
Sibling feud




3 Years

Valentines 2020
08-03-2019, 03:52 PM (This post was last modified: 08-03-2019, 06:32 PM by Theta.)
Theta had moved to a new fishing spot, hopefully where she would catch enough to finish fishing and get on with socializing before the firefly catching started. Eyes trained towards the water she waited for the fish to appear. She was gradually getting the hang of it, while it certainly wouldn’t be her new hobby at least she felt competent at it. Should she ever have to survive off of fish she could do it, although if that scenario ever happened eating only fish would probably be the least of her concerns. She spotted a fish dart by and went to catch it, after doing so she would add it to her pile of caught fish.
[Image: 5sPkXAj.png]

Theta has small Deer antlers that may or may not be depicted in her art



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-04-2019, 04:45 AM

Incendio had been doing quite alot of fishing and he got to meet a ton of interesting wolves in the process. Not just with fishing, but being here at the festival in general, he got to see lots of interesting people. The piebald albino, a girl that looked like part of the night sky with cat paws, and a funny looking woman who he learned had suffered nerve damage...they had all been nice and helped him, and he got to learn from them. He walked with his mom since she was carrying the supplies he needed for the fireflies and another bag she had made special for the fish he was catching so they could bring them back home. He was proud of his accomplishments, and when he decided to move to a new spot, he didn't immediately notice Theta until he waded into the water. Sapphire gaze was trained on a few fish he saw resting at the bottom of the shallow water, and he pounced once he got close enough. A few scattered, but he was pretty sure he caught at least one. With a yell of triumph, he hauled it out and tossed it ashore.

That was when he saw his older sister was here. He flattened his ears and frowned, deciding to ignore her for once. He wanted someone to look up to other than his parents, and Theta was the only older sibling he had the most interaction with since he was born, however mean she was each time. But how the hell could he look up to someone like that? She always acted like the world was against her. He was frustrated and didn't understand why she seemed to act like everyone hated her or whatever. She'd probably yell at him to go away, but he wasn't going to. He was allowed to be here and fish if he wanted, she didn't scare him. He supposed part of him felt a little sad that she constantly rejected him, especially since he didn't know why she hated him so much. Whatever had happened in her time on earth wasn't his fault, nor that of his siblings. He chalked it up to the fact that maybe she was just born mean, spiteful, and hateful even. But what did he know? He was just a kid. Same as her. Only he wasn't mean unless he had to be.

Attempt 5




3 Years

Valentines 2020
08-04-2019, 01:30 PM
Theta’s head jerked up as she noticed the splashes in the water, the fish within began to scatter and swim away. Even with her limited knowledge Theta knew that it was hard to catch fish if they weren’t anywhere near you. The cause of the splashes seemed to be Incendio trying to fish. His disturbance caused her to stare at him, if she stared at him long enough maybe he would get the message about his stupidity.

After staring at him for what felt like an adequate amount she said “If you’re going to fish at least do it right and don’t splash around like an idiot.” Returning her attention to the water she resumed her intense looking at the water as she waited for things to calm down and the fish to return. Spotting a fish starting to come back Theta dipped her head in the water to catch it.



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-04-2019, 02:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2019, 02:21 PM by Incendio.)

He was concentrating on the water, doing his best to pretend that Theta wasn't there. He had his back turned to her as he studied the water, waiting for the opportune moment to strike for another fish so he didn't see her staring at him. His ears flicked back when she spoke, and all he could do was roll his eyes and sigh. She really just had to keep at it, didn't she? He didn't care if his mom was nearby to hear him, she knew Theta was a brat, too, and didn't like any of them. On that note, he turned around to face her, sapphire eyes glittering coldly. "Shut up and stop talking to me! Clearly there's no wrong way to fish if I'm catching them, so if you're having trouble then obviously you're the idiot!" He spat.

He was done with her attitude towards him and wasn't going to tolerate it anymore. He curled his lip and turned his back to her again, returning to his earlier task. Leave it to her to sour everyone's mood. He spotted a fish lazily swim by and he lunged for it, not caring if he splashed and made them swim away. In fact, all the better if it meant messing up her fishing. She deserved it.q

7th attempt




3 Years

Valentines 2020
08-04-2019, 03:05 PM
Ok that was it, clearly this idiot hadn’t realized that she had been trying to help him. At least a little bit, he didn’t want her help or her hindrance. The skin around Theta’s nose began to twitch in anger as she dug her toes into the ground beneath. It was all she could do to hold back and not kill the twerp right on the spot. “The only way you’re even catching anything is because you’re short and closer to the fish! And no I won’t stop talking to you because you’re the one being inconsiderate and stupid. I try to be any sort of nice to you for once and you turn it on me and make it seem like I’m the bad guy! So if you’re done being a child you can man up and take my advice so we can both get done with this.”

Theta knew she wasn’t the nicest wolf around, but she at least could be civil. If Incendio wasn’t even willing to do that she couldn’t make any guarantees. Diving after one of the fish she aimed to sink her teeth into it, she needed something to take her anger out on besides her half-siblings neck.
[Image: 5sPkXAj.png]

Theta has small Deer antlers that may or may not be depicted in her art



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-04-2019, 03:41 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2019, 03:41 PM by Incendio.)

He tried to mind his own business, but she clearly didn't even have the decency to do that! When she spoke again, he couldn't help the growl that began to rise in his throat and his hackles raised. What!? She had been trying to help him! Bullshit. She had been nothing but mean to him and his siblings, and he. Was. Done. He whirled around, fishing be damned as he snarled at her. "Help me!? You're not trying to help me! All you've done is take every opportunity you can to insult me! You've never been anything but mean and hateful towards us, and we haven't done anything to you! If anyone is inconsiderate it's you! You always have been! I wanted to look up to you but clearly that would be the worst mistake ever!"

