
coyote ugly



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-26-2019, 10:41 AM (This post was last modified: 06-28-2019, 05:02 PM by Twig.)
Twig’s delicate paws brought her forth from Abaven’s borders, the first time since Allegro had saved her that day. Bright purple eyes took in her surroundings as she disturbed the morning dew. With Fall coming the weather hadn’t been quite as dry as before the fire. Images of flames still haunted her despite her lack of injuries. She shook them from her mind and allowed herself to immerse her focus in the scenery around her.

The day was early, the sun barely peeked over the horizon as Twig found her way over the plains area. She already spooked more than a few rabbits from their morning snack. The presence of deer, which species she wasn’t sure, was also obvious in the tracks and fresh droppings left behind. She must have spooked them without knowing it. She lifted her striped features from the ground and continued on, still debating if she was going to attempt a hunt or just allow this to be a scouting mission. The pack had much need of food, and if she could track a herd or two maybe they could organize a bigger kill.

Unintentionally getting wrapped up in her own thoughts, Twig was unaware of the creature she was about to spook. Her pale form reflected the pink light that the early morning sun cast upon the clouds that littered the sky. She was oblivious to her actions, her paws disturbed the sleeping cubs in a den of coyotes beneath. The pups caused the adults to awake, sure the deer herd was about to descend upon them. Their attention quickly turned to Twig as they emerged from the den quietly. Twig was alerted by their yip like calls, her form froze as her eyes widened. Five coyotes were suddenly after her.

Without much thought she leaped in the opposite direction and started to run as fast as her striped legs might carry her. She had one thought: return to Abaven. Her heart raced and adrenaline rushed through her veins as she raced for her life.

wc: 342


06-27-2019, 06:50 PM

One voice is enough

With the morning brought the large cat to patrolling the area. He had set himself up in the deep east but he was not about to let his defenses lack in the other parts of the areas. As he prowled his faithful companion rode, laxly on his back. Egan was nice company when he really had no other, well except the young ones he took in, which were sleeping comfortably tucked away in a den he found for them. Usually he left Egan to guard them but this morning the fossa wanted to stretch his muscles more than anything. That was fine with Adonis, not much would even think of passing over his scent markers he made around the den.

They moved along to the stone ring in the east with little concern. Not much would take on a grown male tiger but he still was alert enough to hear the yelp from a distance. Strange that some one would be yelping out this way he figured. He turned in the direction, rounding a stone to see a pack of coyotes hot on the heals of some wolf girl. He narrowed his eyes and pinned his ears. His hackles rose as he watched her close in on his direction, south of her. He crouched and Egan slipped onto the rock nearest them, setting his own defenses. He was patient and as soon as the girl was close enough, he pounced with a roar, aiming to land be hind her and with a swipe of his massive right forepaw aimed to throw one of the creature away and in reach of his companion who happily leaped down aiming to claw its neck and bite its face. Both snarled their fury as they attempted to gain the attention of all the coyotes after the girl. The green eyed giant's tail whipped back and forth angrily as he stared down the mutts.

to make whole nations stand up


word count: 319



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
06-28-2019, 05:23 PM
For a brief moment she was sure that she had reached the end of her life. Behind her a savage pack of coyotes raced behind her and suddenly in front of her a great orange striped cat. Autumn just barely managed to hold in a scream as the tiger unexpectedly leapt over her and behind her, effectively creating a wall between herself and the bloodthirsty animals. Bright magenta eyes were glued to him as she slowed her paws and turned her body back around. They shared similar markings, their stripes laid over their pelts. As the shock wore off the girl took a chance to regain her confidence and rejoin the fray with her new ally. Or ally for now. She’d never worked with such an intimidating partner, and who knew if he might go after her when the coyotes were finished.

Not to mention the smaller creature that seemed to be in cahoots with the giant cat. Its teeth were sharp and its eyes bright and intelligent. Not anything like the feral beasts they fought. Autumn swallowed her fear and pushed forward. Hackles stood up along her back and her tail waving behind her dominantly she pulled her lips up to reveal bright teeth through a snarl. Twig surged forward, with all the attention on the cat she was able to move forward and take advantage of one coyote.

She slammed her breast into the smaller canid’s shoulder, sending it sprawling onto the ground. She didn’t let her smirk of satisfaction get in her way as she rushed forward and took hold of its neck. She shook with all of her might as the coyote tried to paw her off, but it was for not as she ripped through its flesh. Screams of pain left it before Twig could finally finish it, regaining more attention from the other coyotes than she had intended. She rid herself of the body and retreated closer to the cat she was counting on being on her side.



