
all in a day's time



3 Years
07-01-2014, 02:43 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2014, 02:55 PM by Mirabelle.)
Mirabelle Talos stood at the edge of the territory, head tilted. To pass... or not to pass. She could smell the sent markers - so so fresh, and very few old scents below the freshness. This territory was recently claimed. That rather surprised her, for everything she could see was so lush and full of life. A wolf's paradise.

Her mouth watered. It had been a while since she had eaten. Prey, for some darn reason, kept escaping from her paws like a slippery fish. She sighed. She knew the truth; she just wasn't that good at hunting. She never had been. Her strength was in fighting. She excelled. She could beat everything and everyone that challenged her. At least, she could before. Before. Maybe not now. She didn't know.

Shaking off thoughts - and the memories that rose unbidden to her mind from them - she stepped into the territory, over the scent markers and let out a howl, tipping her head back. She was curious of the pack that claimed this. There didn't seem to be many of them, and they seemed strong. And in need of more strength. Maybe she would luck out, and her assumptions would be right.

For once.
[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



7 Years

07-01-2014, 03:18 PM

There had seemed to be so little calls for his attention, that Bass was starting to worry. To have a strong pack, they needed to grow in numbers. However, their land was so freshly claimed that he was not worried yet. At the moment he was focusing on meeting with all other packs, gathering alliances and spreading the news about Abaven. There was already three packs down, but he had yet to travel to the rest. He was unsure at what was holding him back, but there was a nagging feeling at the back of his mind. He had already met with the packs that would be most beneficial to both parties, that was most important. Just as he was about to go find one of his sisters, a howl rang out. Pale audits perked towards the direction, a smirk on his face. He needed to get there before Harmony, it was a little game the siblings played.

Bass was not too far from the call, he had just been down at the lake. Breaking out into a sprint he raced towards the borders, seeing a fox coliurrd fae waiting there. No Harmony yet. Chucking, the Azat slowed his pace, trotting up to the stranger. "Hello there, you rang?" He asked, always the jester within him "I am Bass Destruction, Azat of these lands. Were you looking to join our ranks?" There was hope in his voice, she looked to be a strong fighter. Muscles coiled beneath her brown coat, ready for action. Bass was unsure about how much information this one had gathered, and if she would have questions for him.




10 Years
07-01-2014, 03:35 PM

She recently had been promoted to the rank of Vor, the second tier through her healing knowledge, attained by the training with the many herbalists, learning of many cures to poisons and the venom itself found in herbs, and plants to be avoided with much care. In her jaws was several more branches of Elderberry, which she would keep in fresh stock should any wolf get the poison of the cottonmouths, rather, any venomous serpent that happened to roam the lands. Only time could tell in the time of a poisoned wolf, whom would have need to drink plenty of water, which defiantly was in abundance with the choice of territory the pack had, with help of Boneset to reduce the fever. She was proud to be amongst the only healers in Abaven, and one of the most skilled within the pack, but not in Alacritia, the title being held by an unknown wolf. This would excite the female, causing her to be intrigued further by learning the art, and there was so much more knowledge to be attained.

A call rang across the Abaven lands, and she instantly dropped her branches of Elderberry and bolted, her mocha cloak careening toward the sound of the call. It was time! She and her brother had begun to play a little game of whom could greet the calling wolf first. The wind whipped at her muzzle, as she ran, stilts beating hard to try and beat her brother. Her eyes closed as she ran, everything going black as she careened toward her brother, the scent stinging at her nose before she could stop, her entire form bumping into the pearly coated Azat. He had already come, as she stood, her voice a grunt. "You may have beat me this time!" She spoke, rather indecently, and ignoring the visitor for a brief moment. "Speech"



3 Years
07-01-2014, 05:44 PM

Mira's ears twitched as she saw the form trotting towards her only moments after she howled. True, a fast reply is good but... Only a couple minutes? She was impressed. However... When he started speaking, she nearly laughed. Bass Destruction. Interesting name. She clenched her jaws rp prevent a comment from slipping out. Sounding so hopeful, too, could lead him to be exploited. Oh well.

