
hide and seek

acere / recluse



8 Years
08-08-2019, 09:28 PM

Hannibal had called upon Circe a few times within the last few days but he hadn't received any sign she was close by. He knew she had joined the pack but her scent was stale and it was beginning to concern him. Why would she just up and leave after making all those plans? Mighty pups grew within her belly and his heart ached to think that maybe something bad happened to them. To loose more children so soon after getting back on his paws. A pang of guilt and pain filled his chest as he marched north. Hannibal had intentions of calling upon each of the pack leaders to potentially find out if she had come to them or had seen her. A pregnant Abraxas that smells strongly of himself wouldn't be too hard to track down.

Soon the male was upon the large ship that the pack Winterfell called home. Pale eyes settled upon the strange contraption before he shot his head up to call upon the Alpha of Winterfell. The call was rather open for high ranking members as well just in case the Alpha was busy. Hannibal stood a polite distance from the borders to ensure no hostilities would be needed. He was merely there to ask some questions and wanted no trouble. He was out of his comfort zone being so north and it made him feel strange as a whole.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
08-08-2019, 09:48 PM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2019, 09:06 PM by Recluse.)

Recluse had spent nearly two full seasons among the wolves of Winterfell, dodging the grey serpent king and his family. Not sucessfully but doing her best. She'd eaked out an uneasy alliance with the daughter named Theta and she wasn't totally sure her feelings about the boy Tornadic, so maybe they weren't all bad. But that didn't mean she didn't resent their father. In her time there she'd grown only more bitter, more certain the grey man had done something to her father, had said something to make her mother abandon her. And in that belief a rage towards her mother also grew, she'd taken Mordecai with her, chosen her favorite child, of that the girl was certain. But her father..? She didn't harbor resentment for him, no she knew he hadn't left her of his own volition. He'd been forced away from them.

So when a voice rang over the pack lands and it began to tug at her memory the girl's first response had been apprehension. But she was nothing if not curious so she'd started towards it, and as her mind slowly started to unravel memories from nearly a year past she began to pick up her pace, hope rising in her chest like a Phoenix from the ashes of her despair. That hope grew, stronger and stronger as she ran blossoming into the first true bits of joy she's experienced in a long time, perhaps ever.

Then she stood before him, a distance away still but close enough she could make out his scent, heavy with a new pack but familiar nonetheless. "Papa?" She asked, her voice much too soft to be heard across the distance, the old term she hadn't uttered in months bubbling to the surface, maybe she'd normally be too old for it, had she not been stripped of her father. "Papa!" She exclaimed this time, and she began the mad dash towards him, barreling over pack lines, borders be damned there wasn't a force on this planet that could stop her from throwing her full weight at her father. Which was considerably more weight than the last time he'd seen her. Her eyes were tingling with unshed tears as she rushed into her father.


[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-09-2019, 12:42 AM

He was teaching his companions how to craft when the call for him sounded. Turning his crimson gaze towards the border of the Antiox, Acere stood and told them to stay, leaving them careful instructions on what to do next for their project. He headed out then to meet with...what was his name? He searched his memory, knowing he heard that call once or twice before, but not for him. He trotted across the snow as he thought back to the last time he heard that voice, and realized it was Hannibal. The Male who had challenged for his nephews throne and lost. He had met him once before a few seasons ago as well, and he had nothing against the man. The business between him and his nephew was not his concern, after all.

Upon drawing closer to the borders, he noticed a pale body racing towards the albino creature. His brow lifted as he realized that that was the girls father. He hadn't met personally with Recluse since Tyranis had brought her among them, wanting to give her time to adjust and get used to their presence before approaching her. As he neared them, he stopped a respectful distance away as he observed the pair. While he didn't want to interrupt their reunion, Hannibal had come for a reason, right? Was it to reclaim his daughter? "Can I help you, Hannibal?" He would ask respectfully, noting the scent of a pack he had smelled for a brief time during the recent festival. He didn't know anything about that new pack, but it seemed Hannibal...led it? Judging by the man's smell, he was definitely an alpha.

speech action



8 Years
08-09-2019, 08:41 AM

Hannibal could hardly remain standing as the smaller figure raced towards him. Pale eyes stared down at the albino and grey splotched pup. The two words that came forth from her familiar jaws brought forth lulls of water to his eyes. They stung for a moment before he was truly able to move. As her form crashed into his own the male dipped his head down to embrace her and inhale her scent. It was strong of the pack and Tyr's offspring. He really didn't know how to feel. Never once did he think that his child would be in Winterfell. Hannibal always assumed Nephthys had taken them far far away otherwise they would have responded to his many calls.

