
we should stop running into each other like this

ft anyone



2 Years
08-26-2019, 03:23 PM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2019, 11:22 AM by Heloise.)
Heloise was roaming. if she did not roam, she felt restless and that could not be good for her unborn children. though she would always go back to Winterfell and to Acere, she wanted to explore the land around her pack a bit more. the woods were a good place to find items. be they herbs or crafting materials, she nosed along the ground carefully. but... she hadn't expected the ferocious roar of another bear. luckily not a polar bear, this was a mere black bear. startled, she'd flinch as she spotted the black bear in the near distance. it was coming right at her.

wondering briefly if she was a bear-magnet, Heloise's fur bristled defensively. she would die to protect the children in her womb, but hopefully, it would not come to that. if she perished, they would too. instead of foolishly facing this predator alone, she sent up a cry for help before turning tail and running out of the bear's grasp. if need be, she'd run all the way back to Winterfell's border. but she didn't want to lead it there. her packmates were important to her, even if she knew Acere would feel better she had asked for their help.

ooc; 0/3 fought a large predator (female black bear)
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag



1 Year
Other species

Trick 2019
09-24-2019, 12:53 PM
He should have given up finding his sibling but here he was, venturing further south in the north than he had ever gone before. Snow and Ash fell heavy this year, though it was his first real winter, the polar bear did not feel the biting cold as the wolves did. He'd done well enough to have a thick layer of fat as well as a coat meant for this and much colder temperatures. He was wandering when he heard the cry for help. A wolf. Lips lifted in frustration, until he realized who the voice belonged to, it sounded akin to the one that had helped him look for his brother.

A debt always needed to be paid. Huffing heavily, Tornjak took off at a run, he didnt have the stamina or speed of a wolf, but he was still able to get to Heloise in a decent time frame. The sight he saw nearly made him laugh. A black bear chased her, and she ran to dodge it's attacks. Small round ears tucked into the fur on his head as he once more sprinted forward this time with the intent of barreling into the other bear. Perhaps it was good that he hadn't found his brother- he'd scold Tornjak for helping the wolf instead of the bear.

Tornjak roared loudly just before he was set to collide with the bear, causing it to hesitate. That moment of hesitation was all he needed, his still growing body slammed into that of the other bear, sending them both to the ground. Tornjak tumbled most ungracefully with the other bear, getting tangled in it's legs. Jaw's snapped at the bears paw closest to his mouth more out of instinct than anything else. The collision had left him out of breath and his right shoulder throbbing.



2 Years
09-25-2019, 12:56 PM
she looked back at the roar, spotting a polar bear approach. Heloise's mind forced itself calm; was she going to be running from two bears? she would have to be smart about this, if so. focusing entirely on her speed, she rushed away, twisting her head back and missing the polar's collision with the black bear. the thump caused her to pause, angling her body to curve as she looked back once more.

to her surprise, the second bear had come to her rescue. panic and fear made her forget his scent until now, but it was Tornjak; the one she had met days prior. he was tangled in the black bear's limbs. without a second thought, she raced toward them and snapped at the back of the black bear. it turned toward her lazily, swiping half hearteningly. it was more concerned about the polar bear. if that was the focus, Heloise would use that to her advantage.

she would try to harass the black bear from the back, forcing it to become confused with two assailants. the woman snarled and snapped, digging her teeth into its plump side before retreating. hit and run tactics were best considering her condition.

ooc; 1/3 fought a large predator (female black bear)
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag



1 Year
Other species

Trick 2019
09-25-2019, 02:07 PM
Part of Tornjak assumed Heloise would just stand to the side and let him do the dirty work. He was pleasantly surprised and relieved when she realized it was him and decided to help instead of run off. She bit at the back of the bear, causing it to rip it's paw from his grasp and swing at her halfheartedly. Her distraction was enough to allow him to shove his hind legs into the bear and push to get himself untangled and create some distance.

Grunting from the pain in his shoulder he would roll to his feet. Shaking himself briefly before the black bear was getting to it's feet and coming at him. Another roar thundered from his young jaw's as he lifted half up onto his hind feet forepaws reaching for the black bear in a less than friendly bear hug. Claws raked through fur and tugged at flesh, even as the black bear bit into his sore shoulder. A rumble vibrated in his chest as he swing his head, intent on slamming painfully into the bears own head akin to how a sledge hammer would slam into a wall. Probably not the smartest thing to do, but it was what came to his mind.

2/3 fighting large predator



2 Years
09-26-2019, 10:21 AM
it was almost surreal. previously, she had been assaulted by a polar bear at the ship. it had tried to get into the location, looking for food only to turn on her as she warned it off. now, facing another bear... a polar bear would come to her rescue. she did not know why Tornjak felt the need to assist her. perhaps he thought she couldn't do it alone. while she had called for assistance, Heloise was a proud woman. she recalled his disbelief at her handling herself in their previous encounter too.

but there was little time to dwell on her ego.

Tornjak would meet the bear on equal footing. wrapping each other in a tight 'hug', the black bear would bite into his shoulder as he smacked it against the head with his own. Heloise took the time to dart to the side, mindful of the potentially swinging claws and grabbed one arm. she yanked the bear's limb down, away from Tornjak, with sharp teeth. attempting to force it to lose its hold, hoping that the headbutt made it see stars... it was all a guessing game right now. though it seemed to work. the black bear was winded, confused and allowed her to drag it to the earth with relative unease.

as it tried to recover from the blow, she saw some blood trickling down its skull. with a vicious snarl, half hormonal and half protective of her unborn children, Heloise smacked it viciously across the face. blood sprayed the ground from her blow and the black bear began to back away. it whined in its confusion, its eyes both on Tornjak and the white wolf.

ooc; 2/3 fought a large predator (female black bear)
[Image: sgvfyko2_o.gif]
heloise has a male gyrfalcon named kresnik with a fifty-inch wingspan
always assume he is in threads nearby and in battles with her
as her love acere praetor is allowed in any of her threads regardless of tag