
add a dash of ginger

seasonal prompt, ixi



2 Years
07-01-2019, 08:16 PM

He hadn’t crafted since he got here. Even then, it was an effort he wasn’t sure he’d master. Holland stood amongst Lirim’s lands, in front of his den with a various bounty of herbs and plants he had tried to collect a cache for. He had only found enough to last until winter. He’d have to remedy that or get creative. He couldn’t justify mixing them. He couldn’t justify making anything in case he failed, but if he never tried then the pack would be worse for it. he’d be worse for it. Seeing as it was fall, the weather would hopefully take a more neutral turn. It’d get colder the more he lived here, and he wasn’t sure what to really make for the wolves of Lirim aside from a poultice. it was a way to apply directly to the skin or fur or what have you. A bandage could get caught. A poultice was like a wet bandage that was made from herbs. He’d set to work immediately.

A poultice was only as good as the herbs that we available. He had collected both marshmallow and horsetail before, but now that stock had grown. It’d be a cold poultice since he didn’t have the means to heat it up. The cold one also did great work in soothing inflammation. Holland would store the mixture with the large leaves he had taken from the water’s edge, making sure to place them in a location that was wet and musky so it wouldn’t dry out. At least, that was the plan. After a few minutes, it was clear it wasn’t meant to be. His meager supplies were enough to dissuade him from using too much, and the poultice needed a bit more than he was willing to sacrifice. ”Damn it” the man would curse quietly, his pale eyes narrowed as he stared at the failed attempt. Now there was a huge mess and he wasn’t sure whether to discard the mixture or separate them.

Feeling like a huge failure, Holland set to work trying to fix his mistake.

348 / 1500 words

holland is not a nice character typically; his views do not reflect my own.



3 Years

Christmas 2019
07-09-2019, 11:36 AM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2019, 02:14 PM by Anoixi.)

Anoixi was unsure exactly what it was he doing here... his father had retired recently and while the boy might have assumed that'd mean getting to spend some more time with him it was obvious to him his father was slowing down and he didn't feel right burdening him. Stil the boy felt stifled here, at least right now. He wanted adventure, he wanted to experience something new. He wanted anything but the monotony of what his life had become here.

So maybe when he'd caught the heady scent of herbs and the mingling of a new wolf he couldn't help himself. Lirim hadn't had much in the way of anyone who could teach him. There'd been the two older ladies but he hadn't wanted to burden them either, and they... well he had to assume they'd passed on recently. So the idea that Lirim might finally have someone, anyone who could train him was exciting.

Even if the boy was still less than keen on strangers he'd started getting better about seeing them out. So he traced the scents to the valley, finding a man he'd not seen before. At his paws was... well a mess. The boy's gaze darted between the man and the gross, pulpy clump on the ground. Finally, he approached with more purpose. "Hello..." He began, his uncertainty in his voice. "What- uh... what are you doing?" Okay no beating around the bush, his gaze jumped back to the wet mess on the ground. He idly wondered if he could maybe help, with whatever it was the man was doing...

WC: 613/1500

"Speech" Think

Art by Evertenn
Character design by Floral-Tea

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



2 Years
07-15-2019, 02:23 PM

“Making a poultice” Holland would reply, looking up briefly into the face of a young boy before dropping it back to the crap attempt. “poorly” He’d go on to say, admitting his mistake easily. He hated being useless. Lirim had taken him in. they had given him a den and plenty of patients. Even if the pack was healthy and even if he didn’t see foot traffic… he was at least grateful. Lirim was growing with the arrival of Torin and Derecho’s children. He had to do his part too. he would look up again after giving the mess of herbs a distasteful glare. “why?” he asked as well, tilting his head slightly.

Did this boy want to help? The thought of an apprentice at his age was… a bit insulting, but he knew his rank included teaching other wolves who wanted to learn. Holland focused on the boy entirely, forgetting for once the herbs at the ground. “I could make this into a salve instead if you want to assist me?” he surprised himself for offering the boy something to do. salve was less of a bandage; it was a cream. The moist herb mess before him could be stored away with moss to preserve it. Just add more water when applying if it had dried out. It was simple enough.

835 / 1500 words

holland is not a nice character typically; his views do not reflect my own.



3 Years

Christmas 2019
08-08-2019, 05:11 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2019, 02:14 PM by Anoixi.)

Anoixi nodded thoughtfully as the older man answered... as if he actually understood what the man was saying. He'd heard the word before but had no real grasp on how a poultice was made. Anoixi blinked his eyes as the man asked him why and the boy matched the man's cocked head. "I'm just curious I guess." He said though now it was more piqued than before.

He didn't even know how to begin asking if he could help, if he could stay and watch, try and learn. It had been too long since Lirim had had a healer, someone he could try and learn from. He'd mostly been left to learn how to harvest things without necessarily knowing their usage or if he even could use them... he wasn't exactly going to force anyone to try his untested concoctions. He wasn't about to risk anyone's health like that.