Finally, the beast managed hushed speech. "R-Recluse.." He nuzzled her some more before moving his head up and muzzle down to stare at her face a bit closer. The babe seemed healthy and he couldn't help but to smile. Tears stung as they slipped down his face. The brisk cold of the north didn't help. "I am so happy to see you so healthy and well... I-I thought your mother had taken you away from these lands.." His minds was a jumbled mess as he swallowed for a moment. It seemed he had completely forgotten that they were not alone and the reason why he was there in the first place.

Hannibal aimed a fatherly lick at Recluse's forehead before standing straight again to look over to Acere. The albino flashed a rather emotional grin at the male as he collected himself. All Hannibal wished to do now was to leave with Recluse and never look back. But, that would be rude and he had things to take care of. "Thank you for coming, Acere." A pause. "I came here looking for a pack member of mine. She went missing about a week or so ago and I can't wrap my head around it. Normally i'd suspect that she decided to leave the pack. But, she was nearly full term with pups." Hannibal left out some information in case what he had said was enough to take some info from Acere. If not, then he would elaborate.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
08-09-2019, 11:30 AM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2019, 09:07 PM by Recluse.)
((Recluse can be skipped for the next few rounds unless she's directly addressed))

Recluse sought to push herself into her father's legs as much as she could, almost afraid he might be a mirage, a vision that would be ripped away from her again. Her father reached down to tentatvily nuzzle at her and Recluse stretched into his touch. He spoke of her mother and the girl took a brief step back, a growl rising in her throat. "She took Mordecai and ran, she left me behind!"
There was venom in her words, anger clear in the way she held herself. But as he reached down to lick at her again Recluse moved back in, eager to hold as much contact with her father as she could.

She paid little to no attention as her father and the white alpha spoke, she had no interest in whatever it was they were talking about. Some woman from her father's pack? She was of no concequence. All she wanted was to be allowed to go home, that would be wherever her father was.


[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-13-2019, 12:23 PM

He did his best not to further interrupt the reunion. Standing back and allowing them as much time as they needed. While he didn't have biological children of his own, he could still understand what they might be feeling. At last when Hannibal turned his attention to him and thanked him for showing up, he dipped his head respectfully. "Of course," He had, after all, no ill will towards the piebald albino. Whatever had transpired between him and Tyranis was part of an old chapter, though he couldn't exactly speak on Ty's behalf. He wouldn't start trouble with the alpha before him without good reason, and so far, they would stand neutral as far as he was concerned. He didn't yet know what kind of pack the man led, though given the reputation he had before, it was likely far different than his own Northern pack. Still, that was not what Hannibal came to discuss, it seemed.

"I came here looking for a pack member of mine. She went missing about a week or so ago and I can't wrap my head around it. Normally i'd suspect that she decided to leave the pack. But, she was nearly full term with pups." He listened with both interest and concern as Hannibal explained why he was here. A soft "hmm' emanated from the giant, brows furrowed in thought. Honestly, he had no idea who Hannibal was talking about without a description, or a name. And he hadn't seen nor smelled anyone neither pregnant nor from his pack around here. "I've not smelled anyone neither from your pack nor with pups recently. What is her name? What does she look like? Perhaps I can keep an eye out for her, and request that my pack do the same." It was all he could really do for him for right now. Acere spent a considerable amount of time in the surrounding lands, and his foxes tended to go off and explore the North lands as much as they could now that they were older. Perhaps he could ask them if they'd seen or heard anything...




8 Years
08-14-2019, 04:26 PM

Hannibal was appreciative of Acere giving the duo some space as they reunited. The albino stared down at his smaller daughter with wide eyes. He didn't to even risk blinking for the sight of his precious daughter was something he had awaited for many moons. As the girl spoke a low rumble came forth from his throat. If Recluse was correct then Mordi and Neph were gone. He doubted she'd stick around in Boreas and with little trace of her being around it was evident she was either in Auster or gone. After a moment Hannibal took in a gentle breath and nudged his daughter's scruff with his nose. "Banshee lives with me in a pack called Ashen.." He offered a very soft smile before his attention was formally moved towards Acere.

As Acere spoke the male listened with slight disappointment. It was a long shot to expect Circe to have been seen up north. Though, that was why he had come in the first place. If she didn't want to be found what better place to hide then a snowy wasteland. Nevertheless, when Acere prompted Hannibal for more information the Alpha easily obliged. "Circe Abraxas. She is a tall female with a slate and white pelt. She has white dappled markings bon her back and white beneath her teal eyes." Circe was beautiful and it was easy for Hannibal to remember her simple yet elegant markings. As well as those beaming eyes. He hoped their offspring would have her features primarily. "Thank you for your help, Acere. It is highly appreciated."

Yet, there was still another matter to discuss. Of course Hannibal would want to take Recluse home with him. But, in order to maintain good faith with Acere they would need to discuss it first. With a little glance down to the albino pup he raised a brow. "I'd like to bring my daughter home with me." Hannibal looked down to Recluse for a long moment, "Only if she wants to come, of course." He was in no position to demand anything of his daughter. But, his heart swelled with hope.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
08-14-2019, 10:14 PM (This post was last modified: 12-22-2019, 09:07 PM by Recluse.)

