
There's a rumble in the floor




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-23-2019, 12:24 PM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2019, 12:00 PM by Bellamy.)
Protests came from the she-wolf’s body as she pressed onward into unfamiliar lands. She felt certain she was no longer within the confines of Lyenne… so there was no need to keep going… to keep pushing herself until her form longed to drop for the sake of rest.

Wind whipped around the femme as she lifted her head tog gaze out towards the angry gray-blue waters of the ocean. She was right at the edge of a cliffside… and far below a narrow strip of land and those waters churned. Behind her the wind rustled the grasses and wildflowers violently…

...a storm.

Bellamy lifted her green gaze skyward as the first drop of water fell from the heavens. The cold water splashed across her muzzle and, seconds later, a downpour had begun. The woman stood, alone, as she was soaked and took in the scent of the ocean. The world around her was darkened… but she welcomed it. It would grow darker as night fell in a couple hours too…

A flash of lightning split the darkness over the ocean and Bells lifted her gaze to it. Thunder rumbled over the earth so violently she felt it vibrating in her form.

This place was...


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-24-2019, 11:35 AM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2019, 11:35 AM by Dominus I.)

His curiosities about Abaven after having encountered Poem were manifesting, but he did not dare approach the pack just yet. He wanted to spy as well as he could and encounter a few more pack wolves away from their land. He was approaching that age where loneliness from being alone was hitting him hard. He felt extremely out of touch with his own species... a snake and a coyote being the closest friends he currently had. Did he even have the social skills to be a part of something?

Quietly, he picked up a fresh scent of another outside the borders and decided to follow from a gracious distance. Heavy paws echoed the female's, erasing them from existence beneath the heavy weight of his own impressions. He wasn't doing it on purpose, it was simply something fun to cure his boredom as he followed along.

The smell of the storm was thick in the air, he knew he would lose her trail soon but hoped the storm would hold off. Maybe he could ask the Ruina demons to help him? Quietly, he prayed while his blue eyes drifted to his right and watched the violent waves. If he really was a demon prince like his father had claimed, perhaps they would listen? He never asked for anything, really.


It didn't take long for the rain to saturate the trail beyond his ability to read it. It took even less time to completely drench his thick fur and turn him into a sopping mess. He often forgot how long his fur actually was, but it was irritating to have it fully wet like this and reminded him fully. He sighed and neared the edge of the cliffs while quietly wishing it was still spring. The rain was cold.

He hadn't expected to actually run into her, but as he roamed closer to the cliffs he noticed the beast of a woman that he had been following. He hadn't been able to tell by her trail, but she was nearly just as tall as he was.. and that was impressive to him. He'd yet to encounter a woman his size. Square muzzle lifted itself as he flashed her a fang, smirk spreading across his lips as he inspected her curiously. She had to be a fighter. If she wasn't, she didn't know her own strength.

"Oh, hey." Without any sort of regard to how absolutely dumb his greeting may have come off, he lowered his head and tried his best to gauge whether or not she had any pack scents on her. He couldn't tell anything in the rain, he felt blind.. and it was frustrating. He had to actually ask things.

"I don't want any trouble, for the record." His eyes drifted toward the edge of the cliff as the thought of a spar out here was enough to make his blood run a little faster.

"I came across your scent awhile back, I was curious and bored so I followed. Didn't expect to actually run into you once the rain started. What are you doing out here? You're not thinking about jumping are you? Because I'm no good with pep talks..." He clearly had no idea what the girl was going through, his nonchalant remarks a sure sign that he was oblivious to her current hardships.

A flash of lightning spread across the sky with a brightness he was unfamiliar with, never having experienced a storm of this size while on the coast. It was beautiful, but the loud rumble of thunder that followed woke him up from his captivation. He returned his attention to the woman and tilted his head to show he was thinking of... something.

"Whatever is on your mind, I think you should let go of it for now and get back to your pack, miss." His bossiness surprised even him, but... there were a lot of things about his own actions that were surprisingly himself lately. Why did he feel so protective over everyone all of a sudden?

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-24-2019, 12:25 PM
A voice.

Bellamy turned her head to a stranger, body growing tense. She didn’t immediately snarl, nor show open hostility, but she was ready if he dared to put a toe out of place. She was right there at the edge… she would fight to get past him or drag both their asses over if he threatened her.

...which is exactly why is next words confused her.

He… didn’t want trouble? So he didn’t want to fight? The woman arched a brow as confusion clearly crossed her face. This… was a first.

He continued to talk and… only continued to confuse her. He was… weird. Really, really weird.

“Killing yourself is stupid.”

The woman’s words, while rougher, betrayed how baffled she was. Why in the fuck would she jump? If you didn’t value yourself then what was the point of living? Or… was that the point he was trying to make? She didn’t know.

Nevermind the fact that you know, a stranger followed her. Bellamy didn’t really mind that. He just… wasn’t at her throat and it was bizarre. So different from any other encounter she had. He was being… well… nice compared to any other interaction with one of her kind.

His next words just caused Bells to furrow her brow more.

“I don’t have a pack.” She stated bluntly. “...and I don’t think the Empire I was born in will have a nice welcoming party if I return. Probably didn’t appreciate my parting actions.” She didn’t move, still guarded, watching him.

“Why the fuck are you worried about some woman you just met anyway?” Bellamy tilted her head to the side. “It’s… strange…” Her words softened as she said that. She didn’t understand.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-24-2019, 12:55 PM

Blue eyes, though narrowed in an attempt to deter the rain from entering them, watched her very acutely as he noticed her tension. Despite being an absolute goliath among his species, it wasn't often that he encountered someone so wary of him. Then agan, he wasn't a pup anymore now was he?

