
hopeless wanderer

ft bal



3 Years
06-27-2019, 10:53 AM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2019, 11:00 AM by Desdemona.)

she entered this realm from the north, traveling south as she went. the young woman was without complaint - at least much of them - despite the cold air shooting through her body. she resisted shivering like a fool; a lady does not show weakness after all. with the coming autumn, Desdemona was adament going south. she only hoped this land was more humid down there. she couldn't stand the cold due to her thin coat. she had gone around the pines, starting from the icefields. it wasn't how she wanted to come, and she was ashamed to have said she got lost. though nobody would know. or so she hoped.

attempting to place her weary paws forward, the woman would pretend like she knew what she was doing. with her goal southward, she'd keep moving. past the structure of unknown origins, past the walled area. she had come from the woodlands and now was in the open. she felt naked, open to any danger that had half a mind to harass her. it wasn't like she had the means to defend herself. Desdemona once had guards, acting as her protectors. but now she was alone. and alone made for easier pickings. acutely aware of this, she tried to keep to the shadows of the wall as she made her way.

a dull path snaked before her, worn down by the many paws of whatever made its home here. she'd pause by an intersection, seeing the mountains from her angle and a clear area in the distance. she didn't know it, but that was what the natives called the Battlefield. without a second thought, she moved south, unaware she maybe was being watched.

(ooc: backdated to before auster)




5 Years
06-27-2019, 11:35 AM

Howling wind weaved it's way through the thick pelt of the large Wolf. Tendrils of deep crimson and onyx fur danced away from inky black skin. Within the past weeks of residing within these new lands Balerion had been able to put on some more weight. Upon arrival to Boreas he was skinny and had the air of a surviving loner. But, as he began to dwell longer and had access to more prey he was able to eat and flourish more. Ribs were no longer seen and his muscles no longer ached. Life was easier but not where he wished to be. With the company of Veraxes his desire to reconnect with the rest of his family was still very strong. She seemed to uplift his ambitions to make the best of such a dreadful situation.

The Vaelnaris stalked along the southern side of the wall. Cracked old stone was at his right side. Pure black eyes roamed the path before him and large jaws opened slightly to allow the whipping wind to bring forth scents. The taste of another Wolf fell upon his black tongue and Balerion lifted his head to look on. Alert eyes fell upon the sight of a greyscale femme moving south. The behemoth slowed as he watched her tall form glide against the frosty earth. Intrigue flashed through his thoughts as he hesitated. Balerion was no social butterfly but she smelled of no pack he had encountered. It would be interesting to speak to a fellow nomad. Thus, he moved to close the distance.

Black paws met the earth in a gentle trot towards the fae. Bal raised his head slightly as he came up on her side, remaining a safe ten tail lengths away. He was very cautious when it came to greeting new Wolves for he hadn't a clue of who or what this stranger was. Jaws parted once again and allowed his husky tones to sweep into the cool air. "Greetings, miss." His voice was less dry but still very deep. They stood at the same height thus it was easy for his gaze to pour into her own. Balerion's face gave little away but he held an air of simple neutrality.




3 Years
06-27-2019, 11:47 AM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2019, 01:08 PM by Desdemona.)

a man's tone reached her ears before she saw him. her head swirled around to face the man, struck by how handsome he was. then again, many people were quite attractive to the likes of her. she held his gaze, noting the blackened eyes, and a small inward smirk curled the fact they were the same height. "and to you, sir." she'd coo, honeyed tones drifting toward him. Desdemona was like a kid in a candy store; she didn't know what flavor this man was but was eager to try it anyway.

she swung her whole body to face him, a gentle and controlled smile upon her lips. "is it custom here to greet every stranger you pass by, or am I just special?" the woman chuckled, wondering if he had a reason for stopping her in her travels. she wasn't irritated by it though. no, she was highly amused that he would. it could be worse; she could have been assaulted by a larger predator. she could have twisted her paw. she could... well, she could do a lot of things. she couldn't been the victim of anything.

point was, she was lucky. he hadn't attacked her. he only made conversation.




5 Years
06-27-2019, 01:06 PM

Balerion peered into those intoxicating honey red eyes. He couldn't say if he had ever seen that color of eyes. The majority of his family members had eyes that ranged from green, blue, and silver. The male often wondered what his eyes would look like without the melanism. Maybe silver blue like Meraxes or vibrant emerald green like Vhagar. Nonetheless, he allowed his own unique obisidan gaze to sweep across her fierce features. As she spoke he took in her ivory teeth and inky lips. As well as the subtly coloration of her pelt, a blanket of grey with both black and white tones creeping in. The onyx that seemed to frame those beautiful eyes seemed to only make her look more confident. As if the Gods wished to paint a picture of the natural ferocity of a femme.

The stranger's words slipped into his relaxed ears with ease. Her question rang through his cranium and he seemed to merely roll his shoulders. His facial expression changed only slightly with black lips twitching, as if daring to grin but not quite getting there. Balerion allowed his eyes to peer into her own once as his baritone vocals came forth. "You are the first I have encountered since coming to these lands." The dark male shifted only slightly as he spoke again, "I am Balerion Vaelnaris." His head dipped down in a slightly nod, mimicking a bow. She was no noble nor held no authority so he would spare any prestigious formalities. "Are you a native to these lands?"




3 Years
06-27-2019, 01:15 PM

"is that so?" she'd reply smoothly, the ghost of a chuckle reaching her eyes. highlighting them well with mirth. he seemed drawn to staring at her, and she couldn't blame him. she was from a good stock; genetics were poured into beauty. carefully crafted into a favorable form. well, she did do her best to appear lovely too. she'd groom regularly and took care of her weight... but no one needed to know this. Desdemona wanted to appear effortlessly desirable. "though I would say I am the lucky one, to meet a gentleman like yourself, Balerion."

she'd pull her face into a sad sigh as she turned away, gesturing quietly to their surroundings. "no, I have just arrived here myself. you are the first I have seen" aware of the pines having a pack's scent, she had veered away. there was no reason to seek them out, for she loathed the cold. she couldn't imagine living there. "I am Desdemona, however. a pleasure to meet you." ever polite, ever mannerisms taught. especially around men. if you played along, they were easier to - she didn't want to say control - deal with? yes.




5 Years
06-27-2019, 01:37 PM

Balerion was far from some lusty hound but was not void of desires. He was not immune the sweet scent a femme emits while in heat or the fluttering of lashes against a set of beautiful eyes. But, he was not quick to act on such. Many males were feral in their need to bed as many females as they may deem fit. Balerion wished to find one female worthy of his seed and mate with her for life. He was no romantic fool awaiting his princess but he did not want to bounce from fae to fae and leave a path of angry fat bellied babes raging after him either. One day the Vaelnaris heir would find a female he fancied and with time he'd five her his heart, until then he would keep his mind out of any gutters.

With her compliment the male nodded in thanks. There was no burning blush but a mere gratitude. Balerion thought himself to be rather gentlemen like, especially when in the midst of strangers. But, he was also considered pretty ruthless when it came to his goals. One day he may rule as his father did, rising from the ashes of their former Empire to not only build a Kingdom but conquer those that may defy his word. Vaelnaris were cold Wolves and Balerion believed in ruling with an icy touch. But, he was no King as of now. Just a handsome stranger in the eyes of this beautiful dam and he would play such a role. "The pleasure is all mine, Desdemona." The name rolled from his inky tongue with a husky flourish. Black eyes raked across her facial features, leaving a haunting trail.

Subtly the male's jaws parted just to allow the scents to fall upon his tongue. Taking in the air through his mouth and nose to taste and smell everything around him. Her feminine aroma mixed with the wilds was evident, as well as passing prey, and stale travelers. Though, his attention seemed to never leave her. He seemed to swim within those honey eyes, more so then he would enjoy to admit. "We seem to be in a similar situation then." Balerion cocked his head ever so slightly, thick hackles shifted with the gravity. "What brought you here?" His tones were blunt and bold as he asked his question. She did not smell of Terra but there could be a slim chance she escaped the wildfires as well.




3 Years
06-27-2019, 01:49 PM

though she was no stranger to the pleasures of the flesh, she'd keep her body to herself unless invited. going into her third year due autumn, she had plenty of fun on the way here and even before that. what her family didn't know didn't hurt them. they had still thought she was a precious pure, untainted one still. a blushing bride. that they had matched her up with some lovely man that wanted her untarnished. it would have been amusing to stick around for her 'wedding night' to see his shock. though Desdemona was far from damaged goods. she'd call it experience.

the man before her did seem a bit charmed, which was good. though she wondered how far to play it, or if she would be pushing her luck. deciding not to get into trouble during her travels - at least so far - Desdemona would dip her head instead. a show of gratitude. she appeared outwardly meek, a breathless chuckle escaping her. "I fled an arranged marriage" which was true "and have come here for a new life. I admit that I didn't really think it through. but the man I was to be wed to... he was quite a brute, or so I've heard."

liar. the man had been smitten with her and promised to give her anything her heart desired. it was dreadfully dull. she needed a bit of excitement, of danger. "but enough about my sad story. what of you?"




5 Years
06-27-2019, 02:46 PM

The Vaelnaris were no strangers to arranged marriages. Balerion likely would have been married off to some beautiful Princess of Vaelator or Barnalys by now. They were fond of pairing to noble born Wolves to combine and secure alliances between the four mighty bloodlines. But, if parents wished they would also marry their offspring within the bloodline to keep it pure. This was very common with the Vaelator which was his mother's bloodline. Incest was not taboo within their realm but he knew it was deemed a horrific crime in some lands. Nonetheless, judgement fell on deaf ears when it came to Balerion.

To be married to a brute.. It sounded unpleasant to say the least but to run from a marriage it must have been bad. A nod could be seen form the male before his jaws parted once again, "To lose such a fine Lady.. he must have been a fool." His words were tempered with a booming gruff while remaining cool. He was able to play the game of small talk, silvery slippery tongues, and flowery tones.

Desdemona's next question caused Balerion's mind to flick through a slideshow of his past. The fires creeping in on their home and clutching many in it's path. The smoke seeped into the elderly and youth's lungs to give them a slow death while others got caught in the flames themselves. His father was engulfed while trying to save a woman and her pups. A Wolves fur is as flammable as dry leaves. Many died that day and Balerion witnessed it all. Thus, a small grimace could be seen as he stood straight once again. "A fire swept through my pack and destroyed our lands." He spared the grim details, "Thus, I am here to start a new." To rise and conquer these inferior nations. Black eyes poured into her honey pools as his lips formed a fine line and nostrils flared ever so slightly. "Does the fleeing bride have any plans upon arriving to these strange lands?" Inky lips turned upward ever so slightly to expose ivory fangs in a devious smirk. Hinting at only a mild layer of amusement and perhaps playing at his own charms to match hers. The beast was capable of honey despite his cold demeanor.




3 Years
06-27-2019, 02:59 PM

losing a fine lady, was it? if she was indeed the blushing bride... "my people are quite fond of arranged marriages" though a snake often times, Desdemona had no reason to lie about her culture. she told Balerion this loftily, as if it was just part of the life she had. which it was, truly. "to strengthen the bloodline, as it was. this man was from low stock, brute aside. he was... beneath me." perhaps she also saw no reason to play pretend much judging by the reaction from Balerion. he could perhaps see her position. nobody was worth spending your life with, if the man was not an equal to her.

the groom had been a fool. she wasn't going to sit by and let him make her one too.

Desdemona, however, listened intently as the man began his tale. there was little emotion to his tone, but nothing to light a sob story. just stating a matter-of-fact. she appreciated that. "they say fire cleanses" she'd utter in her own matter-of-fact way "perhaps you were sent here for a higher purpose, my dear Balerion?" she'd tilt her head at him, though went back to normal at his question. she had no plans other than going south and seeing what awaited her there. perhaps she shouldn't say that though. it'd sound like she had nothing going for her.

"nothing concrete. just to meet handsome strangers like yourself. do I really need any other plans?" she'd add with an arched brow, a playful tone echoing from her lips.




5 Years
06-27-2019, 04:32 PM

It seemed they were from similar backgrounds. Judging by her speech she could have been a noble daughter of some Lord or maybe even a Princess. It was hard to tell. The babe could be a complete lie, painting the pretty picture to ensnare the behemoth into a silk woven trap. Balerion was skeptical but would not retreat. He had little better to do and enjoyed playing games with silver tongued spiders. "As are mine." He could understand her distaste for if their father ever paired him with a lesser femme he would have never gone through with it. But, he would have never abandoned his kin. "Though, my father never had the chance to pair me with anyone before he met his demise." So he remained a bachelor and was able to control his own romantic life.

Her next words caused the male's tiny smirk to diminish. Perhaps not out of displeasure but out of how spot on the babe was. His black gaze roamed her features before resting back on her own eyes. Hackles prickled slightly as his own deep tones rolled forth from the bottom of his throat, "From ashes I shall raise my Kingdom." Balerion inhaled her supple scent with a greedy tongue slipping over rigid fangs in idle. "My purpose is to carve a path of blood into these lands to carry forth my family's legacy." First, he needed followers and said family to aid in the renewal of the Vaelnaris name. Though, he reflected on her final words of plans. "A life without ambition is a life wasted." Onyx pools flared, "Do you truly believe these handsome strangers will live up to what you truly desire?" Inferior worms is what these strangers shall be. Perhaps the thought of such a divine fae allowing these unworthy natives to relish within whatever she may have to offer made him weary. But, why should he care what she did in her own time?




3 Years
06-27-2019, 04:46 PM

"oh?" a smirk grew on her features as she dared to move a bit closer. "no fine ladies caught his eye for you?" Dedemona had no way of knowing what sort of life he had lived, but it should have been easy to pair the likes of Balerion up with some pretty face. she suspected his pack had lots of those, all swooning for the noble man. if she was a swooning type, she would have easily lost herself in his dark gaze. "how shameful." she tsk'ed gently.

oh ho, now that was certainly a reaction. Desdemona felt her smirk widen as his proclaimation echoed through these untamed wilds. her eyes danced with amusement and awe. "then, have you come to conquer?" the female asked him. she should get front row seats. "this place could use a little class and structure." from what she'd seen so far, it was merely the work of barbarians. pack life was fine and good, she desired an empire to be built. a kingdom would do too. Balerion did make a fine point; without ambition there was to be nothing.

she'd shuffle slightly, wondering how much to give out. "I doubt it" Desdemona replied honestly but wouldn't it be fun to see them try? "I am not a strong wolf, Balerion. my skills lie in subtle gestures. all I wish is to find a big enough pond and cast a stone on it. see the ripples weave because of my efforts." she wanted to raise a little hell but had no idea where to start.
