
Seafood Platter



7 Years
Dire wolf

1KPride - Pansexual
08-26-2019, 03:23 PM (This post was last modified: 01-10-2020, 02:25 PM by Souzan.)
"Talk" Walk

The chill autumn wind pulled at Souzan's coat, his head tipped back to catch the minute scents on the breeze. He could pick up something brinny, a unique tinge of iron, not quite blood but similar. Furroing his brow the ice giant took a moment to determine the direction the breeze, tracking it through the pines, across the empty ice stretch between the forest and the giant metal hull of the grounded ship, around the frozen metal corpse to the shore... Mismatched eyes widdened as the man saw a great sea... not the real thing lapping gently at the ice floe, no, rather a sea of fish. Beached on the ice and drifting lifelessly in the shallows as they beat against the very ground her stood upon.

Souzan took a cautious step forwards, then another, drawing himself towards the nearest fish. Slowly, cautiously he craned his neck down, sniffing curiously at the dead thing, it's wide bulging eyes glassy, but somehow still seeming to be filled with judgement for what the man was about to do. The fish smelt fine, of the sea but otherwise not quite rotten yet. Souzan paused a moment, then with great hesitation slowly Souzan took a bite, pulling scales and flesh from tiny bones.  He chewed it slowly, allowing the brinny flavor to prevade his senses. The fish tasted... fine. At least as fine as any he'd ever caught fresh. Something had driven these fish to the shore enmass but whatever it was it was recent. That was good, this many fish ready for the taking would be able to feed the pack for a while. But before he did that Souzan decided he'd feed his own hunger. Not that he was particularly starving, and with the pack well fed he didn't feel any shame in taking care of himself. He'd need to spend a decent amount of time prepping the fish once he hauled them in, it wouldn't do to have pups choking on the fine bones after all.

So first the man set about finishing the fish he'd already tested, sweeping the fine bones into the sea once he was done. Then he set about the task of collecting the fish, of which there were many and they were spread out. Souzan pondered for a moment as he considered how best to gather as much as he could with little effort. He hardly wanted to break his back when these fish had so willingly given themselves up to him. While he considered the man began to gently shove some closer fish into a pile. As they started to pile up a bit they started to tumble off of each other and the man quickly flashed his tail out to sweep them back into the pile. Then it dawned on him. Sweeping his tail around behind the pile he'd allow it to brush against the ground and tried to pull at the pile. Okay so it wasn't a total success, his tail wasn't exactly strong and he found the pile was falling apart a bit but it'd allow him to bring more fish back towards the ship than simply picking them up. So Souzan filled his mouth as much as he could and swept along as many fish as he could with his tail. He dragged them to the flat behind the ship, made the pile as nice as he could again and then went back to get more, he'd repeat the process until his original pile of fish had all be moved to the other pile.

Souzan first went about digging a hole in the snow, trying to eyeball how wide and deep it'd need to be to contain his haul. Then he'd settle himself on his haunches. He considered for a moment and tipped his head back releasing his voice in a rare vocalization, calling for anyone who wanted to fill their bellies or might want to help him. He'd considered calling for his apprentice but decided to simply keep his summons open to anyone who might want to show their faces. Then he grabbed a fish and began to carefully pull the fish apart. It was a long and difficult task, unlike in the kingdom tools were often less common and he'd have to consider finding a way to get a knife, maybe see if he could trade for one or make one himself. For now, he'd grip the fish carefully at the head, angling his fangs so they'd poke into the face of the fish and with his paws holding it still and slowly drag his fangs down the fish, towards its belly and along the bottom body line of the fish. Then he'd splay the two parts so the fish would lay open and he could pick gingerly at the bones in the fish, picking them out and being careful not to swallow them. With so many pups around right now, he wasn't going to leave anything to chance, picking out as many bones as he could find before moving the deboned fish to the hole, making sure it was lined with snow to keep it a bit fresher for longer before going back to the pile and starting all over again.

Image by Ulfeid3



4 Years

Promptober 2019
08-26-2019, 04:25 PM

The white wolf walked slowly, in a discouraged manner, like if her energy has been drained from her veins, from her bones. She marched with no set destination, all she wanted was some time to think, to reflection over stuff that was bothering her. Stuff that each night, was attacking her dreams, her sleep, to the point of forcing her to be awake on a big portion of the night. These were thoughts, thoughts that didn't contain anything good, just old memories that feed the female's fears, her worst nightmares. And nothing seemed to be helping her with that. She was certainly tired of it, and she could maybe ask Fracture for advice, but she didn't want to interrupt him with her stupidity, he could have more important things to do, he was a knight now, and she feared with him getting mad at her for how silly she was behaving.

Heloise was another option, but she could be busy as well, she had a mate and soon children, she may wouldn't even bother with helping the green eyes wolf, of course, those were her thoughts, what she assumpted. She could be wrong, but that was how she was used to thinking. For now, she was alone with this, like she had always been.

As she marched, she could see a frozen channel at the distance and when she came closer to the edge, she could see the impressive amounts of dead fish that covered the terrain. Unsure and with a lot of caution she approached one of the carcasses, and after sniffing it she took it in her jaws. But when she spotted another wolf at the distance, she dropped her catch immediately. She lowered her ears as she took a few steps backward, she didn't want to intrude on his affairs.

But watching his job, she could see how much effort he was giving to the task. Maybe she could aid him. But would he accept her aid? She could try, but nothing would warranty her safety with them. So in a slow way she approached, stopping about three feet away from the larger wolf. "Hello..." She greeted in a shy manner.  "May I help?..." She asked as eyes the pile he did.

code by Cloudy
[Image: cute.png?width=493&height=406]

[Image: Yureichibi.png]
Her threads may contain triggering topics like depression and negativeness. Be aware when threading with her.

Casso may crash in any of her threads desíte the tag!

Yurei now has a Grey female wildcat as a companion. Unless stated she is always with her.

Yurei now wears a side back up almost all the time that has four pockets one up and three down.