
Negasonic teenage warhead

Tsarvix, Marvel



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantVolcanoCritical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-22-2019, 04:45 PM
This is a continuation of the tail end of the No Disrespect challenge thread. Just starting a new one so that one's not cluttered.

Pyrrhic had seen Tsarvix glaring at those around them while they waited for the challenge to be answered. While he didn't mind the man acting as a deterrent when they were just loafing about, right now he was on a mission. He'd learned at a young age that you were more likely to make friends and get what you want if you were nice. Having a glaring bodyguard (as opposed to a friend or an acquaintance) at his side would undermine his niceness.

"It can't always end in a brawl, I suppose." At this Pyrrhic canted his head to the side amicably. He would have to concede her point. It couldn't always end that way, not when anyone could get their paws on a pack, even those unwilling to fight for it. "They can't, no, but they should in my opinion. If you're not willing to fight for it, why have it in the first place?"

As for her question, he answered, "Neither, but if I'm going to succeed my father someday and be a ruler myself, I need to be here for things like this." He'd been quite lucky to be close by when the challenging call went up. Had he been in Auster he would have been oblivious to this leadership change. It made him wonder what else the Abraxas missed by being so far away. Perhaps living so far from the mortals wasn't so great after all.

"How about you? Did you come here to support Ignatius?" Part of him hoped so. It might mean now that Ignatius was no longer alpha the woman could be swayed somewhere else. Pyrrhic was, perhaps, a tad overconfident. After all, he was a god and Tsarvix was living proof of his success with mortals. What mortal alpha could possibly make a better choice than a godling? "I'm Pyrrhic, by the way. Pyrrhic Abraxas. And this" he said as he motioned to Tsarvix, "Is Tsarvix."

"Pyrrhic" "Benkos"
Pyrrhic has a male mandrill companion named Benkos. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Pyrrhic.



2 Years

Treat 2019
06-22-2019, 05:32 PM


Tsarvix observed Pyrrhic's amicable stance, understanding what it was the yearling was aiming to pull off in this interaction. He gave Marvel a polite smile as Pyrrhic introduced them before interjecting his own thoughts. "Seems to me that white wolf did you a favor if it was Ignatius you support. If my alpha was the type to run from a challenge, I'd want to know." He gave a brief look of fondness towards Pyrrhic before facing her once more. "These wolves have been put in a difficult position- to continue to support their absent ex-alpha, or to follow a victor who earned a pack by default. Neither seem like a very good option to me."

Before Marvel was halted by Pyrrhic's greeting, it appeared the female had intent to go with the new alpha to his northern home. Tsarvix hoped to sow doubt in that choice, so she'd be more inclined to come along if Pyrrhic chose to recruit her. His words were spoke with honesty and came easy, as Tsarvix was indeed very glad to have Pyrrhic to follow. He truly did pity the wolves who fell under the command of an unworthy leader, believing wholeheartedly that Marvel should consider herself lucky to draw the heir's attention.

Tsarvix stole a glance towards his God, not quite seeking approval but to judge whether or not he'd properly interpreted his intent. Pyrrhic wanted him to be friendly, but Tsarvix had to be careful not to say anything that might interfere with whatever plan the heir may have. It was a difficult balance for him. "It would have been nice to be informed."


PYRRHIC is allowed to crash any of TSARVIX's threads, as in his eyes he is his God.