
A Pirate's Life For Me [PIRATE ADOPTS]



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Trick 2019
08-18-2019, 06:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2019, 08:56 PM by Ashmedai.)

You are a PIRATE


You may not need to know all of this, but here it is in case you DO want to know!

The pirate band was founded many generations ago by a few really bad guys. They were known to have actually made their home in a hidden cove of an island. These really bad guys decided that they were so bad, in fact, that they ought to each represent one of the seven deadly sins. Under these code names, they banded together and struck terror and general annoyance into the hearts of those in the neighboring lands. When the members started having kids and families, they were forced to decide what to do about their pirating ways. They each knew redemption was far behind them, so they reckoned, why stop just because they had families? Not all of their families were thrilled with this, as one might imagine, so the Sins got together and founded the Virtues: pirates who weren't really always pirates, but were still near and dear to the Pirates' hearts. They chose one wolf among them to be the Balance, the King of all the pirates.

Generations grew up and some of the children decided that they, too, wished to be a part of the Sins. Well, there couldn't be two of the same sin! So the original Sins each issued a specific challenge to those that opposed them. Some succeeded, and some failed. In this way, generations of pirates cycled through the Sins and the Virtues.

Enter Ashmedai Imperialis, a then young male with trouble and ambition to spare. No one thought too much of him until he decided to go for the title of King. The previous King issued a challenge, "Kill me, and the title will be yours." To which Ashmedai apparently accepted, and somehow killed him. This made Ashmedai the new King of the pirates.

Together, the pirates continued doing as they always did. They made booze, traded slaves, freed some slaves, went on quests, and got very drunk. They would have dealt with the slavers that Valentine Imperialis and his gang took down as well as some of Valkyrie Finnvi's vikings. Rhys Imperialis took on the role of Wrath. Ashmedai and Lust had a non-Imperialis litter although they never entered into any type of serious relationship. Ashmedai's son eventually took the role of Pride, but often had thoughts of starting his own pirate crew.

Ashmedai took a temporary leave to come see if Boreas and Auster would be suitable for the pirates to run amok. He's finally decided it's ready, and is sending word to Rhys that it is time for the pirates to come a wreak havoc on these lands.


1. You answer to the King of the pirates when he calls or orders you to do something.
2.Rum, beer, quests and mead, these are the things that a pirate needs! Someone is in charge of helping keep these things in stock.
3. Drinking age is roughly 1 year- otherwise it's a waste since children are basically drunk all the time.
4. Fights among members are bound to happen. Try to hash them out publicly since it makes for a fun show!
5. Raids, quests, projects mandated by King must be attended by all except the Virtues! It's part of a pirate's lives!
6. TRY not to kill each other. If it happens, let King know so the fallen member can be replaced.
7. Any Sin may be replaced by challenge set by the original Sin. If you want their position, beat them at their own game!
8. The Virtues are not to be attacked unless mandated by King. Anyone needlessly attacking other members especially the Virtues will be punished.
9. Serious infractions against the pirates are handled by walking the plank, drowning, or being tied up and thrown to the nearest predator.


1. The One-Year's Party: When a pup turns 1 year old in the band, there is a party at night! It's the first time that wolf is able to drink and also experience a hangover. It's good to learn your limits early, right? Usually the Virtues are around to make sure no one makes any unwanted mistakes while the Sins are there to make sure everyone has a fun time! Drinking, singing, presents, and sparring are all typical through the night.
2. Burial: When a pirate falls, his/her body is retrieved and sent off to sea (or the nearest body of water) along with some booze. It has been said that sometimes rafts are created to send the lost back to sea with a bottle of booze and some food. It is not uncommon for the nearest family to inherit the belongings of the fallen.
3. Raids: Sometimes these are just for fun, but it's also the only time everyone tries to be sober. They may take one swig of alcohol before going into battle. Anyone who stays behind is set to make sure things such as booze, food, and least importantly healing supplies are ready for their return. Those that come back can get drunk and feast.
4. Marriages: No one cares about illegitimate pups. It's not looked down upon, not shamed, nor anything special. Many of the pirates were illegitimate or have illegitimate litters of their own. If, however, two pirates decide to become monogamous, then there's reason for a party! There's many traditions, but usually everyone gets all dressed up and they decorate camp with as many flowers and feathers as they can find. The ceremony consists of something semi-permanent being exchanged, whether its scars, piercings, fur paints, or tattoos. Afterwards, everyone parties hard and the happy couple gets harassed about the more intimate details of their lives. They aren't called blushing brides for nothing!


