
we didn't start the [FIRE IN ABAVEN]



6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - GayBeevent
06-09-2019, 09:33 PM

Noko rocked on her toes, wanting to go after Octave but also unable to disrespect his wishes, or fight the instincts deep inside her that told her to get away from the fire. When Shaye stooped to allow her to climb aboard she did so, perching akwardly as she didn't quite feel comfortable assuming her usual position. Shaye growled a warning and the Lemur laughed. "Good to hear." She gripped tighter and braced herself for the pair to race off after her friend, her absolute idiot of a friend.

Octave wasn't going to make it, not with his sister's weight to slow him down, but he wasn't about to leave her behind. The boy blinked against the ash and smoke stinging his eyes, the smoke had decended fast over this part of the lands, the fire raging around him and drowning out all other sounds. Octave stumbled again, dragging his sister's unconcious body through ash and over debris. He hoped the sparks and embers that leapt around them wouldn't catch the grass under his sister's form. His precious bundle's weight lessened slightly and Octave tilted his head to see Shaye grabbing hold of Novel, Noko perched on her back, the lemur's eyes wide as she scanned around the fire. Their eyes met for a moment and Octave caught his companion mouthing a word at him. You idiot. Octave gave a single silent chuckle. It was good to see her too. His attention was drawn to the white bird circling overhead, it's voice beckoning them to follow and together with Shaye he began to haul his sister away, towards safety.

"Speech" "Noko"

[Image: dPPg3BE.png]
Octave mostly speaks through his Red bellied Lemur companion Noko, assume she's with him unless explicitly stated otherwise
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-11-2019, 07:11 PM
The young Memoire girl usually remained in the plains, the snakes didn’t much bother her and it was quiet up there. Her den had a great view of the ocean and the grasses fed many different prey animals. She’d healed up well. There wouldn’t be any lasting effects and after she had gotten enough sleep recovery had been smooth sailing. She felt well enough to explore the thicket that day.

The change in pressure was what alerted her to the potential danger, she hadn’t been paying attention to the sky. Her brilliant lavender eyes looked to the sky, finding the intimidating clouds above her. It was suddenly dark as night. Then the lightning hit.

She smelled the smoke and turned to run as quick as she could, the fire moved fast though. Before she knew it there were flames all around her and she was surrounded. To her left a cliff stood, beyond was mostly rocks leading to the rapids and the fire likely wouldn’t get her there. Without much thought Twig surged forward. She battled the tiny flames at the base, and attempted to scale the mound. Her feet were not as sure as she expected.

She slipped, her feet were pulled beneath her and she was suddenly at the base again, but this time with a knot on her head and a sprained rear leg. Her features turned from safety to the flames that closed in on her, desperation obvious in her features.

(ooc Saved by Allegro?)



7 Years
Athena I

Samhain 20221K
06-11-2019, 08:08 PM

He had been out scouting, tracking Buffalo in the Nook. The pack was due for a pack hunt and he was researching so he could approach Brandr with options. Big game hadn't been something he dealt with to much so it was also a time for him to observe and learn a bit about the heavy weighted creatures. He observed how they would fight and defend themselves against each other, watching for weak points and their strong parts. As the day wore on he could see the unsettling darkness in the sky back towards home. So he wrapped things up and began the journey home.

The trek back home made him more unsettled, the wind picking up and the consistent flashes of lightning in the distance made him on edge. He couldn't quite understand the feeling he had, he just felt like something bad was going to happen. Picking up his pace the boy began to gallop towards home, getting to the rapids just after the fire began to take off in the thicket. The calls from the others and the stench of burning plants was carried with the breeze. His immediate reaction was to head straight towards the alpha's. As he grew closer he would pass others moving away from the flames and to safety, spotting Shaye and Octave carrying his sister from the flames. He hadn't seen Twig though, one of the newer members that he had brought here. He was worried, not sure if she was healed fully yet and decided he should at least go in and make sure no on else needed help.

