
my lifetime lover ghost



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-21-2019, 05:22 PM
Since Riva had left, Eris hadn't returned to her family. She had spent sunny afternoons basking with Oxide and tending to his wounds, as stern and insistent as any nurse, then long, luxurious evenings high as a kite snuggled close to his side. They had spent so much time together that she was having difficulty telling their scents apart. Normally this would make her anxious, especially since she couldn't see him, but it just felt like another thing had somehow fit into place. Of course they smelled nearly the same, they were practically soulbound.

But she was young yet, and almost charmingly naive. Eris couldn't picture this ever ending (or changing). After his wounds had closed and could withstand some light physical activity, they had left the gully. She had figured if it was ever going to fall apart, it would be when they left that magical place where they'd made a temporary home - but it had held. Maybe just by spider webs and spit, but it held.

Today was the real test. Now that his wounds were knitting themselves, Eris figured he could use a good soak. A swim would relieve stress on other parts of his body while still putting him to the test, and salt water would sting terribly but clean out any last traces of infection. The island was visible from the nearby delta, or so Oxide had said, so it wasn't too terribly far for her to make it without getting swept away; it was a good deal inland, the current was weak, and they had gone at low tide. Eris pulled herself up on to the sands, shaking out her fur. All she could smell was salt! The small girl coughed a bit, having accidentally ingested a bit too much of the water on her journey over. She headed over to the shade of a nearby boulder to curl up while she waited for him to surface, marveling at how soft the sand felt beneath her paws.

mood inspo

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-21-2019, 06:45 PM

After the uncomfortable run in with his sister, Oxide had been allowed unlimited access to the tiny shadow girl. Every day they enjoyed like the one before the last. The boy got used to their perfect routine, but it was never meant to last. His fur grew itchy and he started to feel drawn to the horizon. His paws were restless and despite the bliss when he was given the clear he wasn’t going to turn back.

Oxide wouldn’t forget the time in the gully either. He knew that Eris was special, and had no desire to leave her easy company. She convinced him towards an island, and he couldn’t deny the beaches sounded better than the buggy stream they’d just left. The salt water did indeed sting, but he quietly grit his teeth and pushed through. The current was weak enough it was almost relaxing. Except for when Eris decided she wanted to inhale water.

They made it across without much incident, but he pressed his nose into her wet fur as she coughed up the saltwater. He wasn’t sure what he could do for her, so stood supportively beside her as he looked around the beach. It seemed a mostly deserted island, by wolves at least. There wasn’t much in the way of trees, but he followed slowly behind the Ademre she wolf.

”Did you enjoy your swim?” He didn’t with hold any affection from her, and nuzzled behind her ear before lifting his head to look around again. ”Doesn’t seem like anyone has been here in seasons.” Ox wasn’t about to complain about the solitude. Maybe Riva wouldn’t interrupt again.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-24-2019, 02:36 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2019, 02:36 PM by Eris.)
Oxide's strong presence calmed her. Whether she was inhaling saltwater or on the verge of a near-death experience, his shadow was always in her peripheral. He was quickly becoming her own personal lethani - being with him was its own way of life and guiding code. She was sure that Tor and Fenris must approve, or the world would split them apart as necessary. The balance seemed to be in her favor as of late.

Eris pressed back into his nose and rolled her shoulders in a quick shrug. "It was definitely pleasant. Nice to get a dip on a hot day like this... you're lucky. If your fur is white like you said, it'll reflect most of this light," she murmured, pressing back into his touch. "But me? I'm just a heat sucking dark star... a reverse sun," Eris joked, flicking her ears back and forth as different bird calls sounded around the island. It was difficult to map a new place, but maybe it was small enough that they could do it quickly together.

"Why don't we take a walk? You can tell me what you see," she said, rising up from the sand and shaking it most of it off. Dirt, weeds, and some sand still clung to her sides and underbelly; Eris had never much concerned herself with grooming, and hopefully as her fur dried, most of the detritus would fall off. "Maybe the ice is too much to cross in the winter - if the whole delta freezes, it might be treacherous. By the time spring comes around and the ice melts, perhaps the water is too high to cross easily?" There were plenty of reasons that the place would have deserted, and it was fun to theorize. Weather patterns and seasonal changes helped her keep track of the world around her, even if she couldn't quite see it.

mood inspo

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
06-26-2019, 02:29 PM
Eris leaned into his touch as she answered him and spoke at length about her dark coat. He chuffed amusedly, knowing the saltwater that drenched them would at least keep her cool for a little while. She stood up again and suggested a walk, it was probably better than his suggestion anyway. If they walked the sun and wind would work together to dry them off, and by the time they craved a nap they’d be nice and dry and the sand wouldn’t stick to unpleasant places.