For a moment he wondered what it was about him that made her so on guard. He was simply curious about her, was that a reason to be alarmed? Did he look evil? Did she know about the evil he was supposedly a part of? All these concerns flooded him at once and left him standing there looking rather dejected, his head lowering without him really realizing as he went over how he had approached her and wondered if maybe he could have done so differently.

He did his best to focus on her concerns rather than his insecurities, though his anxiety certainly did not let him forget them no matter his efforts. He could tell by her words that her mind was just as strong as her body appeared to be, and like the might of the lightning that continued to flash across the sky... her strength also captivated him. Like the blockhead he was, his 'brows pulled together as he tried to force himself to focus on what she was talking about. So she had been a part of an Empire, but she wasn't an Abaven wolf like he had originally thought. He was curious, but for now he didn't question it. There was a time and place for everything, though it was rather out of character for Dominus to be mindful of such a thing.

'Why the fuck are you worried about some woman you just met anyway?' Her words attacked all previous thoughts that had been cluttering his fragile mind as he too also questioned this. Why did he care? Did he? As a child, he had been so afraid for his own life and of his father that he ran away from absolutely everyone. He didn't stick around and make sure they were safe. Now, he was saving coyotes and attempting to help those that had found themselves lost. He was certainly growing into a strange wolf.

'It’s… strange…' The irony that she would follow up her own words with an observation that he'd just mentally made about himself as well brought a smile to his squared muzzle. Yes, he was strange.

"You're standing out here... alone... on a cliff... in the rain. It looks rather depressing. I think anyone with a sense of decency would stop and ask a question or two to make sure you are okay... and that makes you the strange one. What did you expect? Weirdo." Dismissively, he flicked an ear and began to turn his stocky frame away from her.

"You can stay out here if you want to, but I'm going to go find shelter and I suggest you follow me. You're dangerously close to Abaven pack lands. If you pissed off an Empire, they are likely looking for you.. don't know if you want that many wolves knowing where you are." Was he blackmailing her into spending time with him? Was this what he had become? He chuckled at the thought and turned his head casually to cast her a glance. She was cute enough for him to admit to himself that yes, it was.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-24-2019, 01:53 PM
His words were logical to a normal being… but to Bells… they were still so foreign. To have wolves with decency, wolves who cared… As if she mattered. Everyone before him, save for Whiskers and Ears, saw her as nothing more than a disposable weapon. Use it and if it got destroyed leave it behind. She wasn’t valued… she didn’t matter to anyone but herself. It had been that way since she was a kid… you either fought and survived or you were left behind to die. The world wasn’t kind… but.. Maybe it could be?

Bellamy was about to comment as he started to turn away. “Where --” Her gaze narrowed. Wait, what the fuck was this? It wasn’t exactly an order, but it didn’t please the woman. Follow him, really? Another crack of lightning stretching across the sky illuminated his form in front of her in the rain.

“You’ve got some fucking balls, don’t you?” Her voice dripped in annoyance as he glanced back at her. “I don’t care how many of those bastards come after me. Even if I go down I’m bringing some of those fuckers with me.” She scoffed. “I am not afraid to die.” Whisker’s ears echoed in her mind as she said that. Dying was counterproductive to her goals…

She flicked an ears and grumbled to herself as she started to move away from the cliff.

“You’re a dick.” She moved up next to him with glaring eyes.

“Let's go then… before I change my mind.

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-26-2019, 06:25 PM

'You've got some fucking balls, don't you?' His lips pulled back to reveal the blue of his gums as he grinned in response to her words, having become highly amused by them. Her language alone was enough to make him feel at home around her, but the context tickled him to the core.

"Oh, wow. You can sex your peers. Boreas isn't ready for your talent, I'll tell you that." Though the thunder rumbled again during the downpour, his voice was raised above that to ensure she could hear his jesting. She hurried him and he complied like a good dog, taking off in a quickened trot. She really didn't need to tell him, he wanted out of this rain. He hated getting it in his ears, but he equally hated having to hold them down and being deafened so he ran with her on his way North down the coast.

She expressed how she didn't care about being found by the Empire, and he found himself silently wondering what all she had been through up until their meeting. If she had been nicer, more welcoming, perhaps even slightly friendly... he might have felt open to asking about such a thing, but he figured it better not to pry. He wondered if she needed his help or his protection, but even if she did... would she admit to such a thing? And would she even tell him what it was he was protecting her for, what she did? They didn't even know each other, but she was already managing to worry him and frustrate him. Interesting.

He took her to the mountains that lined the Eastern shore, only ever having viewed them from a distance. He was eager to explore them, though could definitely wait to do so until after the storm passed. If these mountains were anything like those that he grew up in, he knew that their formation often left cracks in their structure- cracks big enough to provide shelter where they could wait out the storm. Only a short distance on their ascension up the stacked sharp rocks did he discover a den opening. It would be impossible to scent anything that had been here recently due to the pouring rain... with a tensed caution, he began to enter the dark of the cave. Almost immediately, the thick musk of a male panther hit his nose like a brick wall. Maybe he wasn't home?

He didn't need to alert the woman in his company, as he moved into the cave he was sure she would be able to detect the same thing he had. If it was in this cave, hopefully, it was far enough away not to notice them... perhaps they could be silent and wait out the storm without any complications? Probably not, but in all honesty.. getting into a fight and witnessing what the girl was capable of seemed kinda fun, too. Maybe then she'd be stuck with him for even longer...? :D

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.