Charging in he moved quick, squinting his eyes and flattening his ears. He needed to be sure there was no one else trapped and being long legged as he was it would help him quickly cover ground. It was only by chance (or maybe some odd fate) that he had come across the spot where she was. He could see her white pelt through the flickering of the flames. Picking up his pace he would jump, lunging through the flames to get to her. He landed Close to her and went to her side, looking her over briefly for any harm, which he couldn't physically see her injuries. Then he looked behind her to the mound then looked to her. He could help get her up there even if she had a sprain. He motioned to the mound.

"Go, I'll boost you to get you up to the top," he stated as the heat of the closing flames began to get hot. They didn't have much time.




Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Intermediate Healer (40)

10 Years
Extra small

Pride - Pansexual
06-11-2019, 08:21 PM
Warning: Samara thinks a swear.

Samara Klein

Samara didn't know what she was about to be in the middle of, she'd been gathering some herbs. She wasn't sure if she was staying yet but might as well get some pain killers so if she did leave she wouldn't find herself in the sitatuon she'd found herself in a few weeks ago. The wind was picking up and she could feel the pressure in the air changing, the heat already oppresive on her dark fur. Samara turned her eyes towards the darkened sky, wondering idly if she was about to find herself in the midst of a storm.

Her answer would come a moment later when a loud deafening noise and a flash of light overtook her senses. But more than that she felt the air suddenly become charged, her fur feeling like it was lifted by static and a wave of heat. Samara flinched, huddling in on herself and her eyes scerewing shut. She waited a moment the ringing in her ears slowly subsiding but it wasn't replaced with silence, a low crackling was what she heard first and then it grew louder, turnining into a rumble. The heat changed, pressing down on her harder than ever before and the tang of burnt grass and the steady build of smoke hit her.

Samara's eyes flew open and she nearly closed them again, the harsh glow of fire already picking up in intensity beside her. Figures. She thought almost calmly, if the packlands were gonna catch fire I would be at the fucking epicenter of it. Finally, instinct kicked in, panic rising in her dangerous. The fire had evolved into a full-blown blaze by the time she started running, smoke already stifling her ability to run. Her one advantage, being lower to the ground didn't seem to help much when the smoke had already built up around her. Samara kicked off, running, who knows where. Her tiny limbs couldn't carry her nearly as far as she would have hoped. The heat was oppressive feeling heavy in her lungs as much as the smoke and already she could feel herself losing consciousness. Well shit. She thought as her vision flickered, leaving her in darkness for a moment. A call pulled from her lips, a plea for help before she toppled over sideways, her vision flickers once more before it finally went out.

There was a brief flicker of conciousness from the tiny woman, the almost gentle motions of rocking briefly breaking through the dark walls of her stupor, she was being carried, that was all she knew before she drifted away from reality again.

"Speech", Thoughts & You

[Image: X7DSVIv.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.



6 Years
06-11-2019, 08:43 PM

She had been taking a deep rested nap within the den when everything went down. She hadn't seen the lighting, but the crack of thunder fallowing the lightning's strike woke her up with a horrendous fright. It had been so loud that she swore the ground shook from it. She was in shock even when Rhyme's howl rang out she was in shock. Part of it was because she had been in such a deep sleep and awaken so suddenly that she was trying to comprehend if that all actually happened or not.

It wasn't until Brandr's urgent voice from the entrance snapped her to reality. All at once the heat, the smoke, and that smell was noticed. It made her become urgent and scurry to her feet. She quickly headed out of the den to Brandr and her eyes widened at what she saw. Pressing herself into her mate, her mind instantly went to Lucine. Where was she? Was she safe? Was she hurt? Her heart rate began to increase as worry began to frantically look for any sign of her daughter. Then out of no where the young wolf appeared and Corentine was full of relief that her family was safe. She looked to Brandr and was quick to fallow him to safety.

Her heart ached for the other's who lived within the thicket, hoping that all her pack mates were okay. Fallowing the path Rhyme came from the three worked to quickly get to safety.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag



3 Years
06-11-2019, 09:05 PM

Lucine Scylding

Lucine had been with her grandmother Just outside of the thicket, near the plains. She was helping Storm get a few things gathered and learning a little bit about herbs used for healing. She was content in spending time with the older women and had been enjoying getting to know her grandmother. She also got to learn about her mother's puppy days and how outgoing she had been at a pup.

