her ember marked hackles rose own her spine as her tail flared out behind her for balance. She pulled her lips back to show her teeth in a snarl as she returned the cat’s attitude. She felt alive, adrenaline raced through her veins as she readied to jump into battle.

Where My Demons Hide