"My name is Mi-" she cut herself off as a slightly darker version of Bass tumbled into the the Azat, and she regarded this new femme with a certain degree of shock. Rude. And no greeting either. Ah, well.

"As I was saying. My name is Mirabelle Talos. And I may be interested in joining your pack. However, how do the tanks work? I assume you are the alpha - I've not a clue what am 'Azat' is so," she shrugged, "tell me of the ranks, and your laws. Then I will make my decision." Hopefully, he would explain the female as well. And hopefully there would be a position for her as a fighter.
[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



7 Years

07-02-2014, 12:41 AM

He grinned at the stranger, his audits at full attention as she began to speak. She was soon interrupted by a barreling mass of his sister, who slammed right into his flank. A great big oof left the male as he winced, shoving his sister aside as he shook himself. Playfully he glared at her, reaching up a paw and attempting to swat her ear. "Harmony, be polite, we have a guest." He said, although he threw her a wink. He did indeed win this time. Chuckling softly he offered the stranger his full attention, letting her continue her speech. He nodded her head at her question, once again finding his seat upon the landscape.

"Yes, I am the alpha as these lands, referred to as Azat. This here is Harmony, a Vor, or what is commonly known as a healer in the second stage of training. Our ranks are a bit different here, we are a pack of mostly different leveled guards, or fighters. You would start off as a Mruni, or a level one guard. A Kruni if you are interested in being a healer, or a Pera if you wish to be a messenger. You work your way up through finishing your training, or sparing against a higher leveled guard or even myself to prove your rank. You may challenge before your training is complete, if you feel you already have the knowledge. Each wolf gets three chances to prove themselves through a spar before they are deducted a rank. If you are just a first level though, this will not matter." He stated, pausing to see if she had any questions at all on his ranking system.

"As for laws, these two are different than most packs. Our fighters may be let out by other packs, to guard or to help in a battle if that is desired. Once you reach the top rank of guard however, you may not be let out to packs unless you choose to do so yourself, it is entirely your own choice. While in other packs you must respect their laws as well, and are expected to listen to that alpha. While in other packs, the messengers will check on you. If you feel like you need to return before the alpha has told you so, the messenger will tell me and I shall come collect you. We are a neutral pack however, and no member of Abaven will start a war or invade a pack. If you pick a guard rank, you must show up for all the training, or you will be stripped of your rank and move down a tier. Even if you are a level one guard and do not show for training, you will become unranked until you prove yourself once more. Of course if you are hurt or carrying pups, that will not count. Any trespasser that is found on our lands as well may be openly attacked." Taking a deep breath after his speech, his ivory tail curled over his equally white paws. It always took some time to explain everything, but he didn't matter. Bass was quiet after that, letting Mirabelle mull everything over. He was ready and willing as always to answer any questions that she had.



10 Years
07-02-2014, 07:33 AM

Her brother playfully shoved her away and shook himself off. She gave a laugh, mismatched orbs playful. As he winked at her, she raised her paw and shoved Bass, before he spoke, the words washing right over her velveteen auditories. Finally, the mocha cloaked tempest took notice of the visitor, as she gave a nod of greeting. "You may call me Harmony." She had just finished the string of lyrics when her kin spoke again, of her name the ranks of Abaven. She ambled over to the stranger, giving her a gentle bump on the shoulder, mismatched orbs shimmering. Whilst her brother rambled on and on about the ranks and laws of Abaven, she ambled back over to him, giving him a gentle bump on the shoulder when he finally was done. "I'm surprised you haven't worn your bass-ically perfect voice out, yet." Only as a whisper came her sing-song voice into her kin's audits, mismatched orbs glinting as she spoke of the pun the trio of siblings used around Bass. "Speech"

ooc. * giggle snort snort * I did it again. :D * puffs chest out proudly *



3 Years
07-02-2014, 04:45 PM

ooc. That that that is just great Starry xD

Mira's nose twitched add she withheld a snort of amusement. It was quite obvious that Bass and the cream wolf were siblings, and not just because they were so similar on appearance. Their very actions betrayed that relation. Mira smiled as Harmony revealed her name. Beautiful name. "Nice to meet you," she replied, baring her teeth in a very wolfy grin. She bumped Harmony back, just as gently as the wolf had done to her. She rather liked Harmony already.

