
When The Truth Comes Out



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-02-2019, 05:07 PM

Clouds were moving in as Valdís worked her way east. She welcomed the autumn and the cooler temperatures. The chill in the air reminded her of home and made her feel more at ease in Legion. A shift in the breeze brought with it the scent of rain but the clouds didn't seem particularly heavy yet. Valdís figured she still had enough time to scout out the Abaven border and get back to shelter before a storm rolled in. Scouting ahead along the border of the Rustling Thicket she kept her senses peeled and made sure she was back far enough so as not to arouse suspicion though really it wasn't out of the question that she was there to visit. The tensions between the two packs concerned her and while she enjoyed battle she'd prefer to avoid it, especially as Legion still had some growing to do.

Valdís wasn't sure on the state of Abaven but as she passed by the thicket she was stunned to see the damage. Charred black earth hinted at a fire some time ago. Where once was lush grass was a darkened stain on the pack lands. She knew the damage wasn't recent as there were signs of new growth but it surprised her. Her thoughts turned to the pack and she wondered honestly if everyone was alright. Perhaps she should howl and check? Valdís hesitated. She wasn't the most social of wolves having only just started to really open up to Ásvor. She had a long way to go before she could be considered ambassador material. Not that she was sure that's what she wanted. She saw herself as a warrior first and foremost.

Valdís put her nose to work in gathering information as she continued her way around the border. As far as she could tell the pack's scent was strong and varied which suggested a good number of wolves. Most seemed healthy. Well that was a relief. At least they hadn't all been wiped out by a fire. Not that she really knew what to think of the relationship between Abaven and Legion with all the family drama going on. First there was the spat between Valentine and Rhyme resulting in the loss of the later's surname and then there was the whole mess with Ash and Peggy. There were Destructions like Rhythm in Legion and so there were several family bonds that connected the two packs but even so she wondered how long this tenuous state would last. Would relationships improve or would they deteriorate? If they did how long before Abaven retaliated. Shaye was an impressive leader though not as aggressive or bold as Chaos. She did not expect a raid from them but neither could she rule it out entirely. She didn't know much of Rhyme other than his relation to Valentine and Chaos and the fact that he was in an incestuous relationship with Shaye. She'd heard of the woman's handling of a volatile situation at that odd challenge over some shrine.

Valdís kept moving as she looped back and worked her way back toward Legion. She still debated about the pack life now and then and it would always be a persistent question. That was typical, after all it was natural to wonder about what might have been and what would be different if one had taken a different path. She was still struggling to adapt to the weather in the south and rumors of a viking band had reached her ears when the invitation to a ceremony arrived at Legion. It made her think of home and she loved the idea of traveling but there were definite advantages to a pack, especially as she was seeking to settle down with her girlfriend. For one there was more stability in a pack and more security as well with a capacity for a larger military force. Having claimed territory for prey was beneficial as well. In addition she had the opportunity to climb the ranks and find a position that was fitting for her skill set. Most importantly, Ásvor seemed to be happy and as long as she was happy then Valdís was home.

On her way back she paused at the border of an unfamiliar pack. Dipping her head she sniffed thoughtfully at the border of Olympia. She had heard a rumor that Erovrare had fallen or rather it had been given away to a young challenger. She knew little of the pack and hadn't met the alpha yet. Dipping her head she took stock of the border scent. It seemed recent but not as varied as Abaven. Likely the pack was still small but they seemed to keep to themselves without causing any trouble. That suited her fine but then it was also the quiet ones you needed to watch out for. Legion certainly seemed to be gaining neighbors though she couldn't help but notice the absence of Kesali on her journey. Had that pack disappeared?

Well, no doubt the south was a region of conflict. If one thing was for sure the new pack that took Ero's place was bound to attract attention because of its location. She hadn't forgotten about the Abaraxas mad man who was obsessed with the shrine for some stupid reason. She didn't understand it. Her mind was focused on earthly needs like food, shelter and herbs and she didn't see why the shrine was that beneficial to a wolves most basic needs. Well, if the nutcase wanted to fight over it that was his problem. It was no skin off her teeth. Though the Abraxas as a whole was a definite concern. She didn't know their numbers but last she knew they were good sized and clearly an aggressive bunch with their minds bent to domination. Apart from the kerfuffle over the shrine though they seemed to be content to stay holed up in Auster. Hopefully that's where they stayed.

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