So he visibly perked when the man asked him if he wanted to help. Anoixi nodded enthuastically and then moved in towards the man, peering down at the mush at his paws. "What do you need me to do?" He asked, lifiting his gaze to meet the man's. "Oh uh, I guess it'll be easier if I introduce myself. I'm Anoixi Wreckage." He gave the man a dip of his head. The boy watched the man expectantly, ready to do as he told him.

1068/1500 words

"Speech" Think

Art by Evertenn
Character design by Floral-Tea

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



2 Years
08-08-2019, 06:25 PM

The boy was just curious? Well, Holland couldn’t fault him for that. A curt nod was given to him as he looked back down at his meager supplies. the boy would go on to introduce himself as he thought. “Holland” no last name anymore. Moving closer to the healer, Anoixi asked what he needed to do. Holland wasn’t sure whether this was a good or bad thing, the curiosity couldn’t be fulfilled. Not really. Not with what they had. He wanted to teach but he realized if they wasted the herbs they'd have nothing. “we have… little supplies to work with" he confessed, hoping to remedy this sometime soon but knowing with what he had was too precious to waste. Bringing some of the marshmallow closer to his body, he’d begin to grind it upon one of the larger leaves. “if you can store the salve – the mushy parts – on some moss and place it in my den…?”

It wasn’t exactly thrilling work, but it needed to be done before it dried out. “Thank you” he’d add-in. Holland went back to work kneading the herbs, though he’d nod to where the moss was close by. Perhaps it was time to focus on a tisane instead? Watering down the herbs after crushing them could extend their life. To be taken orally with little actual medicine in it was sometimes best instead of focusing on making bandages with large amounts. He doubted Anoixi had a cold, so he couldn’t test it on him, but the marshmallow would be crushed and powdered for easier consumption. He realized it was all he could do for now. How pathetic was that? A healer with no supplies…

If Anoixi came back, Holland would turn to look at him. “this tisane… will be taken with water orally. Crushed herbs are less than ideal to use, but the medical properties remain even if watered down” sometimes too much at once could cause a reaction anyway “it also makes you keep the herbs longer if you knead all the moisture out of them” Compared to poultices and salves that is. Herbs can dry out quickly. It was important to keep them, even in another season they typically didn’t grow in. “try crushing this into a powder.” he’d push some untouched marshmallow toward the boy, and a large leaf to transfer the powder to. If the boy showed promise, Lirim could use another healer. He needed someone else to help him gather.

1480 / 1500 words

holland is not a nice character typically; his views do not reflect my own.



3 Years

Christmas 2019
08-09-2019, 12:46 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2019, 02:14 PM by Anoixi.)

Anoixi nodded in greeting as Holland gave him his name. Holland didn't exactly seem optimistic about what they were dealing with so Ixi frowned down at the herbs as well. Holland gave him a task and the boy nodded, flashing Holland a cheeky grin. "Thank you." He meant it, he was so eager to finally learn. He dashed over to where Holland had pointed out the moss. He carefully set about trying to push the mush onto the moss. He gently nudged it with his paws, trying to form it into some kind of shape he could work with. Finally, he got as much of it on the moss as he felt he could and gently folded the corners of the moss into the center, gripping the little bundle he trotted off, carefully searching for the man's scent to find his den.

After a bit of searching he tracked down Holland's den and took a brief moment of hesitation before pushing inside to tuck the bundle in a back corner before rushing back towards the older man. He watched as Holland ground a plant he didn't recognize. He accepted some more of the plant and carefully began to try grinding it into the fine powder he saw Holland making, though his was sufficiently less fine.  "What plant is this?" He asked, eager to learn more still.

1706/1500 Words

"Speech" Think

Art by Evertenn
Character design by Floral-Tea

I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3



2 Years
08-09-2019, 03:10 PM

it would have been quite rude to tell Anoixi that Holland didn't know his capabilities, so he was unwilling to waste precious herbs on him if the boy fucked up. for his sanity, he hoped the boy wouldn't question him and he didn't. good, there was some promise already. the other Lirim wolf would busy himself with his task while the healer waited, shooting the result an approving nod before Anoixi rushed off for the den.

“marshmallow” Holland explained, settling back to view the boy's attempt at a tisane. another curt nod was given. "it helps... with some respiratory problems. sore throats, inflammation, cough..." among other things less than casual to speak of. such as problems of the stomach and waste disposal. the healer made a disgruntled face before continuing on. well, the boy deserved to know. "and bathroom issues." he said it as politely as he could stand to.

"good work" he'd add to the boy. despite not being a fine powder, it lacked a lumpy texture and would be easier to swallow by patients. "let's clean up and carry the rest to my den." he began to gather the remnant moss and herbal fragments together.

1500 / 1500 words

holland is not a nice character typically; his views do not reflect my own.