Blinking, Mira began to focus on what Bass was saying. Now wasn't the time to fool around. Her ears twitched at his words. Leveled guards... Ignoring the odd names, it was still a very strange concept to wrap her head around. Especially the guards being... Well, loaned out. She has never seem such a thing, not even heard of such a practice. Well, at least the laws made sense. Even the ones pertaining to the guards made sense. She nodded slowly. She would be a guard, of course. There was no other option available to her. Fighting was what she was good at. She would go through with the training though. Well, at least most of it. She would need to. What she was used to was killing, and gravely injuring. And she was certain that it would not be good if she accidentally killed or gravely injured a packmate while sparring.

" You have good laws, even if your system is a bit... Unique," she said quietly. "Very well. I will join you if you would have me. The preferred rank for me would be guard. As you correctly deduced, I am a fighter." Killer The word - the correction - came unbidden to her mind. Shaking it away, she looked back up. "However, if I am allowed to join, who will teach me? Your pack is small - I can smell it here on the borders. Only a handful of wolves make up this pack." A question she was genuinely interested in, and flat out eager to know. Her eats pricked forward, as far as they could in anticipation of the reply.
[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



7 Years

07-02-2014, 08:08 PM

Bass couldn't help but laugh at his sister's antics. They were all quite goofy, but Mirabelle didn't seem to mind. After his speech, Harmony teased him about losing his voice and he aimed to swat her ear with his paw. He then focused all his attention on the newcomer, grinning when she said that she was open to joining Abaven. "Pleasure to have you among our ranks Mirabelle. For now you will be a Mruni, just until your skills grow." He had been right about seeing her as a fighter, which excited him. He was getting a lot better at picking out the right type of members for his pack.

When she asked about training and low numbers, he was not offended. It was a proper question to ask for someone who truly wanted to move up in the ranks, and it also impressed the young Azat. "We have an alliance with a pack called Glaciem, and their alpha would like for us and them to have a joined training session, or at least however many times we would like it." He nodded his head, happy that other packs were willing to help him get on his paws. It meant a lot to him, and he was forever thankful to Athena for that. He was actually thinking of tossing one up rather quickly. "And besides that, myself and Motif will do some training, both of us have had many spars." He was confident in his own training ways, but was glad that Glaciem had their back. They were a pack of strong fighters. In fact, Ebony may even be in on it too.




10 Years
07-02-2014, 08:39 PM

Cuffed on the ear she was, mismatched orbs glimmering in sheer playfulness. Her pearly pad would rise for a moment, teasing to push on his face, but upon considering the stranger's presence, the chocolate pad would recede, falling softly on the ground. "Welcome to Abaven, Miss Talos." She knew she was a mere trainee, but she looked as if she were ready to fight already. Hopefully she would not get too ahead of herself and attack the massive anaconda that seemed to roam the plains recently, or get herself wounded or someone else wounded without reason. Within the confines of her mind, she shook her head, already worried for the safety of others in Abaven. It was for the best, she supposed. "Even if you are allowed to attack intruders by will, please do make sure they are not of our allies, and attack them to give them a hint as to what pack lives here. I do not wish for unnecessary violence and wounds." She gave a warm smile to the newly-made member of Abaven, before she would bump into Bass gently once more. "Speech"



3 Years
07-03-2014, 09:31 AM (This post was last modified: 07-03-2014, 09:45 AM by Mirabelle.)

Mirabelle's own smile formed when the siblings continued to... Her mind blanked. What was the word? It wasn't really play fighting; it wasn't really arguing either. They were just being... Playful? Mentally, she shrugged. While not thinking of the right word annoyed her beyond belief, she would have to live with it. There were more important things apaw (afoot). Like the fact she had just gotten accepted into the Abaven pack. As shock coursed through her, she realized she had been expecting denial. For them to not let her in and to chase her off, or kill her. But they didn't. They accepted her and... she was part of a pack. Again.

