
It's Not My Time



Extra small
07-01-2014, 11:12 PM
Syrinx was beyond angry, but it would eventually leave him. It was his disappointment tat caused his discontent and he couldn't have imagined Isardis would give the throne to another while breath was still in his body. Especially do a woman given his stance on a man's rights and their supremacy. Alas, Syrinx had been caught off guard. Did Isardis know that Syrinx would have been caught off guard? Was he brought of what he had done. Isardis was an obsession and Syrinx was addicted. He hated it. Adravendis and Armadas need not exist in the same lands, and yet Alacritis possessed both. How unlucky. His head cranes back and he searches for Arian. She was there when he challenged and he had called to her to follow. She was family and he was going to make sure family was well taken care of. They needed to stop being so scattered. The Adravendi were powerful beings and Syrinx could not stand down to hate them, "Arian," He is larger and so his stride being longer she must move faster to keep up, for he will not slow. "Where are my sisters? where do they live? Your mother; anyone," he craves their nature and for a moment he finds her eyes and he almost pleads with the girl. For the beast to look vulnerable is rare, yet he needs her to tell him. He needs her to know what he cannot.



4 Years
07-01-2014, 11:33 PM

Of course she had planned to follow her uncle from the start when she had heard the challenge call. Arian had been busy trying to collect data on her scattered family, and her bones ached from just the sheer thought of where some had gone and where others she did not know where they were. Her strides were shorter due to her small size, but being used to having larger wolves around her keeping up with the beast would be easy. Her strength had not failed her yet and she would refuse to let herself seem very weak. Though, in the back of her mind she wondered if Syrinx would treat her different if he realized that she was adopted. Throwing that thought aside her eyes would widen as his eyes met hers. The corresponding colors made her almost think she was looking through a thick and filmy ice of a mirror. Her heart would skip a beat, anger bubbling up at her edges at her families state. After she had worked so hard in Seracia and it had simply and nearly all been thrown away.
"Many of them have forgotten about me and led their own lives Syrinx, I have to say that this does not put my heart at ease. My mother has since left Ebony and I do not know where she is. Amalia my sister is in Glaciem. Azalea may be near Valhalla as Chrysanthe too. But I know no more. I apologize." She shook her head sadly. The adravendi family was meant to stay together, not apart. Though the way Syrinx had looked at her made her heart ache for a moment and regret not keeping a better eye on her family. "I won't leave you uncle, I'll do whatever you want me to, I don't want to see our family broken apart." Arian would express her distress without a hint of fear, but with the worry that she might have done something wrong in her steps.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.