
ima start a riot



5 Years
07-02-2014, 10:35 AM

The irresistible desire to dominate courses through the adolescents veins, a fiery emotion that begged to be quenched by her own tooth and claw. She had searched Covari for a sibling to spar with, but none of them were to be found within the pack lands. The carmine beauty would need to find a sparring partner elsewhere, and so she would. She would cross the packs border with ease, paws kissing the earth with a deadly silence as she slithered across the blackened sand. Magma hued eyes behold her surroundings, audits perking forward as the sound of rustling within the brush did not go unnoticed. She would freeze, eyes shifting toward the treeline as she waited for her next victim to descend from the shadows.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
07-02-2014, 11:09 AM

He would explore the lands alone, it was odd not having the comfort of his mother's presence. It had only been the two of them for so long it was rather hard for him to continue on by himself. He knew he had his own life to live, and his own adventures to complete. He still missed her though, more than he would have ever imagined. He would try and ignore his emotions for now, his thoughts on the nearby ocean. The scent of the salty water would draw his silent form forth to the dark beach. Ears would fall slightly as his fire and ice eyes would fall upon the form of another. He'd expected a nice evening by the water alone, but maybe this beautiful girl could provide him some distraction from his sadness. She would find her deep red eyes placed upon him, like she'd been expecting another. "Are you looking for someone?"


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
07-02-2014, 11:28 AM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2014, 11:30 AM by Fiamette.)

A chocolate hued man would emerge from the shadows, and immediately her eyes would roll across the padded muscle that encased his larger body, intimidation painfully present within her features. Volcanic orbs would narrow to slits, velveteen lips quirking into the faint curve of a devilish smirk. "Not someone- something." She responds, her tone emotionless and detached although the expression on her face suggested otherwise. She would flag the meager defenses she instinctively knew to uphold, her audits folding flat against her skull, her lips curling to expose her fangs, her chin tucking to protect her throat, and her hackles bristling along her nape and spine. She would perfect her stance as well, her body lowering slightly to center her balance, her knees bending slightly, her elongated tail raising to align with her spine, and her toes flexing and splaying as she gripped the sand beneath her. "Attack me, peasant. Show me what you got."


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
07-02-2014, 12:28 PM

She seemed quite set on intimidation, though her gorgeous red form would scream that she wished to dominate him. Of course, he was not so easily swayed. She seemed young still, and he held a few inches on her but he knew that couldn't mean anything. His mother would tell him stories of tiny wolves being much more fierce than their larger counterparts. He couldn't take this encounter for granted. Her words would bounce back to him, oddly emotionless as she continued. She would slip into a battle stance and command him to attack her. Would he really be okay with attacking a pup?
If she wished it, he would have no qualms. He was a tad rusty, and felt the fiery rage of battle start to cook within his veins. He would spar with her. "As you wish, red queen." He would also let himself get into the mindset of dominance, his liquid movements readying him for the quick spar. Fire and ice gaze would narrow as he pulled his ears to his skull. He would pull his lips back as his tail aligned with his spine, a deep breath would be taken as he let every other thought fall from his mind. Knees would bend and his shoulders would roll as he prepared himself to spring, his body trying to shoot off to his right. His abdomen would tighten as he tucked his chin to protect his vulnerable throat. Toes would splay as he fought for a grip on the sand, his hackles raising as he tried to push himself towards her.
He would keep his eyes glued to her form, he wanted to be on her left side coming from slightly behind. He would keep himself low attempting to approach her left, the pointed part of his right shoulder would aim to ram into her ribs. The lower part of her abdomen right behind her front left elbow. He wanted to knock the wind from her lungs and possibly render the leg useless the rest of the battle. His weight would shift to his front to try and attain the most amount of damage. His jaws would unhinge and gaze would find the perch for his incisors. He wished to grab the left side of her face. He wanted to feel his jaws sink into the soft flesh that is underneath her ear and right before her jaws. He wanted to distract her with the pain and maybe take control of her through grabbing her head. With the majority of his weight grounded in his right leg he would try to lift his left paw in an attempt to grab at her left legs' ankle. He wanted to pull it from beneath her as he would try and smash into her shoulder. His other paw's claws would cling to the sand of the beach.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
07-02-2014, 04:56 PM

