
Talkin' to myself ain't as fun

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-04-2019, 06:08 PM

The poor pup he had ventured to the island with was off somewhere sleeping, undoubtedly. He'd traversed so far with her and then put her up to fishing on top of it. He had no doubt in his mind that she was exhausted. When he had first arrived to the island, he had no idea there was even a fishing tournament going on or a festival, but it made everything so much more exciting. He had a chance now to check out the race, the treasure hunt, compete in the firefly catching contest, and now he would finally conclude his fishing until the night was over.

The sun was already beginning to set and he didn't have much time left, but he admired the sight of it hugging the shoreline as he came back to the sand. He strolled along the beach and immediately began disturbing the shallow waves in search of another feeding school. Once the tailfins could be seen attempting to propel away from him, he got started on tossing them out of the water. He looked back over his shoulder a few times while he entered the waters, only partially hopeful that one of the women he'd met during his firefly activities managed to follow him out here again.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
08-04-2019, 06:18 PM

It was a shame that whoever was putting on this festival didn't have slightly darker interests. Catching bugs and fish and digging in the dirt was fine - she could think of a lot of things that would be far more boring - but the thought of other activities sounded much more appealing. The thought of throwing a group of wolves into a pit to fight, and seeing who came out alive, definitely sounded like a much more entertaining competition... she quietly stored the thought in the back of her mind for later to bring up to Valkyrie. Perhaps they could even make bets on who'd win. Now that sounded like her kind of festival.

This one... not so much. But there were prizes, which definitely interested her enough to keep her here until the end. Knowing there wasn't much time left to finish up fishing, Eyrun headed to the beach once again. To her pleasure, someone else was already sitting nearby, and this time it wasn't a young kid and his cat friend. Thank the gods for better company. An amused sort of grin touched her lips as she sauntered closer, leaving a fair distance between the two of them as she visually searched the waters. It seemed like Dominus was having some luck in this spot, so why not take advantage of it? "Great minds think alike," she commented simply, maintaining that faint grin as she stalked forward, snapping jaws aiming at the frigid water to begin catching fish of her own.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-04-2019, 06:28 PM

As he watched the woman come up to the water where he was fishing, he mistook her for Moon again- he was used to seeing that woman follow him around the island by now, and this stranger was just as pale.. it was an honest mistake. It wasn't that all white women looked the same or anything, nothing like that.

He lifted his head up when she was closer, realizing it wasn't the same wolf. The festival had already managed to bring him out of his social comfort zone a bit, and he did not want to have another repeat as he had with Zee and Moon where they thought he was rude.

"Hi, I'm Dominus." He immediately noticed she was taking up his fishing spot now, but that was fine.. wasn't it? He tried to prevent himself from getting frustrated as he smacked more fish back up to shore. As long as she didn't touch them, he was fine.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
08-04-2019, 07:28 PM

This stranger was unfamiliar to her, but then again.. basically alll of the wolves here were. She'd only come to Boreas recently in her search for Valkyrie, so only recently was she beginning to learn as much as she could about the wolves here. This festival, of course, was a perfect opportunity to do so. Eyrun raised a brow as she drew closer to the stranger, giving him a quick one-over before turning to the water and grabbing a fish from the water of her own. Deftly she tossed it back onto the shower, before twisting back toward Dominus.

"Eyrun Finnvi," she responded quickly, her grin never fading. "How's the festival going for you? Think you'll take home all the goods?" Eyrun's eyes flashed playfully as she bound forward to grab another one between her jaws, not bothering to take the cautious approach to fishing.. sending waves sprawling out from where she pounced. This approach was just as effective, at least in her opinion, and probably a lot more efficient... or so she thought.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-04-2019, 08:01 PM

Her words surprised him, as he had no idea what she was talking about. His bright blue eyes rested on her for a moment as he took a break in his fishing and tried to recall Zee saying anything about prizes. He knew they were competing against each other, but he thought the prize was just.. knowing you were better than everyone else. There was something else?

"Wait, what do you mean?" He was momentarily distracted as another fish nibbled at the fur around his feet, mistaking it for fallen bugs lost in the water. That was great to know, he could be mistaken for a bunch of dead bugs. Great. He slapped the fish out of the water and onto the shore with the others, but continued his questions.

"There's prizes for doing this? What kind?" He wanted to know what sort of prizes you could even obtain from a festival like this, was there anything there he would even want?

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
08-04-2019, 08:33 PM
The surprise was visible on his features, and her grin shifted into one slightly more entertained. Perhaps this one didn't know about the festival at all? Eyrun cast a quick glance behind her, deciding that such a thing was impossible; even a blind wolf would've noticed how many wolves were gathered on these islands today. It was quite easily the biggest gathering she'd ever been part of. Luckily, be quickly explained his confusion - he hadn't known there were prizes.

