

Noir skill prompt

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-01-2019, 07:04 PM
Shaye was taking Noir outside of the pack lands on a routine patrol. It was her turn with the younger wolf, and she thought bringing him along to a fresh scenery might do him some good. She moved through the lands outside of Abaven, occasionally pointing things out to him, like the tracks of a bear, or the migration of birds in the area. She didn’t talk much, but when she did, she kept it educational. She still wasn’t sure how to relate to the boy who had pushed her daughter. She wasn’t holding a grudge, she had let that go, understanding that to do otherwise would do more harm for him and her pack.

The roundabout path she took outside of Abaven took them to the Stone Steppe, and she looked at the ruins as they approached. “Have you ever been here before?” she asked him as she came to the first round stone planted in the grass. She nudged it with a paw, through of course it didn’t move. “I’ve heard that these were built by two leggers a long, long time ago” she explained, before ducking under an overhang and entering the main circle of ruins.

She stopped immediately after entering, cocking her head and looking up in surprise at the sudden growling hiss above her. She looked to the tabby cat as it puffed up its fur and hissed, and she couldn’t help but laugh. She had looked down larger cats then this, surely it didn’t think it could scare her away.

As she thought that, another growl sounded up deeper in, and then another, until multiple growls came from multiple throats. “Noir… I think we’d better back out slowly…”

Word count: 290



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-02-2019, 03:19 PM
The pups reached their nine month mark of life this season and Noir was quickly closing in on his full adult height. While he wouldn’t tower over his siblings he would always be taller than them. At this point he was beginning to believe that he would be taller than Shaye and his father both. The thought excited him more than it should have. His life didn’t have much excitement right now, he was still suffering through his punishments. Watched day in and day out there wasn’t much besides working and going to lessons.

Shaye was taking him on a patrol, and it felt good to get his dark paws away from Abaven’s soils. The mother of his half sisters didn’t talk much, which he was thankful for really. He didn’t much enjoy talking to Shaye, he was always afraid he might say the wrong thing and she’d tack even more time onto his probation. Her eyes were the most critical.

He looked up at her as she asked him a direct question. ”No,” he answered shortly as she explained the origin of the place they now visited. He hadn’t heard much about the creatures Shaye spoke of, but they must have been impressive to accomplish what he was looking at. Even who knew how many years later the structure was still more than any wolf pack could accomplish. He halted a ways away, taking in the structure as he hard Shaye laugh.

The boy perked his ears in her direction, curious about what she’d found. He couldn’t quite make out anything in the darkness as she slowly shifted and backed away. Her voice was much less confident and it didn’t hold the amusement it had only moments before. ”Why?” He asked, taking a step forward instead. Noir just had to be contrary. His bright blue and lavender eyes searched the darkness for what could have possibly made Shaye so nervous so suddenly.

He trotted up to the entrance, eager and curious, hoping for some entertainment when he wasn’t allowed such things. Dark ears were trained forward as he stuck his face in the darkness and was promptly greeted with a painful stinging on his black nose. ”Hey!” He complained as he backed away from the entrance as Shaye had told him so to begin with. Noir kind of heard te growls and the hissing and for a moment he thought he’d been attacked by a venomous snake. His eyes widened in panic before the tabby cat raced after him.

He felt foolish for thinking he’d been bitten. ”That’s the smallest mountain lion I have ever seen.” The last time he’d encountered a cat was with Shaye. He’d been a bit younger then, and hadn’t really seen any since. He looked to Shaye again, finding that he actually wanted guidance from her.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-02-2019, 03:58 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 03:58 PM by Shaye I.)
The growls sounded all around her, from every alcove, nook and cranny. She was rather impressed by the sheer size of the group that had managed to assemble here, and found herself asking why. Why where they here, had then staked a claim to these ruins? What did this mean for Abaven, which lay not far from here.

She warned Noir that they needed to back up, but wasn’t surprised when he creeped forward instead. His paws where light on the earth as he moved ahead without fear, and stuck his nose where it apparently didn’t belong. She hid a smile when he got a scratch for his curiosity, knowing laughing would only annoy the younger wolf.

One of the cats darted by them after giving Noir a warning shot, and she could see Noir’s curious eyes follow it. “It’s no mountain lion, but I have a feeling these ones hunt in packs, when Mountain lions do not. I’ve never encountered one so small myself.” she admitted to Noir.

She moved forward again to stand beside him, tense and alert as the growls grew deeper. Creeping from the shadows, the cats began to show themselves. She was impressed by the array of colors as they jumped to the walls around them, forming a barrier of living flesh as more jumped to the ground and blocked their entrance into the ruins. “I don’t think they want us here… let’s start backing up nice and slow so they see we aren’t a threat” she suggested, and hoped Noir would actually listen this time. If he backed up or not, she would stick close to him, her only marginally larger size a protective shield over him. No matter what he had done, at the end of the day, Shaye would always fight for him.

word count: 307


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-24-2019, 04:09 PM
Almost too distracted by the stinging scratch on his nose, Noir barely heard Shaye correct him on his assumption that this was a mountain lion. They had gathered in some kind of strange group, and obviously had at least a little claw to back up their.. bark? The cats certainly were not barking, though he had to admit the sound he and his kind made was much more intimidating than some hissing. Maybe growls, he wasn’t quite sure what the puny rumbling was. His eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight of the wall of cats, as if to test out his thoughts Noir sneered at the little creatures and started barking ruthlessly. His hackles raised and he lowered his head menacingly.

Though the growling grew louder some of the cats closer to him looked a little nervous and hesitated to continue their march forward. Shaye suggested they start their retreat and Noir was forced to look back over to her pleadingly. ”Awe, Shaye.” The cats started to advance again and the boy returned to barking at them, this was almost more enjoyable than what he really wanted to do. Her turned his features again to his chaperone. ”We could take ‘em. It didn’t hurt that bad.” He played down the pain in his nose. Noir just wanted to get his teeth around one of their fluffy little necks.

The boy looked pleadingly at Shaye but she didn’t seem like she was going to budge. Dejectedly Noir followed her retreat, he didn’t hesitate to continue barking at them though. The least she could do what give him that. Baring his teeth the boy slowly backed up, and though the cats seemed to follow for a few more steps, the bulk of them stopped closer to the entrance of the ruins. The young warrior whined softly in protest once more as he used his big blue and lavender stare. He pouted only slightly and continued to back away.

The cats continued to his and spit, but they stopped and were now just making sure the wolf pair made their way out of their turf for good. There would be a few sentinels remaining here just to be safe, but they realized pretty quick they could back the wolves down. Noir didn’t much like the result of the encounter, he huffed heavily as the cats were quickly concealed from sight and they could return to Abaven without backing up. Though he wasn’t about to just forget how lame it was he couldn’t fight the cats he was interested enough to question Shaye. ”Where do you think they came from? Why were they so small?” The better question was the latter question but they were both valid.
