
Riding On Ever Changing Tides



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
08-23-2019, 05:55 PM
You Wash Your Hands, You Come Home Clean...

A few flakes of snow clung to Ashiel's coat as he finally arrived back in Boreas. It was cold here, positively frigid. And while it was still autumn he wasn't surprise that it was already beginning to snow this far north. His breath softly left his mouth, freezing before his sight. He couldn't wait to get farther south to the more temperate climate of Auster but it was going to be a long journey southward. Ashiel certainly hoped he could make it before the worst of winter set in but at this rate it was going to be nipping at his heels for the whole journey.

The journey had be longer than he expected in part before he did not have Griff to accompany him. He had no doubt the bird was proving a valuable asset for Aureus. However, it meant Ashiel's journey had bee brutally lonely. Still, he would've done it again. It was wonderful to see his daughter again, she'd grown so much already and in truth that was where he wanted to stay. He felt that's where he ought to be but once again he'd been plagued by visions. Cold, dark visions that ushered him back to the Risen Empire. He knew something was going to happen even if he did not know what and he had a feeling he was supposed to be in Auster when it did. His first thought was that it might end up being a particularly hard winter and he was being ushered back to help but by the time winter reached Boreas it would be summer in Auster. Perhaps the next winter? Ashiel shook his head. Something was definitely coming and he wished his visions had been more clear. Perhaps Serene would have some ideas. He hoped she and the pups were doing well. They'd be nearly grown by now.

He worked his way south through the Marble Wash and almost immediately came across a pack border. Now wait a minute. That hadn't been there when he'd left so when had a pack sprung up here? Clearly the pack dynamics in Boreas hadn't settled any since his journey and he found himself curious about the pack. It was tempting to call out and find more but Ashiel didn't want to be too delayed. The snow was beginning to fall more regularly. Besides he had no way of ascertaining if the pack would be friendly or not. Still, he could gain some knowledge through scent alone and so he wandered carefully along the outside of the border, taking in the scents of the wolves who lived there. It seemed to be a reasonably sized pack but most of the scents were foreign to him. Most of them. He smirked when he picked up the familiar scent of Dragon.

Ashiel lifted his head to gaze out across the barren expanse of the sparse pines. His first thought was that Dragon had finally gone and rebuilt Talis but his scent was far to sparse to make Ashiel think the man was actually the alpha here, or if he was he was a particularly lazy one. No, the strongest scent was from another male apparently in good health. He continued his way around the pack's eastern border, seeking to get around the pines and to the wall that would help orient his path southward.

He wondered what had led the alpha of this place to choose to settle so far north and in such a barren land but perhaps there was more to the territory than met the eye. His gaze lingered on a strange shape in the distance, a very odd and angular mountain. Perhaps that is what made the territory seem so valuable to the pack. He was curious to explore more but decided he needed to get going. The snow was falling steadily now and should it turn into a blizzard he wished to be past the wall and somewhere less exposed. If anything this journey taught him how valuable pack life was. He couldn't imagine living life as a loner with winter bearing down on the land. Without pack mates taking down larger and filling prey would be difficult. Most would have to rely on their skills as scavengers and live off the kills of others if they were not able to take down enough small game. That was definitely not a life he was interested in.

Ashiel focused his nose on the individual scents that made up the border, taking stock of the ratio and health of the pack more to satisfy his own curiosity than for any particular reason. He doubted that Risen would come this far north, especially over the winter season so there was little reason to worry. He doubted this pack posed a threat to them, at least for now. Really, everyone would be busy with the coming of winter. There was a need to stock up on stores and focus on keeping everyone alive. Ashiel sighed. He'd be lucky to make it down into Auster by the end of winter at this rate but he was going to do his best to try. After skirting around the edge of the pack's territory he continued his way south to the wall.


-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.