"Ah, but of course! What do you think this is all for? Fun?" Eyrun snorted at the prospect of such a thing, shaking her head. "I didn't get a good look at what we might get, but I did see some interesting looking potions," she stated with a shrug. There were other things, too, things that reminded her of rituals her kin might've participated in when she was a child.. she wasn't so sure what else might be available. "If you could have anything as a prize...what would you pick?" She asked as she leapt for another fish, quirking an eyebrow in inquiry. 

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-04-2019, 08:41 PM

Potions? Like magic ones? That was curious. He kept watching her as she spoke, thinking about what there was to pick from and if he had done well enough in any of the competitions to get anything worthwhile. He lowered his eyes to the waves as he continued to smack out fish. She asked him a question, and for a moment he paused. He thought about his sister and what it would be like if she'd been able to do all this with him, and perhaps it was the thought of magic and potions that made the idea even come to his head but... he silently wished he could ask for her to be able to have a day like this, too.

He knew it wasn't possible, but he looked up to the woman and tried his best to give a good answer.

"Maybe a big trap or something to make all this easier. Maybe some weapons. What about you?" He shrugged his shoulders and lifted his head, eyes drifting over to her as he waited to see what her choice prize would be.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
08-04-2019, 09:25 PM
Eyrun was definitely thinking about what would be useful to Hjarrandi when it came to possible prizes.. if they even gone to choose. Something unusual to attract buyers to the market sounded like an appealing idea, even if it wasn't anything they'd actually part with. That was entirely besides the point. She'd entertain the thought of something like that as she, too, redirected her attention back to fishing. She wouldn't obtain such a prize unless she started making strides toward catching more fish… especially given how low the sun was sinking below the horizon.

"Not bad choices," she acknowledged, glancing over at him briefly before wading out a few more feet into the water. "For myself, I wouldn't mind something to wear in battle. Back home a few wolves I knew found some pretty neat pieces of armor. Or a weapon," she added with a shrug, sinking her teeth into another fish as she tossed it to shore near Dominus. "Or something to resell. My band's having a.. celebration and a market, soon." Maybe he'd be interested in attending? She cast him a curious look, glad to share more information if be seemed interested. The more the merrier!

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-05-2019, 10:20 AM

As he listened to her compliment his choice in a prize, he glanced behind him just in time to see the last of the sun lowering past the ocean's horizon. His eyes were narrowed, and he knew this meant that his fishing was over. It was time to get what he had managed to collect back to the wolves that were holding the tournament before he missed his opportunity entirely to be accounted for.

She mentioned battle armor and he snapped his head back to her again, finally taking a good look at her body stature and composition. He hadn't really thought about that stuff since he'd come out here to the island, but now he was inspecting her thoroughly.. she did look like a warrior, now that he thought about it. She had thick fur, but he could tell there was muscle beneath there.. and perhaps not the kind that one is simply blessed with like himself, but the kind that you actually have to work for to build.

It was a lot to just assume about someone, so he didn't hang on to the thoughts of his inspection of her but he now had a spark of curiosity about her. Being around wolves that were familiar with battle, armor, and weapons seemed appealing... he knew he could use to learn a thing or two.

"A market.. like a trade?" He wondered what sort of weapons they would have there, especially if the pack she came from was more oriented around things like that. This festival on the Islands seemed much more for fun than for profit or trade.

"Any idea on what I should bring with me if I were looking for weapons?" Yes, he was definitely interested.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
08-13-2019, 07:54 AM

For a moment she worried, as Dominus cast a glance toward the shore, that he might be calculating some way to snatch her fish from beneath her and claim them as his own. The paranoid thought was fleeting, soon replaced by amusement as she tried to find a way to casually bring up Hjarrandi's market that would be taking place soon. A man of his mindset surely had something he could offer them.. or at least he could partake in the festivities, even if he had nothing to bid with.

"Like a trade," she answered, though her wicked grin made it clear there was more behind that answer, more she wasn't willing to tell him. "There will be all sorts of things up for trade. Raw materials, drinks, captives," she offered off-handedly, like trading a slave was as normal as trading a bear's pelt. Eyrun shrugged, twisting in the water to try to assess his reaction. If he seemed disgusted, perhaps she could play it off like a joke; though his interest was greatly preferred. Perhaps Valkyrie might want them to keep their black market a secret until the event unfolded, but what harm would one wolf knowing really do? They'd all find out soon enough, anyway.

She hummed thoughtfully at his question. "I know one of my bandmates is looking for something special for someone. She wasn't specific, but... find something shiny and I think you just might have a shot at a weapon," Eyrun teased, knowing half the fun of markets like these was not knowing who would bring what, and not knowing if you could haggle to get precisely what you wanted. "If you're still interested, come find us soon. Follow the southern coast when you get back to shore - there's a forest of willow trees where we'll be setting things up." Hopefully he wouldn't get too close to their wares before Valkyrie was ready to begin - this one was handsome enough she didn't particularly desire to see him dangling from a tree as a captive, not yet at least.