
We simply must stop meeting like this




4 Years
Dire wolf
07-19-2019, 10:29 AM

Medea had turned her attention from her own home lands, well as much as she could consider them home right now, to try and find prey further afield. Not because she needed to escape, though she tended to avoid the shrine, it just didn't feel right to her, but rather to try and perseve the prey still living on the plains. Come winter they'd likely struggle with having enough prey to sustain them, even as small as they still were. So she didn't want to over hunt the pack lands yet, once the weather turned even colder than it already was she'd be less likely to want to venture too far, even as chilly as it was now she wasn't too keen on it but for the sake of her family and their small pack she'd do what she had to.

Medea's original plan had been to simply find somewhere with visibly more prey but as she went, catching the scents of another pack, faint now but there she'd found herself drawn to the coast. Which as it turned out would mean she in fact found herself with a bounty of food. The smell hit her first, briny and carrying with it a distinct iron tang. As she neared the shore, clearly hearing the distinctive crashing of waves Medea's gaze dropped upon the assortment of fish flopping on the sand. Her eyes widened and instantly her mind was whirling, she could bring back a veritable feast with this many fish... not by herself and she'd need to find a way to preserve them. Well no sense letting them go waste at least. The girl loped towards the shore, snagging up a few fish and quickly gulping them down. Then she thought about how it might be even better to invite a friend... or well anyone who happened to hear her. Tipping her head back Medea loosed a friendly summon for whoever happened to be nearby.

WC: 325

speech action

[Image: HIxq34g.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3