
take me down to the fighting end



8 Years
07-01-2014, 01:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2014, 01:19 PM by Qanik.)


in defense of the innocent

Qanik stood, legs braced against a strong wind, perched on the precipice of a glacial crevasse as she peered down into it. Her face was smooth, betraying none of the emotions roiling through her. Was she considering flinging herself off the cliff into the abyss? No. That sort of oblivion wasn't for her. She was a warrior, a fighter, not a coward. She faced her problems head-on, she didn't escape from them.

So why was she here? Why was she not back facing those problems? The painful emotions stirred up by the appearance of Flamesong, first unexpectedly on the border and later at the meeting, refused to be tamed, to be placed into neat categories so she could know how to deal with the problem. She didn't know how to settle this, how to decide how she felt so she could decide what had to be done.

So she was here, on the glacier field, the last place she would think anyone would think to come with this late-winter cold come in, so that she could be alone for a while, and think. If the world would allow her just this time...

cowardice is the only sin



3 Years
Extra large
07-01-2014, 06:42 PM

He travels across the frozen territory on mute paws, his dear sisters, accomplice, and wolverine companion trailing at his heels. The group has no particular destination set in mind, but a plan to reek havoc across the lands brews heavily within their skulls. They all have a similar mind set, making the group an impeccable force- all acquiring an overpowering thirst for blood and ultimate destruction. A smirk graces his ebony lips at the thought, he was finally becoming the feared beast his father would have expected him to be. "Master, master! Look, over there! A woman, she is alone! Alone I say!" His skull would swivel toward the direction his companion was frantically waving her paw in, amethyst eyes narrowing as the woman's figure came into his view. Mevia was right, there was a woman out here and she appeared to be completely alone. Perfect. "Come, my temptresses. It is time to feed your inner demons." Venomous lyrics slip from his slackened jaws, massive skull tipping over his shoulder in a motion for the group to follow his lead. He turns back toward the frozen field and strides toward the woman without hesitation, his skull raised dominantly toward the heavens, his tail curled proudly above his hips, and his eyes narrowed to slits. He aims to approach the woman head on, hoping to stop a dozen or so feet away from her position. Mevia bounds through the snow after him, coming to a halt beside his left front leg. Beady red eyes glare up at their next victim, a wicked sneer creasing the corners of her rosy lips. She knew what was coming- but did this lady? "Well, well, what do we have here, Mevia?" Hoarse and sinister words fill the air around them, his eyes shifting toward his companion to behold her response. "A woman, my master, we see a woman! And she is utterly alone."

ooc- sisters/pandia slide to his side now?


ooc: pp'd his sisters/pandia following him, hope that does not cause an issue (since they are following him xD)



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
07-01-2014, 08:07 PM

Cascade followed nervously behind her brother. Her ears kept a constant radar-dish flicking back and forth, her eyes darting around the landscape, her pelt twitching at every little sound. Not because she was a naturally fearful sort, but she was uncertain about what they were doing. As much as the idea of her siblings' darker side fascinated her, to actually be following them about their business... it was nerve-wracking for the girl who'd always been the good child, the one who never did wrong, the perfect angel. It was exciting... but part of her expected at any moment to be struck down for her anticipated sins.

Neios' wolverine spoke up suddenly, and he conferred with the smaller creature a moment before changing their direction and leading them toward the lone figure of a female who nearly blended with the landscape. Neios and his wolverine moved to confront her, but rather than move up beside him she hung back, nerves and shame still warring too strongly with the excitement and adrenaline.
(OOC: since I want to keep her out of this a bit so I'm not trying to focus on two characters, she's going to hang back. Neios can punish her for it later or w/e if he wants lol)

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!



3 Years
07-02-2014, 03:11 PM
Light and stealth paw-prints carried the lean female over the domain, flickering auds and alert amber hues absorbed the domain they were lead in to by the large black male. she remained silent as she quite easily kept the same rhythmic strides to keep up with the move posy she was now apart off. as she walked she took the time to admirer the scenery that unfolded before her form and soon was lost in her own wondering mind.
The voice of the dark knight soon caught her attention, listening to the conversation between the male and his little stalker of a companion, A sly smirk slowly creepies upon her lips only to vanish once more. Turning, she bounded off in to another direction, hoping to stay down wind so her were about would be known and aimed to round the females location and come from behind just in case she tried to flee, while half wondering if her sudden disappearance would cause a bit of confusion ..she hope it would.
Moments or minutes later, she would emerge once more, from the eerie fog that still lingered around these parts her form would slowly slither from like she was some ghost or phantom. Burning amber hues locked upon the females form as spokeHello my dear, This is not the place to be on your lone some dear she purred in a dark static but soft tone kind of like a strange bitter sweet that showed a slight glimpse of what she was under the pearl pelt.
Taking a step forward she aimed to lean towards the female only to whisper a few soft words "Submit to thy king"lifting her gaze to Nios she chuckled slightly as her burning orbs shimmered slightly... torment... fear... oh how she was in her element and something told her, the best was yet to come.

table by jay


07-02-2014, 08:12 PM


The woman was thoroughly excited It ran through her entire body down to her warm core. Shudders threatened to slither down her muscle covered spine. The woman nearly quivered as she watched her gorgeous brother trot before her. He was ever so powerful. His muscles rippled as he took each strong stride. The intensity of each step made her just get even more excited. The lady was easily filled with lust, for she had many things that set off her spark. The lady was set off by odd things. Blood. Muscles rippling. Her brother, in general. She was an excited being by nature. Yet, as she followed her eyes slipped to the other creature, her ebony and alabaster sister. A snort would be heard but no reasoning was evident. Before her lazy eyes could flick to Pan voices would be heard. Snaps here stopped as she came to a slow saunter. An alabaster girl stood before them, Pan veering off and Cascade hanging back. As Neios spoke to his little friend the girl slithered to her brothers side. Rubbing the entire length of her body until they were shoulder to shoulder. Her tongue would dart from the cage they call teeth. The pink flap of flesh danced across his right ear. A tail tickled his. Nausica then spoke, her eyes on her brother. "We have a pretty little girly." Her head would slowly shift to the snow white fae as her tongue slipped back into her mouth. "Does this little Fox have a name?" She would step up two steps while tilting her head.



8 Years
07-02-2014, 11:05 PM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2014, 11:06 PM by Qanik.)


in defense of the innocent

A sound caught Qanik's attention, and her head turned to follow the progress of the wolves heading very purposefully in her direction. Two, toweringly huge wolves of black, one smaller with some white spotting her who held back, an albino wolverine. A pale shape that slipped around her peripherals.

The swaggering, tall male spoke thuggishly, the wolverine cackling a response. She couldn't bring herself to care enough, now, to be discreet about her distaste, staring quite stonily at the boy. Another voice whispered in her ear, and her head swung, blue eyes to stare at the pale female who had flanked her. She just didn't care.

Her brow rose with distinct skepticism at the female's demand. "He is no king of mine, little girl," she said quite clearly, very calmly, no fear but disgust coloring her words as she stared back at the fool child. She was not in the mood to be kind, today, to strangers who would taste fear.

Gaze swung back to the four others. The tall female's words drew a slow, dry laugh from her. "This is a joke? Child, it is not a very good one." The amusement had faded from her face, from her eyes, and turned to cold steel. "I am Qanik of Tortuga. What do you want?"

cowardice is the only sin