
overgrown wolf meet overgrown house cat


06-24-2019, 12:23 AM

If we're gonna walk,

Morning was barely settling on the horizon as the very large cat moved about the land. He was ambling, with not a direction or destination in mind. A grace was about him though even as he moved slowly. The male was well aware of the scents in the distance, the pungent scent of piss was hard to miss. He had yet to come across a border yet though so he needn't stop just yet. Though the gentle giant wouldn't mind a good intelligent conversation he supposed.

He was well aware of how canines and their social structure worked, borders were a keep out sign. The scent of one though he knew could be very much so overwhelming if it was a healthy pack. From the scent of this one from such a distance it was definitely one of them. Might as well check where it laid though so he may know the hunting grounds he may occupy outside of said pack. He turned in the direction of the pack and made for the place. His large paws left deep pug marks behind from his mere weight. He was after all a cat of over six hundred pounds. His emerald eyes were clear and settled on the land ahead as he came to a slow stop before the border. He opened his mouth, bringing the scents along his tongue before leaning down to scent the line.

One could always tell alot from a scent mark. This one shared two, and he worked at unraveling them both. One was female, the other male. A pair led this pack then. He could tell there were pups here as well from the scent on both, inter tangled with stale, very stale, milk scent. They seemed all in good health from the scent then. He stood then and nodded to himself. He'd commit the scents to memory for future use if they came across each other. He glanced to a tree on their border. It would only be polite to give them some information about himself wouldn't it? Not that they may have a grand opinion on tigers. He moved and rubbed his face upon its bark, marking his scent on the rogue side of their border for them. he wouldn't dare piss on the tree though. Wasn't his territory so there was no need anyway. After that was done he began moving along, his tail curled at the end, the white flashing so his presence might not alarm any prey in the area. He had no need to hunt right now anyway.

He was silent though so as to not alert anything as he moved along the border, looking for where it lay completely. He was careful to never set foot beyond the border though, only stopping here and there to sniff at it to ensure it was marked by the same two where he went.

We walk as lions


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
06-24-2019, 12:32 AM

She saw the prints in the earth on her border patrol, they were well on the rogue side of the border, but unmistakable, deep, gouging in the earth. She would have called for Cannival if she could, she the cat had gone herb gathering and hadn’t been home in a few days. She found the spot where he had approached the border, his scent was stronger here. Looking over at a tree near their border, she would catch the scent marking he had left, and her hackles rose.

She felt that the cat’s attention was on her pack, he was hunting them, mocking them, leaving his mark. Her hackles rose, but fear was prominent in her mind. She knew that others would catch wind of their misfortune, and here it was at last. This cat - this tiger had seen that Abaven was weakened, and would threaten them now.

Shaye raised her head and howled for Rhyme, and for any other warriors that might be nearby. A tiger was even worse than a lion, a predatory hunter, and something to be feared. She wished that Acere was still in the pack, he had taken on a tiger before and lived to tell the tale.

She waited for Rhyme and the other warriors to heed her call, but in the meanwhile she would continue to follow the path he had made, matching it from the perceived safety of her side of the border.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.


06-24-2019, 12:49 AM

If we're gonna walk,

It wasn't long and his ear caught the sound of a howl. Well seemed like they were vigilant at least. He stopped in his path and decided well why not just wait for the howler, a female if the tones had been correct. Shocking that she should call a full pack for one lone tiger though. Were the locals that unwelcoming? Or did the local cats truly give them so much trouble? It was definitely off putting to say the least. Sounded almost like she meant to attack on site with a full pack to dispose of him. HE had dependents though and he would definitely be putting this whole thing to rest as fast as possible. If they still wanted to attack him after speaking to him then they were picking a fight that would leave others dead not just him. He was ferocious when protecting their lives though.

He turned back though, nothing else at least he might come across a she wolf who really wasn't intent on more than warning him off. They all had lives to protect, no need for a fight if there didn't have to be one. As he made his way back along the border his eyes were searching. Once she was about thirty feet in front of him and he was sure they both could see each other he stopped, sitting and watching her. "Rude to call a war force before we even speak don't you think miss....?" He trailed his words off as he expectantly awaited a name. His ears were listening and mouth agape as he scented and listened for those she had called. He didn't want to be taken by surprise just yet.