The Sins represent everything that is indulgently wrong with the world. They typically only rotate out upon death or starting their own pack/band. Once a pirate always a pirate! They don't have to follow the textbook definition of their sin, but it's kind of their thing if that makes sense. They must be willing to embody it and own it! They they are usually free to do their own thing under the understanding that if they get themselves in serious trouble, their shipmates may vote to not intervene. However, if they enter a situation together, then they are expected to stay and bear any consequences.

Below is any information that is deemed IC canon. This will develop as the history section of the adoptable characters is filled out!

  • Greed:
  • No canon info!
  • Lust:
  • The last Lust was with the pirates long before Ashmedai came into the picture. Once he took over, they parented a litter together. They aren't in love, nor married or anything. It's open. She may be willing to stay behind with Pride if a new Lust is present. Lust can be represented as bloodlust, lust for power, etc!
  • Envy:
  • No canon info!
  • Wrath:
  • This spot was taken by Rhys Imperialis- Ash's sister! She's been on and off, so it's possible she stepped away from the time being!
  • Sloth:
  • No canon info!
  • Pride:
  • The last Pride was Ashmedai's son, but he's probably going to stay behind and do stuff there, meaning he would def pass this title onto the next most annoying wolf!
  • Gluttony:
  • Ash described the last Gluttony as someone who was very short and very good at brewing alcohol! There's no other things here, but it would be great if their Gluttony was a connoisseur of types. Besides, it gives them more to trade!


    The Virtues are often family of the Sins who don't really agree with the pirate life, but are willing to endure in order to help/ protect those they love. They are to represent everything good in life and the things worth protecting. Often times these are often freed slaves or other wolves that the pirates have helped out. Some may work closely with the Sins while others may take on the roles of healers, brewers, advice givers, etc. While these wolves tend to lean towards lighter alignments, they don't HAVE to! It's totally possible for a Virtue to be dark as long as they still somehow embody their virtue.

    The Virtues usually help keep things from absolutely exploding, but this does not mean they are subservient. Some may be, but others may be entirely fed up with the pirate's antics and only function as a Virtue for a personal reason!

    Below is any information that is deemed IC canon. This will develop as the history section of the adoptable characters is filled out!

  • Humility:
  • No canon info!
  • Compassion:
  • No canon info!
  • Temperance:
  • No canon info!
  • Chastity:
  • No canon info!
  • Patience:
  • No canon info!
  • Charity:
  • No canon info!
  • Diligence:
  • No canon info!


    Of course, there may be many who fall in between! They might decide to not stick with the band, or they may just be someone who hasn't yet found a sin or virtue that fits them. These pirates are able to be a part of the band or a free agent! If applying for one of these, please feel free to fill in their history with the band and why they may or may not still be a member! Don't worry, unless they did something terrible, the band won't hunt them down if they left!


    Appearance often varies since the pirates come from all walks of life. One rule is to be followed: no matter the disability, you must be able to make yourself useful. Nothing ruins a good pirate like being meek and overly compliant. Zany and eccentric accessories, companions, scars, and injuries are not only allowed, but encouraged!


    5. More to come! Feel free to use your own as well!


    For the Sins/ Virtues:

    <b>Sin/Virtue name:</b>
    <b>Design:</b> You can either provide your own or choose from the ones provided
    <b>Description:</b> 100 words
    <b>Personality:</b> 150 words
    <b>How did they become a Sin/Virtue:</b>
    <b>History:</b>  Feel free to incorporate other pirates, the Sins/Virtues, and Ash! We'll hash out a canon with these so feel free to make it as long or short as you want!

    For generic pirates:

    <b>Design:</b> You can either provide your own or choose from the ones provided
    <b>Description:</b> 100 words
    <b>Personality:</b> 150 words
    <b>Part of the band:</b>
    <b>Relationship with others:</b> Having them be the new guy is fine! They don't have to know anyone yet! They could have heard rumors, etc/ Or they could know everyone well!
    <b>History:</b> Feel free to incorporate other pirates, the Sins/Virtues, and Ash! We'll hash out a canon with these so feel free to make it as long or short as you want!