Her defenses would remain in tack, all flagged in an attempt to deflect as much damage as possible. Her ears were folded against her skull, her eyes were narrowed to slits, her lips were curled to fully expose her fangs, her muzzle was scrunched, her chin was tucked to protect the vitals within her throat, and her hackles were bristled along her nape and spine. She kept her knees slightly bent, her body slightly lowered to center her gravity, her shoulders rolled forward to add extra padding to her throat area, her elongated tail rose to align with her spine, and all ten of her toes flexed and splayed to grip the lose sand beneath them.

He gives her no warnings, his far larger body jolting toward her left, and she immediately attempts to pivot on her front paws and swing her rump toward her right, aiming to give the man no access to her left side, and aiming to keep them face to face. (diagram here) Her bodily muscles would tense seconds before impact, the mans right shoulder jabbing forcefully into the upper left portion of her chest, causing her to grip the sand with all her might in an attempt to maintain her stance and balance. His left paw would raise and swipe toward her left ankle, and immediately she would attempt to lift her paw and tuck her left leg against her chest, hoping to slide her paw from his grasp and dodge his ankle swipe completely. Most of her weight would reside within her right leg while her left was raising, an attempt to maintain her balance although he was trying so hard to knock her down. His splayed jaws would strike directly toward the left side of her face, and the carmine adolescent would attempt a counter.

With jaws splayed open, and lips already curled to reveal her fangs, she would cock her head toward her right, and would attempt to meet the mans snapping fangs head on, aiming to clash her fangs against his in an attempt to keep herself from being bitten directly in the face. Upon clashing fangs she aims to recoil her head immediately, and aims to strike before he has a chance to snap his jaws again. She attempts to rake her (possibly aching) fangs directly across the mans left eye, aiming to sink her bottom teeth into the soft portion above his eye brow, and aiming to sink her bottom teeth into his cheek bone. She would then proceed to pull her head downwards while recoiling it back to her body, an attempt to rake her fangs across his eye while pulling it back before she could be bitten. She wanted blood to drip into his eye, she wanted to steal the sight from his eye and render it useless. In sync with her snap, she attempts to forefully slide her hopefully raised left paw earthward, aiming to come down upon the mans right paw with as much force as possible. She aimed to smash his toes with her foot, possibly break them, and render his foot useless.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



5 Years
07-02-2014, 08:44 PM

With raised hackles, lowered ears, and weight distributed evenly he would charged at her, as his form twisted around and aimed for her shoulder the she wolf would skillfully move with him. His elegant tail would pivot with his body's movements, helping him keep his balance. As he felt his shoulder connect with her chest they would roll forward to protect his neck. He could feel the force of his hit knock into her as her paws dug in to keep herself connected to the earth. He would feel a slight pain within his shoulder, but it would be easily ignored. Splayed toes would dig his claws into the sand as his left paw would fail in its attempt to grab at her own. She would pull her leg to her chest, as she did this his left paw would become planted in the ground. His weight would shift to his left side as his right paw was lifted from the sand. She would try and stomp upon that same foot as he would try and knock her right foot from beneath her with his right wrist. With her weight leaning on that leg he would want her to fall to her knees at his feet.
As he tried to grab at the side of her face all he would meet would be teeth. They would crack together before the maiden would reclaim her jaws. When she pulled back his knees would bend considerably, brining him lower to the ground almost to a crouch. With narrowed eyes and lips pulled back to reveal his slightly aching teeth his abdomen would clench and his back legs would coil. He would push with his impressive hind legs, wanting the broad part of his chest to meet with the most lower part of her own chest. As her pretty mouth would lash out again his lowered head would dodge right, not fast enough to go totally unscathed. Her teeth would sink into the thick fur of his cheek, her teeth would bruise him but no skin would be broken. As she moved to pull down and away he would tilt his head to the left and aim to grab hold of her exposed throat. He didn't want to tear it out, but he wanted to grab hold enough to let her know that he had control of the situation.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]