
Testing ground; Spar

Motif I


4 Years
07-03-2014, 03:33 PM

When Motif set her mind on something, she was dead set to see it through. Having become Bass?s personal body guard she knew she had a lot of work before her. She was built for flight, for stamina and long journeys chasing sunsets. To stay and fight wasn?t anything she had had to worry about in a long while but something she needed to become accustomed to again. Between play fights with Bass, and journeys into the Battlefield she knew she was already picking up a thing or two. Today she had a different idea o her plate, she hadn?t seen much of Harmony since joining with Abraven except for their night time laughs and singing.

The brown girl would raise her head high and call out a sweet song for her sister, to see if she would come and try her skills against her sister. She knew Harmony was a healer and that such a spar would be good for the both of them, and hey! Harmony could patch them both up at the end of it. A grin would spread the dames lips at the thought as she settled herself to waiting for her sisters appearance.





10 Years
07-03-2014, 09:08 PM

Though she was found to be a healer, she would have to learn her own sufficient self-defense tactics, and what better way was in a mock spar. She and Motif had planned the spar for some time now, and now was the time. Just because she was a healer, she would not be undermined for weakness and inability to protect herself. Always, would there be times for fighting for those you love and to protect. She wanted to be ready. Easily they could both be healed, for her den was nearby. A sweet song rang across the lands as she stashed away another collection of herbs. Her mocha capped crown rose upward, mismatched orbs glimmering. It was time...

Sweeping across the land was her gaze, musing past a brown figure. She had not skipped her appearance, keeping herself hidden in the tall grasses, a surprise attack apt to knock off the chocolate tempest. Her bodice pressed flat to the ground. She smelled of grasses and herbs, masking her normal scent of wolf. Each pearly stilt, at the knees, was bent, poised and ready to uncoil. At her chest, she tightened her core, muscles following suit, tensing, should Motif have already spotted her. Behind her flattened bodice, her banner would rise, aligning to perfection with her spine, which her mocha capped crown lowered, to form a straight and streamlined bar of fur. Down her hackles, fur rose upward, to seem larger and more intimidating when she would reveal herself. Upon her visage, mismatched gems narrowed to slits, her brows creasing and folding. Both mocha auditories flattened against her skull. In battle, defense was crucial to minimum damage, and attacks during a spar should be well-meshed, connecting with one another smoothly.

Her haunches moved snakelike as she prowled, weaving between the tall stems of grasses, leading her own way toward the ever-familiar rock outcrop she commonly sat upon. Rather than leaping upon it, she simply weaved behind it. Hopefully Motif had not spotted her yet, but regardless, the mocha capped tempest would surge from the grasses, her entire bodice uncoiling like a spring. Her jump had intended to land her somewhat near the chocolate pelted vixen. Upon her feet, with the assistance of her banner as a rudder and for balance, she landed, feeling small pebbles drive into her rough pads, but none too major. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, nulling the bleeding pad to a point of invisibility. Upon landing, wherever her chocolate coated sister should be, she would lunge forth in that direction, pearly stilts rising from the ground, mouth contorting to release a look of intimidation, her fangs baring. Mandibles would snap in the direction of her chocolate coated kin's scruff, between her right shoulder and the lower partition of her scruff. If she could latch onto her, the mocha capped tempest would swing to her own left, to press against Motif, her left shoulder pushing into that of the chocolate tempest's right. Perhaps such tactics could keep the chocolate coated tempest at bay to develop a counter for her upcoming attack. Self-defense was about countering moves, rather than beginning them. This did not matter to the mocha capped tempest right then. She had wished upon making the first move, and perhaps she had.


Quote:Crouching low in grass, knees bent, core tightened, muscles tensed, tail raised, head lowered to align with spine and tail, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned.
Quote:Hiding in the grasses, surprise in direction of Motif's right side, attempting to latch onto the part between her scruff and right shoulder, pressing against Motif, left shoulder jabbing into Motif's right.
Quote:None yet.