We walk as lions




4 Years
06-24-2019, 02:15 PM


he happened to be close by when he heard Shaye's call. he was no warrior, but he'd show up if they needed the numbers anyway. it wasn't like he didn't know how to fight. he could, he'd just fight to protect. who knows? maybe he could learn something or even go for more help if the fighters were occupied. Benedict roamed closer, spotting the familiar form of the alpha. he'd blink at her in welcome before his gaze shifted to... the tiger? baby blues widened slightly, catching the end of the tiger's words. a few steps away from Shaye, Benedict grumbled softly.

"m' here." he'd murmur to Shaye, clear enough to be heard but also quite neutral sounding. he was just here to support the alpha if she needed it; he didn't need to fling words and fight if the feline wasn't going to. Benedict was faintly aware of there being another large feline in Abaven; he could smell her, even if he hadn't met her. his head turned to Shaye's direction, wondering what she'd do now. and also wondering who else would show up, if anyone else did. they have little ones in the pack. it wouldn't do to have a predator so close to the border.


to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent



7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
06-25-2019, 06:03 PM

Although he wasn't technically a fighter that wouldn't stop Odysseus from answering the call. He may have been an advisor by title but he was a defender at heart. If Shaye needed fighters at the border Odysseus would be damned if he wasn't there to support her.

He arrived on scene as quickly as possible and ghosted up beside Shaye. It wasn't quite his place, but with Rhyme absent and the only other packmate there a very recent addition, Odysseus thought it best he be up front just in case it came to a fight.

The tiger was...well, a tiger. Big, stripedy, and feline. He had to wonder if the arrival of a second big cat had anything to do with the arrival of the first one. The cat had been speaking as Odysseus approached and the titan found his words curious. It was not a wolf. The fact that it was a predator made it by default a rival and the average rival predator was unafraid of murdering the young of another in order to get a survival edge. So Odysseus told him as much. "You are not a wolf," he said frankly, but not rudely. "You are, however, a rival predator. It would be unreasonable for you to assume your presence wouldn't be investigated by the pack."

  "Odysseus" and "Olafur"  

Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
06-25-2019, 08:38 PM
Rhyme watched silently from the trees father beyond as the tiger seemed to pace the border. He’d watched the great beast rub its cheek against one of the trees. Rhyme knew little about tiger biology or behavior, and he wondered if the cat was trying to mark his claim? He didn’t know, but it was careful to keep on the loner’s land beyond. He watched it for a while as it strode lazily under the morning sun. His ears perked when he heard Shaye not so far away. She must have just gotten up and was on her first patrol. Likely finding where the cat had originally walked up to the border.

He followed slowly behind the cat as it retraced its steps and returned to where Shaye stood at the border, waiting for him and for their warriors. Solitude was on his back, he had the bird find a ray of sunlight to try and catch Shaye’s eye silently to let her know where he was. Rhyme heard the tiger speak, politely much like Cannival.

Benedict and Odysseus appeared behind her and Rhyme smiled at the fact the former was so quick to act. Even against a tiger he would appear at the border ready to defend his new home. Ody explained their adverse reaction and the slate alpha would finally reveal his presence. He walked cautiously out into the open, coming up behind the cat but making enough noise he wouldn’t surprise it. Solitude flapped his wings nervously as Rhyme came to a stop, observing their uninvited guest quietly.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
06-30-2019, 06:03 PM
Her fur stood on end when the creature spoke, though she should have guessed at the intelligence behind his eyes. He reminded her of Cannival, only because he was a cat, for the resemblance ended there. His rich gold coat was a far cry to the other girls darker, and his approach to Abaven was vastly different. Where Canni had come looking for herbs, and had crushed them beneath her large paws. She had fallen to her belly, butt in the air, and cried out she submitted the moment they had shown her some teeth. She had wanted nothing but a peaceful life, and then the fire had come, and shortly after she had vanished.

She worried about Cannival, she didn’t think the cat would have left without a word, but evidence spoke of otherwise.

She pushed the thoughts from her mind, forcing herself to focus on the threat ahead of them. Benedict would be the first to answer her cry, and she flicked her tail in greeting at him, not daring to turn and offer him a smile. Instead, her expression remained stoic.