He glared at her, blue eyes glittering with the most cold look he could manage. If she thought she was helping and giving him "advice" then she clearly sucked at both. "And in case you forgot, we're both children! Just cuz you were born a little sooner than us doesn't make you more mature, you've proven over and over that you're far from it!" He was seething. He wanted to leave already now that she had ruined what was supposed to be a fun festival. He wanted to go tell his dad how much of a bitch she had been towards him and going out of her way to constantly pick on him. He turned his back again, jaws snapping towards another fish as he vented out his anger. He would get her one day....if she wanted to keep it up, he'd make her regret ever being mean to him.

Attempt 8




3 Years

Valentines 2020
08-04-2019, 07:33 PM
As Theta bit into her fish she did her best to calm herself down. It wasn’t worth it to get fed up over somebody younger than her. Taking a deep breath through her nose in an effort to ignore Incendio’s spewing of hatred. If she wanted her point heard she would have to be the bigger person here. Finally setting the fish to the side she spoke, refusing to look in his direction in case that sent her off track “I don’t hate you, I hate what happened because of you. If you weren’t born maybe dad wouldn’t have given up the pack, maybe we wouldn’t be living in the cold, maybe our mom would come back. Before you were born my siblings and I spent two weeks in Abaven because of stupid adult politics, we all hated it and by the time we were back home it felt like we were immediately off to the North. I haven’t had true stability for longer than a month or two. You and your siblings remind me of that and that’s why I hate you, because it reminds me of the life I could’ve had. So please stop acting like I’m the bad guy here, I’m trying and that’s what matters.”

Emotions spent Theta stuck her head under the water, not to catch a fish, but to hide from the judgment that was about to come. If a fish swam in her mouth, that was their fault. She kept her emotions inside most of the time, she wasn’t used to telling anyone her reasoning behind how she acted. She expected people would just see her and make sense of it all themselves. She found herself wishing Noir was here at least he would be on her side, she was sick and tired of defending her position and fighting for a better one. It was times like this that made running away seem like a much better option.
[Image: 5sPkXAj.png]

Theta has small Deer antlers that may or may not be depicted in her art



6 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-04-2019, 09:25 PM

He tried to concentrate on his fishing and further ignore her. He really did. But she had already completely soured his mood as usual and didn't particularly care about fishing anymore. When she spoke, he kept his back turned to her and just stared at the water. He didn't hate her, nor had he said anything hateful to her. He just told her the truth of how she'd been acting towards them, and she seemed to refuse to acknowledge that and didn't take responsibility for any of it. Instead, she explained why she was the way she was towards them, but in his still sounded like she hated them as she blamed them for being born. "I didn't ask to be fucking born to ruin your life," He murmured loud enough for her to hear.

He turned his head around to look at her, though the coldness didn't soften. He glanced in his moms direction for a moment and remembered what she had told him about her life and how she had lived in the past and missed too many things. About how dad had given up the pack and why. Clearly Theta was ignorant to the latter. "My mom said she missed a lot of her life because she waited for what was instead of the for sure's." Well, that's not exactly how his mom had worded it, but it made sense the way he worded it. "Dad gave up the pack because he was tired of being betrayed all the time, not just by the people in his pack but your mom too, apparently. She's the reason you had been taken away along with that dumb pack that got involved. Dad's not to blame, my moms not to blame, and we're not to blame." He would say matter of factly. If there was anyone to blame, it was herself. She said she was 'trying' but the only trying he saw from her was just being spiteful, mean, and angry.

"Maybe if you opened your eyes and thought about it from someone else's perspective you'd understand, but we haven't done anything wrong to you yet you take it out on us. You're my sister, we're supposed to be able to look up to you, but I can't do that when you want to act that way. That's all on you, and nobody else." He groaned a sigh and turned away again. He knew he was wasting his breath. She was the type to think she was better than everyone and would most likely find an excuse to say he was wrong or didn't know what he was talking about. He hadn't experienced what she had, but when he learned about some of that stuff, he had been able to see it from his parents' perspective and understood.




3 Years

Valentines 2020
08-04-2019, 11:57 PM
This whole conversation had Theta confused, there were few thing by now that she knew for sure. She knew she hated the cold, she knew she didn’t like anyone telling her what to do with her life, and she knew she loved her dad. Without those three things there wasn’t much reason for her to be this spiteful. Theta didn’t want to let go of this hatred, if she wasn’t living out of spite then what reason was there? She couldn’t bring herself to accept any of this, not yet at least. If she accepted it that meant being complacent and that meant she couldn’t move forward anymore and she was moving forward. Slowly but surely she believed she was, to what she didn’t quite know yet. In time when this was long behind her she might. She might be able to pick up the pieces of what she had done and been to her family. But today was not that day, for today the wounds were still too fresh for her to let them heal.

“If none of you are to blame then who is? I can’t see how this isn’t anyone’s fault and even if it’s not yours my anger has to go somewhere. Until I can get out of here and make a life of my own I’m not going to be happy and I’m not going to go anywhere good in life. At least until then I want us to be civil, I don’t want screaming matches everytime we meet, I don’t want our parents to worry about keeping us separate, and I don’t want to look at you and feel I have to walk the other way. My goal isn’t to be the worst big sister ever, believe it or not. I want to be a decent one to both my own siblings and yours, while that may be a decision I just committed to right now is besides the point. I’m not asking for us to be a perfect brother sister pair, just civility. I can do it if you can.”

As she waited for his verdict she went down to catch another fish. Once again wishing Noir was here.
[Image: 5sPkXAj.png]

Theta has small Deer antlers that may or may not be depicted in her art