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3 Years

Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-02-2019, 05:04 PM

Chrysanthos moved along at a quick clip, nose searching for the herbs he was looking for. Bolla had gotten bitten by a squirrel in a nasty little altercation not too long ago over… well he'd forgotten now. He knew it was food but he couldn't for the life of him guess what was so desirable about Bolla's choice of food. Either way, Chrys felt it was a good time to test out a few ideas and Bolla had seemed game as long as she was allowed to complain as much as she wanted for the next 24 hours which she was only to happy to do. As he scoured the land for herbs to treat the wound she sat atop his pack and prattled on about her misfortune. It was true Chrys had some herbs in his pack that would work but he'd been very carefully building up an inventory and hated to have his math thrown off when they were on their way back to Olympia.

Aha! There's what he was looking for. Marsh mallow! He moved over toward the plant and carefully extracted it from the earth, seeking to keep all of it intact. That meant he had to do a little bit of digging but that was fine with him. Marshmallow was a particularly useful herb. He brought it back over to Bolla. A nice poultice of marsh mallow would help with the inflammation from the wound. Separating the root from the rest of the plant he set it down on a rock and carefully began to use his weight and a smaller rock to crush the root. It was slow going for his clumsy canine paws but with a little perseverance he managed to get the root crushed to the right amount. "Ah Bolla, one of my jars please?"

The lemur obliged and pulled out a jar with a small amount of water in it. Chrysanthos added the root to the jar. Ideally the water would be hot but he wasn't in a great place to be starting a fire or trying to heat up water. If he were back in Olympia that would be another matter. For now though he felt this would tide her over until the returned. He also withdrew some slippery elm out of his pouch and chewed at it to loosen it up before adding it to the jar. Finally he went back over to the marsh mallow plant and added a few of the leaves. He set the jar in the sun and settled down to wait for a bit. While they waited he and Bolla chatted about this and that. She was in pain but seemed to be handling it well and the bleeding had stopped awhile ago though the sore on her leg did look very angry and red.

When he felt the mixture had sat long enough he started to make a poultice of the root which he then applied externally to Bolla's wounds. "Ok, think you can hold still with that for a bit?" The lemur nodded slowly. "Yea, I suppose, you taking a break?" Chrys nodded. "Ok, well I might wrap this with some reeds to keep it on. Let me know when you'd like to continue."

Chrysanthos figured while they were taking a break he could get a few other concoctions going. He added the jar with the marsh mallow poultice mix back to his bag. He pulled out some powdered Bistort and set it down on the rock he was using as a work surface. He measured out about a half ounce of the powder then grabbed the rest of the marshmallow root and began working it into a paste. This mixture was best made with powdered root but he felt it could probably still work with fresh. He'd heard from Bolla that this was a useful mixture for Haemorrhoids. Not that he had them but he was rather curious as to its effectiveness. Perhaps he'd get a chance to try it out on someone later. For now he worked at combining the mixture until it formed a stiff paste. Satisfied he added it to his pack. Let's see, what else…

He pulled some catmint out of his bag and gazed at it thoughtfully for a moment before turning to Bolla. "Say Bolla, do you have any other injuries that need tending to?" The lemur looked up at him. "Well I have a rash on my back thanks to sliding down the tree because of that cursed squirrel. Why?" Chrysanthos placed the catmint on the stone. "I'm debating about making a poultice of catmint and I was wondering if I could try it out on your back." The lemur looked at him thoughtfully. She knew tisanes of catmint were useful in respiratory remedies but she'd never heard of it being applied topically. "I don't know that it will do anything but catmint is a mild enough herb I guess I'd be ok with it. But don't get to much in the habit of experimenting on me. I won't stand for it!"

Chrysanthos chuckled. "Thank you Bolla." Pulling out another jar with a bit of water he had Bolla open it for him and then he set about bruising the catmint leaves until their sweet, fragrant smell hung in the air about him. He loved the smell. Chrys worked methodically until he had a good paste put together in the jar. Once he was done he took a bit from the jar and carefully applied it to Bolla's back. Satisfied he put the jar away and settled down to nap, Bolla curling up next to him, careful not to disturb the poultices. When they awoke Chrysanthos was pleased to find that the catmint had done a good job on the swelling and Bolla stated that the pain wasn't as bad. He'd call that a success. He put on his pack, waiting for a moment as Bolla climbed onto his back and then he set out once more, back towards home.