
Avoid The Bathrooms on the Second Floor



Master Fighter (330)

Master Healer (246)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

8 Years
Dire wolf

LegendarySamhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1By the skin of my teethOverachiever
Festival OrganizerMammoth HunterIce Bridge ExplorerWinnerPride - AsexualBeevent
Double MasterVolcanoExplorer1KChristmas 2019Trick 2019
Promptober 2019
08-02-2019, 04:57 PM
I'll tough it out, I won't give in

Wind rustled through the leaves creating a soft melody that with the heady fragrance of the Orchard threatened to lull Álarr into a nap. Afi wasn't about to have it. The cat swiped at him and a quick step back pulled the pup out of the cat's way. "Quit dozing off, this is serious." Álarr nodded swiftly and mumbled an apology as he glanced again at the cat's wounds. Álarr had gotten into a spat with an African Wildcat and now bore several scratches and puncture wounds. Despite his injuries Afi was in full teaching mode, deciding this would be a perfect chance for Álarr to practice his healing abilities.

The pup shrugged his pack off and rested it on the ground. He'd gathered a bunch of items he hoped to use as bandages as well as a few items that Brynhildr requested he grab. She swooped down to land next to Afi. The cat stretched out in a patch of sun. "Ok, doctor. You've assessed the wounds, what next?"

Álarr couldn't explain why he felt so nervous but he reached into his pack to pull out an assortment of items including the herbs he wished to use. He delicately set down the yarrow he planned to use in the poultice. Today's lessons would be on bandages. "Okay, I plan to use yarrow to help slow the bleeding and I have a little bit of echinacea to help against infection. I can chew them up into a paste and apply it." Afi nodded, his little round head bobbing up and down. "Good, good. But lets pretend I'm not a good patient. While the mixture may dry and cling to the fur what if I keep scratching at it or I get wet and it falls off. What are some ways to keep it in place? Further more, what if I'm badly wounded and a little mixture isn't going to help because I'm bleeding too much. What are some ways beyond astringent's to help slow bleeding, especially severe bleeding?"

Álarr thought for a moment. "Erm, bandages?" The cat nodded and Álarr rooted around in his pack, pulling out the echinacea as well as three materials he wanted to try and make bandages out of. The first was a bundle of reeds. The second was a section of softened, tanned hide. The third was a collection of moss.

"Ok, let's try the reeds first. Brynhildr? I think I'll need some help with this." Honestly most of them he'd need help with since he'd have to try and tie knots. First though he needed to make his little mixture of herbs. There was probably a better way than mixing them in his mouth but he hadn't quite worked that out. Álarr made a mental note to start carrying little jars of water with him but in the meantime he took the herbs between his teeth and worked them into a paste which he spread out on a stone nearby so he could dose it out. He supposed he could use deer hide too but he was running out and wanted to try using it for bandages.

Delicately Álarr applied the paste to one of Afi's scratches. Taking the reeds he then attempted to wrap them around the cat's arm, seeking to tie them into place. It was very difficult for him, especially on a patient this small. However, with Bryn's help he got the reeds tied successfully and stepped back to admire his work. "Ok, good work, I feel like the prettiest salad on the plains." Álarr grinned. "Well, I think that worked ok maybe but boy it took a lot of reeds to get it to stay in place and I'm not sure about movement." Afi nodded. "Agreed. Next!"

Álarr turned his attention to the hide that he had worked into strips. That was one downside right away. It took a lot of work to chew hide, even softened hide, into strips needed for bandages but as it was made out of skin, the bodies natural covering, it made sense. To use these would mean keeping careful inventory and managing his time. Álarr took one of the smallest strips he had and applied some of the herbal mixture to the center. He carefully pressed it into the wound then took the ends and, once again with Brynhildr's help, tied the bandage snuggly around the cat. "Ok, that was much easier, at least once you have the bandages made. If I had to shred hide out in the field though it would take too long."

Afi nodded. "Ok, now what about these puncture wounds. We talked about if a wound is bleeding very badly. I know this isn't a perfect example but what would you choose? Also remind me, some time we need to talk about triage. You should treat the more serious wounds first not the other way around." Álarr smiled sheepishly then went to pick up his peat moss. Carefully, he started to pack it into the wounds and was immediately impressed at how quickly it seemed to be absorbing the blood. "Whoa, that is really taking care of the bleeding." Afi nodded enthusiastically. "Moss is an excellent material to use to stop bleeding. Not only is it very absorbent it also has antiseptic properties. It will help prevent infection in and of itself." Álarr's tail started wagging as he absorbed this knowledge. "Ok, pack up and help me back into the den. I'm due for a long catnap."