
when all is said and done

open hunting



4 Years
06-23-2019, 08:18 PM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2019, 11:24 AM by Benedict.)
Benedict stalking through the nook, peering down at the small herd of deer as they walked a few feet ahead of him. He hadn’t anyone from Abaven to join him this time. He was trying to bring down larger prey, to work with others to do so even if they didn’t belong to his pack. Maybe some others were trying to prove themselves like he was. He wasn’t looking for praise or rank; Shaye had told him he could do a patrol. She didn’t specify with who though. The man would raise his head, calling softly to any hunters in the vicinity. The deer scattered at his call, and he marked their route before waiting for anyone to show up. It’d be silly to try and go after a herd by himself, even if he was big enough to bring a fawn solo. The herd was mostly comprised of mothers and children, with a few bucks keeping look out.

He didn’t fancy getting in the way of those antlers.

His goal was an older doe, limping behind the others at the back of the herd. He’d move from the hill to the brush, using the sun’s rays to disguise his pale coat in the deep foliage. Benedict would stalk after her, not sure if he could take her down alone. As annoying as it was to wait for back-up, he pressed himself to the earth and was content with just watching. The doe was a good sized one, perfect for at least two hunters to handle themselves. He could bring half of her back to Abaven; the other half for his partner in this. For now, he was just trying to follow at a safe distance so he didn’t have to re-track the herd later. But there was plenty of prey in the wind, even if he happened to startle them in some way.

ooc; open thread now, backdated to summer on site.

to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent