
The right direction


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
06-30-2019, 05:52 PM
It was Shaye’s turn with Noir, she was last on the list, and both Ody and Rhyme had had a turn with him. Poem and Motif where both with their father for the night, and seemed happy with the sleep over. They were getting so big, all of them, that she suspected they would start digging out their own dens soon. She hated the idea.

She dropped the rabbit at the entrance of her den, and turned to the younger wolf. “Feel free to settle in wherever you please in the den” she explained to him, gesting forward with her nose as she indicated the space ahead of them. They had been mostly quiet on their walk over here. She wondered what was going through his mind, if he chafed at the constant supervision and lessons, or if he was grateful for the attention, for the idea that a high rank might be his, if he worked for it.

She still wondered if he would ever fit the role of lead warrior, but she was willing to let him prove himself, to give him a chance. “We’ll have a spar in the morning, and then talk about the surrounding packs.” she told him, hinting at some of the lessons she had in store for him tomorrow.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-02-2019, 02:07 PM
Noir followed after Shaye, he was slowly getting used to being supervised all of the time. Not that he was any closer to enjoying the fact. He hid well the resentment he felt towards Odysseus, though the man likely knew very well how Noir felt about his plots being found out. None of the adults were happy with him, and for that he blamed Poem. He hadn’t seen his half sister since the fire, a fact he knew was well orchestrated by their parents and his mentor.

Shaye dropped the limp rabbit at the entrance as she turned to face him. He tried to avoid speaking to her as best he could, the better he kept his mouth shut likely the better the woman would see him. The sooner he could get all this stupid punishment stuff over the better off he’d be. Already he craved the freedom he’d been given before the fire. Summer cracked in the trees above them, she was much more comfortable than he was as she snuggled in next to Winter on the tree. Noir glared at her while Shaye wasn’t looking before making his way into the den.

It smelled like Poem and already he hated it. He looked around as Shaye told him what their plan was to be in the morning. He did love his lessons, and they were the only good thing about the whole arrangement. He was training three times as much as he had been, but there wasn’t anything else for him to do. He was allowed to learn, work, and sleep. All under the watchful eye of Abaven’s top tiered wolves.

Still keeping his voice to himself he nodded in acknowledgement of Shaye’s words, he liked to ignore her completely but he’d learned quickly that reflected badly on his ‘recovery.’ Sighing softly to himself he picked a bare corner and collapsed onto the earth. He curled into himself, ready to sit and be watched some more before falling asleep. If he could even sleep with the stench of his sisters. He found himself rolling his eyes as he realized even his den was going to smell like them since they were with their dad. It just kept getting better.