The truth was Recluse was totally tuned out from the converstation the adults were having. She was too busy being elated to find her father again, refamiliarizing herself with his scent after so long. She had lost him so young, hardly even a full season old when he'd been taken from her. He carried the scent of a pack and that too she started to try and pick apart, knowing if she was allowed to go with him that'd be her new pack as well.

And her father spoke about her then and the girl snapped back to the conversation, tipping her head to look up at him, pink eyes wide. She nodded vigerously as he asked if she wanted to go with him. "Take me home papa." He begged, vulnerability creeping into her for the first time. What if she wasn't allowed to go with him?


[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-14-2019, 11:48 PM

Hannibal wasted no time in describing the missing she-wolf. An Abraxas hm? Weren't they the family that had occupied Abaven at one point? He had heard stories about them, not very good ones but all that stuff with Abaven had happened before he joined them, so it was none of his concern and therefore, didn't harbor ill feelings towards them unless they threatened his pack. He stored the information away and nodded, "Hm...I don't believe I've met anyone with that name, although I am aware of who the Abraxas are..." He paused for a moment as he thought. "Thank you for the information. I'll let my pack know and we'll send word to you if we find anything," That was about all he could do for now. He wouldn't be sending out any search parties to find the woman. Although it was unfortunate that she was missing, he wasn't keen on wasting resources and sending pack members on a wild goose chase. It wasn't his job to go out actively searching for other packs members. If Hannibal was leading a pack perhaps they had the numbers to send out and search. "Have you tried sending out a search party? Or is it just you looking for her?" He asked curiously. But if Hannibal didn't know her whereabouts, then the chances of Ace's pack finding her were slim. Besides, he didn't think someone heavily pregnant would be coming around the North. It would be too great a risk for the newborn pups. It was always possible the woman had returned home to her family...from what he knew, there was a whole bunch of them, wasn't there? Perhaps they would send out a group to search.

The matter would shift then from the missing woman to the girl at Hannibal's feet. Acere had watched her around the pack, but he wouldn't say they were close. She was clearly unhappy here, and it was likely due to her father being taken away and her mother falling off the face of the earth. But Hannibal was back now, which meant the responsibility was no longer his nor his nephews. When Hannibal requested he take his daughter back, Acere saw no reason to keep her from him. He wasn't an abusive father, nor did he seem to mean her harm. He could tell with his own eyes that he loved the child, and the child clearly missed him and wanted to go back home with him. He nodded, "I will not stop her from going with you." Although he didn't know her very well, he looked at her and added, "It was a pleasure having you here, Recluse."

speech action



8 Years
08-15-2019, 07:56 PM

It was clear that nothing, in relation to Circe, would come of the trip. But, finding his daughter was honestly wonderful. As Acere continued to speak Hannibal couldn't help but to glance down at Recluse every now and again. The feeling was hard to explain. There was a mix of sorrow due to his failed attempt at finding Circe but there was also joy due to happening upon Recluse. Though, the thoughts of the headcount of missing Klein pups raising caused him to level out slightly. Now only Mordecai was missing from his first litter, but potentially a few more of his blood were now gone..

Acere thanked Hannibal but then led into another question. The alpha took a moment to think on what the opposing male asked. It was just Hannibal looking for Circe since he had contained the issue. He had specific reasons for not sending out search parties that he would not relay to Acere. They didn't have a group of capable Wolves to send out in the wilds searching for Circe when they had three new litters already in Ashen. With so many pups and a shortage on fighters they couldn't afford to weaken their defenses. So, Hannibal sacrificed his own time to do the job himself. But, after the trip up north he'd need to hurry home with Recluse to see to Dutch and Belle. "I have others helping, but it is just I who came north. It would feel wrong to send multiple Wolves so far from Ashen with no evidence that Circe came this way." A pause. "I do thank you for your help, Acere."

Hannibal shifted slightly as Acere responded to the other situation at hand. Taking Recluse back home. A relief spread through the albino as he heard the other alpha's response. Thankfully, he was going travel back to Ashen not so empty pawed. He couldn't stop thinking about the joy in Banshee's eyes once they were reunited. A smile now spread across Hannibal's lips as he leaned down to nuzzle his daughter gently. Though, as he came back up the male nodded. "Your kindness will not be forgotten." A brief pause. "Which brings me to another topic. - While I am already here I figured we could discuss the relationship between our packs. Obviously we know little of one another but there are always options of trade deals and probationary peace treaties as we get a feel for things." Hannibal didn't hesitate when getting to the point. He was not a northen Wolf and didn't really enjoy the current weather. Also, he really wanted to get Recluse home.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.