
crafting makes perfect

seasonal skill

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
07-20-2019, 03:37 PM
Rhyme’s huge white paws carried him over the color changing landscape. Autumn was in full swing, the days were colder the nights were longer, and the leaves on the trees were changing color. His bright blue and lavender eyes scanned the treetops, the oranges, yellows, and reds, blending beautifully. Imperia was flying in the sky high above him, her dark shape casting a shadow that passed over he and Solitude from time to time. The white raven took his place on Rhyme’s shoulders, his form relaxed but aware as he rode on the alpha’s back. The tall slate marked wolf had vague plans for the day, he’d finished his morning tasks early and found himself with a bit of extra time.

Icy paws carried his large frame through the remains of the thicket. Slowly it had started to come back, they hadn’t been given much of a head start but with everything they’d managed to get into the ground it would return better than ever when the spring returned. He looked forward to the sight of it in the winter, when the snow would cover all of the ugly scars the fire had let behind. However ugly and terrible it was, all was not lost. Their losses were minimal, however they lost the woman Storm and injuries were abound. Noir had acted out..

Rhyme tried not to think of his son and the rigorous training they had sent him to do, but Rhyme felt like he had seen real improvement. Noir had never been one to skirt his work, and that ethic was one that remained unchanged. Now he seemed more humble, he didn’t complain, and he barely looked at his sisters. Surely they were heading in the right direction. Thanks to Odysseus they were heading in the right direction. Rhyme sighed heavily as he pushed the thoughts from his mind, he only had a little extra time to play with and needed to focus.

Rhyme scratched at a burned log, he’d been attempting to retain some of the charcoal that resulted from the fire. He’d heard rumors that it could help to lessen the effects of poison on the body. He eyed Solitude and the bird returned the sharp gaze, as though he could read Rhyme’s mind and dared him to attempt to try it. ”What?” He asked as the raven stared him down, but after another pause Rhyme went back to his looking. He’d stach his bit of charcoal and figure out how to use it later.

He continued on, shuffling through the sparse vegetation. He nosed through the underbrush a bit, pushing past what tiny green things had managed to grow he found another burned piece of wood. Many trees of the forest had been put through an incredible amount of heat. Unlike the rest of Abaven there didn't seem to be any bugs on the wood that lingered here. It seemed to be standing up firmly to the weather and elements as well. ”Do you think these might work well for splints?” If they really were more durable as he suspected using this heat treated wood as a splint might be beneficial. He offered a small sample to Solitude to hold on to as he moved on.

The alpha continued onwards towards the river and where the landscape changed so drastically. Rhyme slowed as he and the raven closed in on the rapids. The way the string algae, what was left from the cold weather anyway, and he wondered if it might be used as some kind of adhesive or cordage. Curiously Rhyme leaned down to grasp some of it in his mouth, holding his breath he grasped hold of a mouthful. It tasted awful, and quickly the man offered the stuff to Solitude to keep in his beak.

The pair continued back to the maple tree, a place he felt so different after Tana’s death. He sighed heavily as they came to a halt beneath the bright colored leaves above. Rhyme leaned back onto his haunches as Solitude flapped down to the ground beside him. ”Alright Solitude, stretch out your wing.” He chuckled as the raven cracked angrily at him, but did as he said. Rhyme framed the piece of wood to the raven’s wing, it was a bit too much and so he turned his attention to the bird’s leg. It would be easier to stand the wood up against Solitude than try and hold it in place.

Rhyme leaned the splint against the bird’s leg and made an attempt to fasten it with the string algae. Before he could even touch the green stuff to the birds leg he knew it wasn’t going to work. It was solid, but now that it had dried it was unusable. He sighed heavily and grabbed for a bit of old vine he had and wrapped this splint with that instead. ”That looks marvelous, now to leave it on for a few days..” The raven cracked in disbelief before ridding himself of the awful contraption and taking to the sky, a sign to Rhyme that he was done.