Lucine was terrified when she saw a large bolt of lighting strike down into the thicket and even more terrified with Rhyme's call. Storm had questioned her about what was going on, but Lucine didn't answer. Her thoughts were on her parents as she began to see the blazing flames in the distance, her heart and mind racing as she worried if they were okay. Finally she couldn't take it any longer and without telling Storm, ran straight into the thicket.

Was she terrified? Yes, but she was more scared about her parents then the danger of the hot fire. She raced as fast as she could and when her parents came into view she happily pressed her head into their necks in happiness and in relief. She then fallowed them towards safety.


Any of her family is allowed in her threads regardless of the tag



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-18-2019, 02:31 PM
Twig’s relief at seeing Allegro suddenly appear beside her was short lived. The flames closed in, not only on her but Allegro as well. Her ears were already pinned to her head as she realized this would be the second time she was being saved by the sand marked wolf. She nodded as she agreed to his plan, no matter how dangerous it was for him. As he shifted into position delicate paws would leap onto his back and then coil her haunches to try and leap from him and up the side of the stones.

Her lithe frame would sail through the air, and with minimal struggling the Memoire girl made it to relative safety. They still needed to get Allego out of there. Then.. try and make it out of the thicket. She assumed they would make for the rapids and the water held there. ”Allegro? Can I do anything?” She asked as she peered back down, hoping he didn’t have any trouble ascending. He was larger than her at least. The girl coughed heavily as she waited for him. The wind shifted heavily and only barelly missed raining smoke down upon her.



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
06-19-2019, 07:41 PM
Brandr nearly cried with relief to see his wife emerge safely from the den. Just her absence made him assume the worst. What if the smoke had overwhelmed her before she'd woken? He quickly raced up to her, reaching out to nuzzle her cheek. "I'm so glad you're safe! When I saw the fire I thought the worst. Where's Luci-" He caught movement out of the corner of his eye and to his great relief it was his daughter. He quickly reached out to her as well. "Thank the spirits, you're both safe! Let's get out of here!"

He quickly moved with the rest of his family but then suddenly he screeched to a halt. What about Corentine's mother? "Wait, where is Storm?" His heart started to hammer in his chest. He knew his mother-in-law was not well and if something happened to her it would absolutely break Corentine's heart.



9 Years
06-21-2019, 08:22 PM

They had been in the middle of gathering things, her movements now were slow and ambled. Most of the day she would just move around the pack at her own pace, spending her days enjoying the warmth from the summer sun and spending what time she could with the family that was nearby. Lucine had been patient with her slow movements and had been enjoying the time they were spending together. Storm was all to familiar with how the air changed when a summer storm approached and though she couldn't physically see the darkness that loomed, she could feel it. The air was thick with humidity and she could no longer feel the warm rays of sun upon her back. Suddenly the winds grew violent, whipping back and fourth and the older women hunkered down in order to keep herself from being knocked over. Ears folded against her head and just as she was ready to tell Lucine they needed to get to cover, she was stopped as the electric feel in the air became so powerful. Flattening herself as the loudest crack of thunder she had ever heard ripped through the sky and before she knew it Lucine's drumming paws were fading, towards where the lightning had struck.

Fear ripped through her heart as the smell of smoke and burning plants began to fill the air and without hesitation the blind women turned and tried her best to move quickly after her granddaughter. There was danger, her body was ringing with it like an odd sixth sense. She feared that Lucine was heading right for danger and she dared not let anything bad happen to her. Frantic paces had never been good to her after loosing her sight and when she wasn't paying attention to her steps she made mistakes. Tumbles and tripping, but the women continued to run until she got herself caught up on a groundhog hole and fell rather hard into the ground. This fall took her longer to recover from and within that time she could feel the heat from the fire that closed in on her. She got herself to her feet and began a severe coughing fit, getting her head right into a thick cloud of smoke. Crouching low to the ground again she moved cautiously, coughing and choking on the heat and smoke of the fire.