He nuzzled her neck after she shook off and gave him her own explanation of why the island might be deserted. Ox couldn’t find any good argument. ”Maybe most wolves just don’t like islands.” he commented softly looking around. The two of them had gotten here easily enough. ”Well it’s kind of sparse. Lots of green grass a few good bushes and only a couple groupings of trees.” He could see all the way across the island if he tried hard enough, but there was a bit of a hill that hid the other coast from him. ”It’s kind of peaceful, and you won't hear me complain about having you all to myself.” He smiled unabashedly as he teased the wet fur of her scruff and started to lead her around the beach.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
06-26-2019, 09:25 PM

Eris soaked up his affections as easily as her dark fur soaked up the sun. They walked nearly in step, even though she couldn't see him. When the wind buffeted her, she leaned on him. Eris couldn't help but think yes, this is how I always imagined life would be. Part of her was torn - she longed for her chosen family and the other Ademre, but how could this possibly get better? Idly, Eris imagined Lament on her other side, with her sandwiched neatly between the two males. Tor couldn't possibly bless her with such perfection. For something that sweet to happen, she must endure a terrible sacrifice, and she wasn't sure that she was ready for that. Not now, not so soon after finding this strange, special thing with Oxide.

She laughed. Maybe wolves didn't like islands. "You're right - it's too small, there's no prey. I hadn't thought of that. Why come all the way out here?" Except to be alone. Another secret thrill raced up her spine. Summer was ending soon, and with it would come the change of leaves and the passage of time. She'd be older (hopefully wiser), and perhaps then she'd have the answers to the strange way he made her stomach feel.

The island he described was terribly drab. Eris had expected more from this place, but she couldn't help if it was disappointing. She shot him a cheeky grin when he mentioned having her all to himself and leaned into his touch, letting him take the lead. "What about... useful things? See any herbs? Or beautiful flowers?" She prodded, able to make out the shadows of the nearby bushes he mentioned and not much else.

mood inspo

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]



3 Years

Treat 2019
07-02-2019, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 09:20 PM by Oxide.)
Oxide loved to listen to her bright laugh and she did so as they spoke about the size of the island. He leaned in closer to her as the walked. As his tail swayed it gently tapped against her leg, almost in the pattern she’d taught him meant her name. She leaned into him and allowed him to lead them, he’d said he would die before he led anyone. Eris was different from everyone though. He returned her smile and reached over absently to tease her ear playfully as he continued walking.

”That’s about it. Palm trees. Vines. More small palms..” He looked around them, lifting his head and sweeping the area as he did so. ”There’s some weird rocks over there.” Big huge pock marked boulders stood under a grouping of trees. Their forms covered in mosses and lichens. ”Which might have some flowers on them?” He questioned as he veered in that direction and led his shadow along with him.



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
07-05-2019, 07:14 PM

His teasing at her ear scratched an itch she didn't even know that she had, proverbially and literally. She sighed as she leaned into his touch, perfectly content to trail him. Eris had once wished that she was independent, but she was seeing now that there were infinite benefits to becoming his constant companion. There was never a dull moment and always another pair of eyes to help her find her way.

She followed at his tail as he led her to the rocks, occasionally grabbing at it with her mouth and nibbling the very tip. Eris made of a game of it, snatching at the appendage every third or so step. "I like the sound of weird rocks," she replied, making her way towards the landmark. They appeared as hulking shadows in her vision, but they smelled earthy. The saltwater would make for an interesting biome - perhaps they had some sort of use. Eris sniffed at them daintily once they were close enough and sneezed as the salt stung her nose. "Actually, salt water moss might make a good bandage - might have some unique, astringent properties," she pondered, then carefully harvested some by scraping off a piece with her nails.

"Around the turn of the season you should be more than healed to set off again," she began, trying not to let any trace of panic or keening neediness enter her voice (and mostly succeeding). "Will you stay with me? At least for a while longer?" If you leave, how will I find you? There was no replacing him. The Ademre came close, but Ballad and Lament didn't fill the strange, Oxide-shaped hole in her soul.

+ Collected moss

[Image: eris-sig-gif.gif][Image: theo-sig-gif.gif][Image: idalia-sig-gif.gif][Image: dag-sig-gif.gif][Image: rags-sig-gif-1.gif][Image: luce-sig-gif.gif][Image: calamity-sig-gif.gif]