
son of a - give me a drink

ft anyone



4 Years

Critical Fail!
07-03-2019, 11:13 AM
her little paws carried her farther than she thought. perhaps she was in a better shape than originally suggested. this place was called Auster, and she crossed the Bifrost without much fuss. nobody harassed her. maybe they didn't even see her. Dutch seemed to escape most other's notice due to her short size, and the woman didn't rightly care if she did or not. as long as someone let her work, she was fine with being ignored. without a satchel to carry her stuff around, she was forced to abandon gathering in favor of traveling far. Valkyrie and the Hjarrandi could wait.

she wanted to see what this world had to offer.

but the worse thing about being short was that she frequently stumbled over rocks and roots that other, larger wolves could ignore. this was how it was when she suddenly tripped over a gnarled tree root, tumbling head first into the mud surrounding the creek. she swore loudly and long before lifting her head from the mud. spitting it out, she'd shake her pelt. "damn it!" Dutch hissed, feeling conflicted about this. dirt was something she didn't mind, but wet muddy earth was another thing. it got stuck to her coat and she'd spend hours cleaning it off.

but seeing as the creek was right there... springing forward, she'd splash right into the waters. ignoring her leg and head smarting from the fall, the dwarf woman would sigh as the waters washed the grime away. she fell to her belly, the creek surrounding her easily, and rolled onto her back. the water blinded her as she shut her eyes to make sure nothing got in them. only her snout, legs and tail were seen, poking out of the water as she allowed the current to wash more off her. she must look like quite a sight.
dutch speaks with a thick scandinavian accent.