
Fisher, Fisher, Fishie Dinner



8 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterDouble MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
08-02-2019, 05:00 PM

Brandr worked his way southeast toward the bay. He'd enjoyed his time at the firefly festival and it had him longing to visit the beaches again. Maybe Corentine would find her spirits lifted here? He frowned. She hadn't been the same since her mother's passing and he just couldn't seem to find a way to cheer her up. In truth he was feeling like a failure. He wasn't giving up but clearly he needed to keep thinking.

Brandr walked onto the beach and immediately felt the wonderful sensation of warm sand on his paws. It was still morning yet and the sand hadn't heated up to unbearable temperatures. Autumn had helped with that and Brandr sought to enjoy the feeling as long as he could before winter moved in. As he worked his way down the beach a number of items glittering in the sun caught his attention. He squinted at the reflection of the sunlight. As he moved closer his nose caught the smell of fish, some of them hadn't been in the sun all that long but goodness there were so many! Dozens of fishes lay still on the beach. Seagulls were already gathering and no doubt a number of other animals would be to.

Brandr hesitated. He wasn't sure what had killed this school of fish. It was possible it was algae or disease of some kind and he was no healer. He had no idea what would be harmless to a wolf and what might cause him to get terribly sick later. Bending his head down he began to sniff the fish in a more thorough manner. Most of them hadn't been there long from what he could tell and he didn't smell anything that suggested poison. He supposed it was possible that the temperature of the water had affected the fish. If it had risen or dropped even a few degrees it could potentially kill a large number of fish. He also thought about whether this could be the result of spawning and after having spent themselves to bring about the next generation many had simple died. However, most fish spawned in the spring and with it being autumn that didn't seem to be a very likely explanation.

Tentatively Brandr seized one of the fish in his jaws and carefully started to chew it. He worked slowly and methodically as he searched for any taste that indicated danger. Swallowing a chunk he decided that the fish was satisfactory. His best guess was that a sudden change in the weather or one of the freak autumn storms was the cause of this die off. Pleased with his luck Brandr stared down at the fish and debated what to do with them. He couldn't carry all of these but it would be good to take some back. He bent his head down to finish eating the fish he'd started. If he had a deer hide with him he could bundle them up in that. Thankfully Abaven wasn't too far off. He could probably run back and grab one of his hides and return though it was going to take quick feet. He eyed the seagulls which were slowly beginning to multiply. Word and the smell of the fish was going to attract a wide variety of predators.

Well, if he wanted to keep any of these fish he was going to have to make a decision and get a move on. Another thought entered his head, he could try and tie something around the fish and then drag a whole string fo them back. The problem with that idea was that he wasn't sure he could tie very well and it would take time for him to utilize the reeds and plants to create a string of fish. Now if he had a companion the process would be easier. Brandr saw many wolves with companions at the firefly festival and the more he thought about it he decided he definitely wanted to gain a companion or two to help with hunting and crafting. Decided to tie at least a few of the big ones he snatched a long, sturdy reed and carefully tied it around the tails of two fish. He wrapped it around his neck so that a fish hanging on either form synched it around his neck. It wasn't the most comfortable thing. He tested it a bit to see if the knots would hold and it seemed like the would, at least for the short distance back to Abaven. Snatching a few more teeth in his jaws he quickly headed back.

Brandr was a big wolf build for endurance and when he arrived back at his den, he dropped the fish off, grabbed his deer skin and bolted back toward the beach. He could add the other fish to the kill pile once he was done or Corentine could take care of it. Sprinting back with the deer hide waving like a banner Brandr returned to a buzzing beach. There were more gulls now as well as little crabs and a fox who was making the most of the die off. Brandr quickly started scooping fish onto his hide, realizing quickly that he'd have to keep an eye on it. A gull landed right on top of the pile and he swiftly chased the bird off, nearly adding the sea gull to his kill pile. Rats with wings! He scowled and eyed the fox which had been approaching the pile but at making eye contact with the wolf the fox suddenly decided it would be best to search for food farther down the beach. With a snort Brandr earnestly turned back to his collecting.

When at last he thought he had as many as he could carry he folded the corners of the hide. Placing his jaws over the joined corners he heaved the mass of fish up and started towards Abaven at a much slower pace. He knew he'd have to stop to rest a few times on the way. The weight was bound to start taxing his lower jaw. Despite that though he was pleased with his luck and couldn't wait to present Abaven with a nice fish dinner.

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