Ody would be the next, and she could feel her posture relax by an infinitesimal amount, as he sidled up beside her. Well she appreciated Benedict answering her call, it felt good to have the Beta wolf at her side. He would speak first, breaking her silence with his words, putting her thoughts into a sentence as he pointed out how doing otherwise would have been folly of the wolves.

When she saw Rhyme on the other side of the border, a snarl slipped free of her muzzle, directed not at her partner, but at the cat. She took a step forward, poised and ready to leap to Rhyme’s defence if the cat so much as twitched in his direction. What was he doing? “Why are you here?” Shaye asked the cat, eager to keep the predator’s attention on her, and not the wolf of her heart.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.


06-30-2019, 10:30 PM
One voice is enough

He was already becoming rather offended with these wolves. Gods only hoped his own adopted children never grew up to be so rude. First to answer him was not the female alpha but that of what he only assumed could be a beta. His ear twitched and he bit back his rebuttal. Of course he wasn't a wolf, he was a tiger, even a blind creature could see as much. His tail twitched as he clearly heard another come behind him. Of course it was sudden but the flash of his companion coming from his hiding was seen as he came to the tiger's aid. Egan was quick to perch himself on the cats back facing the black male behind Adonis.

The female snarled and Adonis lashed his tail as his eyes narrowed. She had absolutely no reason to act the way she was to him. His companion was ready should the male act upon Adonis to lunge. "First I will ask that you remove your hostility towards me. Second I will explain that I am mentally napping your borders so me and my children will remain aware of where they are." he was tense and ready to lunge if this she wolf did not stand down.

He could see only one thing with this pack right now. They were a bunch of biased barbarians that couldn't be civil in his mind at this moment. His children would be warned to remain far away from this pack if they could not fix the damage to a relationship that could of benefitted them all they had already done. It was obvious that cats were seen as only enemies to him at this moment. "What might I ask has offended you so much about me that you think violence is the only answer to my presence?" he never once let his agitation come through nor did he make any move towards them. He did know of the wolf behind him though but Egan had his eyes on it. He knew if Egan was here his children were tucked away safe or too close to this for his comfort.

to make whole nations stand up




4 Years
06-30-2019, 10:51 PM


the tiger wasn't amused, but neither were all of the rest of them. Benedict included. he felt his fur prickle at the feline's demanding tone. his attitude toward very reasonable behavior was enough for the usually calm man to speak up and add his two cents in. "ye must admit; mapping a pack's border is suspicious behavior" his quiet tone was good enough to be heard even from his position away from the other. "if ye had called out for us, perhaps we wouldn't be so eager to mark ye as a danger."

if a rival pack had done the same thing, worse could be justified. Benedict knew that - wolf or tiger - anything that did this was going to be met with suspicion. the tiger, however, didn't have the right to command the wolves here. Abaven had reign here, not him. that's what struck Benedict so rudely. Abaven had been kind to him so far and he wasn't going to let the other being be so crass. surely if the tiger had sense, he could smell the little ones. if the tiger truly had children, he'd understand their caution.

but that was all Benedict said. he waited for the others to take over.


to note; benedict speaks with a slight european accent



7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
07-06-2019, 05:44 PM

Perhaps it was the nature of cats - he suspected they were slower than wolves, but had no concrete proof of it until now - but the tiger didn't seem to understand what they trying to tell him. He seemed to think he deserved to be treated like a wolf instead of a tiger, which Odysseus found curious seeing as he very clearly was a tiger. By default rivals predators were treated as - wait for it - rivals. Because that's what they were.

The tiger, perhaps because he couldn't argue with Odysseus' points, made no reply to him but continued to speak in haughty tones to Shaye as though he thought that by commanding the alpha he would get his way. Odysseus would have liked to see Shaye's face for her reaction, but he thought it unwise to remove his gaze from the tiger, who's bizarre behavior and steadily growing offended air were making him look like more and more of a danger as the seconds ticked by.

Abaven's newest member was quick to point out the problems with the cat's approach. Odysseus dipped his head slightly in agreement, then said, "My friend here has a point, don't you think?" Perhaps if they spoon fed him they could get that cat to see reason.

  "Odysseus" and "Olafur"  

Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.