She didn't know where she was going, or where the fire was, but she had a bad feeling she was in the middle of it. She continued forward until she stepped near the flames, the heat making her whip back. Moving left and not going far until she was right at fire once again. Moving right for a little until she ran into the wall of fire again. She was running out of room to go and was beginning to grow frantic. She had left her companion behind in her panic and that was the mistake she should have never made. Fumbling around she managed to find someone's den and quickly crawled inside, curling herself up into a ball. She had no where to go and she had placed herself as deep within the den as she could, to try and get away from the heat and the smoke. She was still in danger and wouldn't be able to escape the poison that filled the air from the fire.

It would start with a simple dull headache that she felt was simply from the stress of her situation. All that she had put her body through and the worrying she was doing over Lucine and the others within the pack. She would slowly begin to feel as though her world was spinning and would lay her head down in an attempt to steady the feeling and her weakness would catch up with her (or so she thought). She felt the need to sleep and to recharge her batteries. She wasn't even able to think straight about how to get herself out of this situation. At least here she didn't have the heat or smoke to deal with and she felt that maybe if she would sleep that the fire would die and she could get out of here. Every sign she got that should have been a red flag was not and before long she was starting to fall asleep, letting her body fall asleep to recharge.

Her mind drifted into happiness, drifting into the happy memories that she held dear. The precious days she had with her first litter, how helpful Bass had been to her and her kids. Remembering the smell of puppy breath and to have their tiny forms snuggled so close to her. Then remembering those same moments with her second litter. As she let herself go into her happy memories her breathing began to grow shallow, her form slowly relaxing. The carbon monoxide poisoned her, killing her quietly, but to her it was a happy way to go. All the aches and pains began to fade away and before long her form grew still, no movements came from it. She mentally drifted far away and just as she had come into this world quietly, she left quietly.

-Exit Storm via. Death from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning-

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times

Tempest 1


3 Years
06-25-2019, 09:04 AM
Ooc:: Discussed the completion of Tempest’s joining thread oocly with Kat due to the outdated thread and how busy those involved were. <3


She had not been in Abaven that long -- in fact she was still trying to settle in and hadn’t yet really interacted with her sister or mother just yet. Tempest had always believed that, if nothing else, time was on her side.

That was until that day came.

Hearing the calls for alarm woke Tempest from a deep slumber stirring with nightmares. She awoke to find smoke thick in the air, a spluttering cough escaping her. “What the fuck?” She cursed as she emerged from the den and the current situation roared around her. Fire, not far from where the woman was, roared and crackled into the air.

Well no freaking wonder the smoke was so thick.

Tempest didn’t spare another thought to what was going on.

She ran.

Tempest didn’t know where she was going.

She wanted out…

The smoke hurt her eyes, her lungs…

But that was all going to be miniscule in the next moment.

Tempet tripped over something.

No, not something.


Tempest looked back it felt like everything stopped.

Even with her eyes stinging, even with the smoke, she could make out her mother’s form.


Storm was still… but Tempest refused to think of the possibility that she was gone. She scrambled to her paws and moved back to Storm’s body. She grabbed the other woman by the scruff and, with a bit of difficulty, managed to get her onto her back. Luckily her mother was smaller than her…

She had to find another healer… someone… get out of this area.. Maybe other areas of Abaven were safe?

Tempest took off again, slower now, determined to get them both out of the danger zone.



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
07-11-2019, 07:50 PM
"Wait here." Brandr felt his heart plummet to his stomach and he swiftly turned around to head toward Storm's den. Having frequently hunted the thicket he felt he could managed through the smoke and the flame. Claws ripped at dirt and grass as he propelled himself through the burning territory soon to spy a young woman with another wolf on her back. For a moment he swore his heart had stopped as he realized the woman had Storm on her back. Sprits, no! He leapt over to the woman. "This way! Everyone's over here."

He started leading the way, making sure not to get to far ahead of the woman. She was built strongly and seemed to be managing her burden well enough. He only wished he understood healing and could assess the health of his mother-in-law.