At that moment, her stomach decided to growl, and rather loudly at that. Mira's ears twitched and she grinned. "I do believe my stomach has had enough serious talk," she said dryly. After the comment,though, she switched her attention back to her new alpha and his healer. She dipped her head, and wavered for a moment. What was she supposed to do? In her old pack she would have already dropped to the ground, rolling on her back and nipping the underside of the alpha's jaw in a show of submission. But here she didn't know what to do.She settled for something in between, lowering herself below him and slinking forward. She would nose and lick below his jaw, before withdrawing. "Thank you, Azat." The joking was gone, in place a stoic face and stiff formality.

Then Harmony spoke, and Mira's head swiveled to look at the femme. "As you wish. I will not attack any without first inquiring as to their origins." Her voice was just as formal as it had been her the Azat, and also just as polite. Luckily, that request Harmony put forth agreed with Mira; she much preferred finding out who it was before she went all evil attacking kill wolf. It was one of the few things her old pack failed to instill in her. They always tried to teach her Kill forst, and questions don't matter. Or rather, Do as you are told; its not your place to ask questions. Unfortunately for them, she liked questions. A lot.

Speaking of questions... "When is the next training session? If it is some time away, when do I strart my training? What is the range of our territory? Where is Glaciem's territory? What are the dangers of the terrain? Is there anything else I need to know?" She fired off the barrage of questions without so much as taking a breath; she paused to do thisnow, sucking in a deep breath of air while keeping waiting for the answers... If they even caught everything. And hoping that asking questions in this pack was alright.

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



7 Years

07-04-2014, 12:45 AM

The dame threw a number of questions at him, and he couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. He was proud of her eagerness, it was quite impressive for one who just joined their ranks. "We will be having a training session soon, I just need to talk to Athena of Glaciem once more before we can start the group training. If you wish to train sooner, you can always approach me or Motif. As for our territory, we have these lands called the Serpent Plains, as well as the Monument Rapids." He paused, taking a glance at his sister. It seemed that he wasn't the only one that had a habit of talking.

She spoke of dangers, just as a serpent slithered between the group. Bass's pale ears fell flat against his skull and he let out a harsh growl. The snake was one that held a venomous bite, and it was rocking back and forth as it sat upright. Launching himself at the snake he bit deep into his scales, making sure that he bit close to the mouth so that it couldn't lock into his skin. Lifting up a paw he stepped on its tail and twisted his head until he heard a snap. The snake went limp, and he dropped it before he kicked it away. "Snakes." He spat, making sure to remember to toss it into the lake. "Its called Serpent plains for a reason." He said harshly, his eyes narrowing at the diamond back creature.

Bouncing back from the ordeal rather quickly, he wracked his mind to make sure that he had touched base on all her questions. Ah, if there was anything else that she needed to know. "Not that I can think of, honestly." He said with a shrug of his shoulders. And then it dawned on him. "Oh yeah, we have an alliance with a tiger in these parts. She has pink eyes and her ears are fully black, she's a friend here. Don't be alarmed if you see her wandering about." He teased, chuckling again.



3 Years
07-04-2014, 01:14 PM

She nodded. Good. A training session soon. That cheered her up, and her tail slow swung in a wagging motion. She would most likely desice to train sooner, regardless, but it was still good to know.Just like it was good to know her territories. Serpent Plains... and Monument Rapids. Both sounded dangerous. Serpent for... well, serpents, and rapids because rapids are just scary.

Mira's own ears flattened as the snake wriggled its way into view, and her entire body remained immobile. She hadn't had to deal with snakes much before - not poisonous ones at all - and she did not want to get bit. She relaxed as Bass killed it, and she murmured, "You seem to have experience with serpents. Would you be willing to teach me how to deal with them? I've very little experience." Her eyes widened at his next words. A tiger? That's unique. "Yes, sir. I'll keep an eye out and make sure no harm comes to her."

[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]