
Ignis Fatuus, Fool's Fire




5 Years
06-15-2019, 10:02 PM
It had been a fruitless endeavor from the start, and she had known better - since the first time hadn't gone so well either. Jaidah could not help the bubbles of rage that sat just below the surface of her stony exterior, no matter how hard she tried to stifle them. Faite was damn near ghost status as far as the young woman could tell, and Jaidah narrowed her gold and glacial eyes, her ears slightly back on her head as she stared into the distance with a scowl upon her preternaturally beautiful features.  As angry as Jaidah had been lately, it was only natural to feel torn between missing pack and family, or wanting to find out if your mother still breathed or had since stopped. Clenching russet velvet jaws, she decided not to head immediately toward Lirim. It would be an entirely different story if she didn't have to explain why she had disappeared.

Cream colored paws took her just east of her birth pack, where a curious hole shined blue in the darkness. An owl crooned a warning to her, but she didn't pay it any mind, moving into the mouth of a tunnel. Tilting her head in confusion, Jaidah delved deeper into the darkness. Soon finding herself cast into the pitch black underground and hugging the wall of the tunnel, the feminine scrapper felt her way toward the lights she saw. Not wanting to risk injury, she took her time and concentrated on more important functions. Claustrophobia began to set in, nearly causing the usually unshakable woman to have a panic attack, though she kept her breathing slow in order to regain control. It will be over soon. She thought to herself, rounding yet another corner. This one was a bit damp, and some moss had begun to creep up, growing even in the dark. One bright blue light in the darkness, Jaidah was encouraged a few yards further. A single blue, glowing mushroom grew from the top of a small moss colored rock caught her hot and cold eyes, and she moved eagerly to it.

Dazzled by the tiny luminescent fungus, Jaidah smirked and peered into the lightening darkness of the tunnel. There was a thickening carpet of blue, bioluminescent mushrooms that led into what could only be a cavern. The walls and floor were thick with glowing fungi, the rocks and most of the floor was sparsely blanketed by moss. Cast in blue, Jaidah felt as though she wore her true mood about her mother on the outside, and felt suddenly insecure. How could she face her family and tell them she had disappeared in vain?

You | Thinking | Talking
Jaidah smells like cinnamon and pumpkin spices, she also has bi-colored eyes, her right eye is yellow, left blue.

The character you are currently reading is Jaidah, as indicated by the red border around her pic.
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