
Because of you

Family only please



1 Year
Extra small
08-10-2019, 10:41 PM
It had been a while since Tana's death, but she still had anger pent up from everything. Shaye was at fault as much as Rhyme and herself. Honestly did they expect her to want to stay in Rhyme's den? She hoped not. Because she had moved that night that they had buried her mother. She had moved far enough away that she was almost on the edge of the falls and rapids territory market. She easily overlooked both the ocean and the lands beneath the cliffs of Abaven. She was at the southernmost point of Abaven.

She settled on the ground in front of her den. It was quiet here and with her companions she easily lived just fine. Lenore was the pure white raven, female, with blue eyes. Evermore was her piebald raven, with red eyes and he was a Male with a strange shaped upper beak. It was serrated and quite sharp. Then there was Alma, who had stuck with her since that night, but she hadnt spoken since that night. Things had changed for verse honestly. She still had her episodes, except now she had them alone, and didnt suffer the embarrassment she had once when they would happen in public. She hadnt spoken to anyone since that night either. She didn't care to. They didn't care about her so she didn't care for them. It was just how it was.

She was secretive about her den as well. She had been careful to never go straight back to it, often going through the waterways and making sure she never lead anyone there. She didnt care for the company. She felt like she understood Noir more now though. Poem and Motif had always been Rhyme and Shaye's favorites, and her brother and sister and her were the kids Rhyme couldn't take back. They were unwanted and it hurt. She was the thinker and the longer she had to think, the worse the thoughts got. She could just go find Noir and tell him her thoughts but it wouldnt be like her brother would be alone.

She was braiding vines, fashioning them into traps as she did so. Shed already made three others and set them closer to her home, but she wanted a few more. They were great for catching rabbits and other smaller creatures. Alma was busying herself by untangling burrs and knots from Verse's pelt. Her ravens were perched on either side of her ready to defend her if they must. There was a mutual interest between them all and a mutual respect.

Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
08-13-2019, 11:27 AM
Noir didn’t dislike hunting, it was probably the second most favorite chore after patrolling. He was given a bit of freedom, as long as he brought back something to contribute his dad didn’t say anything about how long it took. He didn't dally in his tasks, he knew that his guardians were around, and if Rhyme didn’t have his eye on him one of his ravens was likely watching from somewhere.

The boy really was hunting when he stumbled upon Verse. He hadn’t seen her since they found out about their mom, not that he saw any of his sisters very often. Motif had gone missing, not that he was going to say anything to anyone about where he’d seen her sneak off. He gave her a look as he loped up to her, he was in the middle of hunting some sea birds. She looked like she was making nets to catch her own dinner. Not that he really cared, but maybe it was a good thing she was learning how to take care of herself. Noir snorted softly and walked by.



1 Year
Extra small
08-22-2019, 09:33 AM

She was absorbed in her anger and the traps she was making when Lenore and Evermore made an alarm call. Of course this sent her spinal fur to standing up erect and her hardened eyes lookin for the culprit. With her body tense and ready to go she finally laid eyes on Noir as he walked up. Her fur settled and she relaxed. Noir was fine, if it had been Rhyme then she would of probably bit the bullet and took him on in a dominance fight to make him step off. She didn't want her dad or his stupid lover around. Shaye and her kids could fuck off for all she cared.

When Noir went to just walk past with a snort, she herself snorted but rolled her eyes. He could play the part of whatever it was he was playing at but she knew her brother enough. "You really gonna let them run you around like their fucking slave Noir?" she kept her eyes on him and they were hardened. "Bet you two rabbits they are keeping secrets from you." she gave a smirk. He would be the first she enlightened she figured. At least then she wouldn't be alone with her knowledge.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
08-31-2019, 03:09 PM
Noir’s sharp eyes didn’t miss the raised hair along his sister’s back. Verse likely thought him Rhyme at first, not that he cared about her attitude. Her words were peculiar though, his tiny sister had never spoken to him like this before. Not that she knew anything about what she was spouting off about. ”I’m being good. He told her seriously. He couldn’t do much of anything besides what he was told unless he wanted to be stopped when he left in a month or two. The real question was if he wanted to tell her why he was behaving. ”It builds character.” He decided on in a mocking tone as he played the part of Rhyme. ”Two rabbits? I’d bet four.” He’d been there when Peggy was taken to Legion. He met Chaos and Ashmedai. There was a lot Rhyme hadn’t told them. Not that they were actually secrets, their former Imperialis father would tell them when they asked. Noir didn’t much care either way thouogh.



1 Year
Extra small
08-31-2019, 08:46 PM
She watched him her eyes serious and hardened, cold even. She had stopped caring anymore. The way she saw it was the world and her family had turned their backs on her so she should turn her backs on them. She perked her ears and smirked. Noir was up to something. She was his sister. She had known him long enough to know him seriously, she knew about his hatred for poem and his act in front of adults. "Bet dad doesn't want u to know that shaye is the reason mom left. Shaye attacked mom that day I went to the battlefield because I had an episode and mom wanted to take me home. So mom ran away." she watched for his reaction. She was an observationalist helikely knew that from the get go. She observed, learned, and kept secrets.

"And goody goody poem and motif well they think they're more special than us. We could prove them wrong though you know. It would be easy for you. Take the pack from poem and motif later and then all u gotta do is make the pack better for us." maybe she could get him on her side or even get him to see a bigger picture.

Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.