    I reserve the right to take back and readopt out characters who have been set inactive and those who simply haven't be posted with in 1 OOC month without reason. If purchases are made for that character, they will be taken and readopted with the character UNLESS they fall within the refund period in which case I will refund them for you.
    Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.



    Master Fighter (270)

    Master Intellectual (240)

    5 Years
    Dire wolf

    Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
    1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
    10-03-2019, 05:08 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2019, 05:12 PM by Plague.)
    Name: Isola Evalyn
    Age: 6 years
    Gender: female
    Alignment: Chaotic neutral
    Sin/Virtue name: Lust
    Design: #3

    Description: Beautiful, graceful, everything a woman should be, really. Right down to the way she moves, she is a feminine thing. Sashaying her way through life, the woman is very capable of sewing lust and intrigue into everything she does. The only supposed flaw in her appearance is the missing tail. She had lost it during a fight with a particularly nasty rogue, while it was not completely detached in the scuffle, it did have to be amputated. Her left ear is broken from the same fight, and the tip flops over rather adorably. Her coat is a rare thing and a treat to the eyes. Blue merle with ink-black spots and tan highlights, the same tan covers her lower jaw and brushes up her cheeks just a bit. Tan also lightly covers the front legs above her ankles and to her elbows, while a darker tan-brown covers her back legs in the same manner. White makes an appearance in a light dusting on her face - over her muzzle and up into her forehead where it fades with the light grey that makes up her base. White also collars her neck and gloves all four paws. Isola's eyes are a glacial blue that can stop anyone in their tracks. 36 inches tall and a good 110 pounds.

    Personality: Lust is simply captivating. She is an intelligent and strong-willed being with a penchant for seduction and war. She plays both sides of the coin and can go from tender lover to vicious adversary should the need arise. Her ability to navigate social situations leaves some with a touch of envy, but she is oblivious to such things. Isola holds herself with a regal air, as though she knows she is a beauty queen. It's not uncommon to see her playing the role of seductress, using her feminine wiles to get her way more often than not, though she is no common strumpet. In battle, she is nearly unstoppable and almost seems impervious to pain. She gets...excited during a fight and is known for going too far. Of course, she feels every drop of blood spilled, she is simply capable of compartmentalizing until after the adrenaline has worn away. When it comes to something she wants, nothing stands in her way.

    Isola has two children with Ashmedai, and while the feeling was unexpected, she adores her babies and will do literally anything for them. Their birth was a way for Isola to elevate her own position with the pirates, and raising them has been a full-time job - obviously. While she is a rather sinful woman, Isola is totally about family and the pirates.

    How did they become a Sin/Virtue: Lust was elevated to her status by fighting and accidentally killing the previous Lust. The injuries the other Lust sustained were too much, though Isola tried to nurse her back to health. She continues to embody all her Sin has to hold, which is how she has kept the title as her own.

    History:  While she had been with the pirates for her whole life, Isola had always wanted more. Under the old king, she didn't have an opportunity to challenge for the Sin she desired. After Ash rose to claim his seat as King of the Pirates, Isola made her own play for power within the band. Having seen the opportunity, her lust for power kicked into high gear and she challenged the previous Lust to a dominance maim. The aim was to incapacitate the old Lust, but in so doing, Isola got...carried away in her bloodlust. She did try to nurse the previous Lust back to health, but the injuries the prior Sin gained in the battle had proved too much. The regret of killing another band member in such a trivial skirmish weighs on her, though one would never know it. During the fight, she lost her tail. It was not a bad sacrifice to make for her position.

    She went on to earn her stripes as the best Lust, even going so far as to seduce Ash into sealing her position. Soon, she discovered she was pregnant, though the revelation was met with a mix of emotions. Panic was prevalent, but there was also an unfamiliar feeling she had come to know as love. When the two were born, they became her entire world and her main driving force. Anything she does, she does to better their circumstances. Nothing made her happy like the day they were born, other than the day her son became Pride! Leaving her old home behind was something a bit out of character for her, but she did so with the intention of bringing other pirates with her. What is a king without loyal followers?  

    Plans: Maybe squeeze one more litter out of Ash, or develop them some more - see where that goes. I do plan to get her a few accessories and a companion, but that will come later. The rest is open to in-character development and such.

    Skills: Fighting & Intellect