06-30-2019, 11:31 PM
One voice is enough

Egan was able to gain a hold on the coyote he had thrown at him and was ferociously clawing and biting it while trying to shred its vital areas. Adonis on the other hand had taken the full attention of not only the coyotes but also the wolf. He could only hope this wolf was not some barbaric thing like those he was already learning about in these lands. He took a chance on saving this girl today and now she would have to either get lost and remember the strange pair or join them. His ears pinned but his eyes caught sight of the girl as she leaped into the fray fearlessly now. She took on one and Adonis looked to the others as they leapt at him. He was careful not to leap upward but as one took hold of his scruff he took hold of its leg in his massive jaws and roughly yanked it off him. The stray left red blood soaking his fur but he likely broke its leg if the crunch was anything to go by. A paw gripped into a second as he gave a toss to the first and pinned another that had leapt for him.

To an outside this may look odd, but to him this was natural. Defending others of any species was what he was always taught growing up. True he could of ended the life of the she wolf as well but he would rather eat dung. He was always a much gentler warrior anyway. He could easily end lives but he knew a true warrior had two sides. A war side and one that showed compassion to all souls.

He lifted that hreat paw as the coyote showed fear in its eyes and he watched as it ran, bleeding and darting away for safety. There was no need to end it's life. Even though he could the candids had learned a valuable lesson today. He looked to Egan as his coyote was flipped on the ground and whining. Egan had ceased his attack on it though. He moved and looked at the damage. It was fatal. The kindest thing was to end its life now and make its suffering end. He leaned down and bit into its trachea and severed its arteries in its neck quickly, releasing once it was gone from this earth. He sighed and looked back towards the girl now. She'd been lucky this time. "you should go home now. Its safer in your pack land I'm sure."

to make whole nations stand up


Word count: 421



Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-05-2019, 07:59 AM
Wolf, tiger, and fossa made quick work of the small pack. With only two real fatalities they likely wouldn’t be eager to mess with a wolf from Abaven anytime soon. Twig watched them go, relieved that she still had her life but as she looked to Adonis she realized how close she had been to losing it. The tiger still could have turned his attention on her. If she was spry the girl might have been able to outrun him. Tigers were ambush predators, meants for incredible bursts of speed and strength, not long drawn out battles like a wolf.

He looked back to her, and for a moment she saw her father. Tiger was his name, and she had inherited his tiger stripes. He would have said much the same thing. ”Thank you for your help,” she began, her voice polite and full of the gratitude she felt. ”Abaven is a safe place, but I can’t hide behind its borders, what kind of life would that be?” Everyone would die, she would rather have taken chances and made mistakes before that end.


07-05-2019, 08:31 AM
If we're gonna walk,

He watched the girl as she looked at him. If he could tell by her facial features she was wary of him. Just another of those locals then that thought they knew everything about his species then. Sure he was massive and a ambush predator but there was no reason for others to fear him. He wasnt about to attack anyone. His own children were wolves after all. He felt egan clamber upon his back as the wolf spoke.

She thanked him and he nodded. It was really no problem for the big cat. He was a warrior after all. Her question had him chuckle a little.  At least she did understand that life couldn't be spent behind borders for her entire life. Though he would admit she would of been safer at least. "A boring one, I'd guess, but with alphas like yours at least you'd be safe." He had recognized the scent upon her almost immediately but she was still worthy of his help even if her alphas had been rude and prejudiced against him. This striped girl was at least trying unlike them to be at least respectful enough to not out right accuse him of things he would not commit.

We walk as lions




Expert Fighter (210)

Expert Hunter (185)

10 Years

VolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
07-06-2019, 07:46 PM
He was rather polite, not at all like she had expected when his giant form had burst from the bushes to come to her aid. She kind of liked the sound of his rumbling chuckle as she asked about her life behind borders. He knew she would be bored, and made it sound like he had already met her alphas. Honestly she didn’t know them well. Allegro brought her there, she found her long lost uncle, and she hadn’t left. She’d been making friends though, and making ties in the large pack.

”They are rather serious sometimes. But they’re pretty old too, maybe it comes with age.” The girl visibly relaxed as they talked, she looked down at the dead coyote. ”I should probably get back though. Maybe I’ll see you around?” She asked curiously, she was a hunter and was beginning to venture out once more. She wagged her creamy white tail as she asked it, already shrugging off her brush with doom.