
warm embrace



5 Years
07-02-2014, 10:51 AM

She had not seen or heard from her mother since the pack challenge, which had happened a few days ago on the battlefield. Her mother had reigned victorious, not by any surprise, and had all but vanished right after ripping the crown from the queens head. Where had she gone? Was she severely injured, was she sick with infection? Troubling thoughts flooded the adolescents worrying mind, forcing the babe to her breaking point. She needed to see her mother, needed to find her to ensure she was alright. Ebony legs would raise her body skyward, carmine skull tipping back as a howl seeped from her slackened jaws, a summon for her mother and her mother only. She hoped her mother would at least answer her, that way she could pinpoint her location and find her.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


07-02-2014, 11:13 AM

She had been alone mostly since returning from the challenge, having spoken to Desiree and Scorpion, Crucifix and Orchid but not yet to her children. Something inside her told her that she did not want them to see her weak, didn't want them to see her injured and unable to lead her pack. But as her first born daughter's howl arched skywards Vi would sigh, lantern eyes closing momentarily before she would shuffle forwards towards the front of her den so her lay with half her body out and her hind legs still within the confines of it. She had moved herself to a new den, not the one she had shared for so long with Desiree and her children. Every so often she would still bleed, she would still break open her scabs and fuck shit up and have to call Orchid or Zara for assistance. Today was a better day, Zara having placed a fresh poultice of red seaweed over her wounds that was only a shade lighter then her pelt so not as noticeable. Slowly skull would tip back, allowing a lazy song to slip from her lips to call to her daunter, telling her where Vi was. It would be a few weeks before Vi could leave her den Zara had said, a few months before she could start attempting to put weight on her leg? Apparently it would be quite the wait. But good things came to those who waited right? TALK HERE



5 Years
07-07-2014, 11:02 AM

She does not wait long until her mothers response rings out across the territory, and immediately the carmine nymph takes off toward its direction. She travels across the pack lands at a steady lope, reaching her mothers new den within a few minutes. She would slow her pace until she had come to a complete halt, magma hued eyes falling upon her mothers resting form. Half of her body was hanging out the den, while the other half remained concealed within its confines. What was her mother hiding? Why was she laying that way? "Mother." She greets the woman aloud upon approaching her, aiming to recline onto her haunches directly in front of her mother. She aims to sink toward the earth until she is laying on her belly the same way her mother was, her right paw laying across her left as she crossed her front limbs. "What happened, mother. What did that woman do to you." She inquires, pointing out the obvious fact that her mother was severely injured but she did not know to what extent.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"


07-12-2014, 02:15 PM

Vi would wait patiently and within a few minute Fia would come loping towards her easily, stockinged legs covering the distance in no time flat. When had she grown up so much? Vi smile softly as her daughter approached and came to lay down before her, uttering a soft greeting before questioning the injuries. "My back is not wounded too badly don't worry. I took a trip to another pack afterwards though and trespassed a little. I allowed the queen to extract her punishment on my flesh to avoid starting a war... Yet..." She would sigh and chuckle, head shaking slightly. Yes her shoulder was awful looking, would scar and she couldn't use it but it still managed to be funny. It was Vi's own damn fault so she couldn't blame anyone but herself. "When you fight to take over a pack though... As much damage as that woman did to me I still got to rip her homelands from her and that's worth more then any bodily damage..." Smile would grow slightly sadistic, the edges of her lips curling I to a devilish smirk. She had done it after all right? It was true that now her progress had bit a wall for the time being but it would only be a matter of time before she would be back up and at it again.

Table by Azil



5 Years
07-18-2014, 05:02 PM

Her mother greets her with a warm smile and she receives an answer to her question. Although it angers her to know another woman injured her mother she would not show it in her outward appearance. Instead her features would remained hardened, emotion vacant within her magma hued eyes. "I'm sure you had a good reason to trespass, mother. But don't worry- someday you will own all these lands, and it will be she who trespasses upon our turf." She says, trying to cheer her mother up as she knows she is in a lot of pain due to her injuries. She does not doubt her mothers capabilities, she has now uprooted two queens and has taken two thrones. She had no doubt that soon the Sovari family would rule the entire continent. Her mother would speak again, and the carmine beauty would nod her head, her mothers sadistic smile uprooting a devilish smirk of her own. "And your memory is forever carved into that woman's nightmares, I am sure." She agrees with her mother, as she knows she must have literally ripped the crown off her competitors head. "What do you have planned for the future. What will you do once your body has healed?" She inquires, as she wants to know if her mother has any more plans to wreck homes and take over new lands.

*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"