
don't need all 10 nips anyway



6 Years
Extra large

Ooze ImmuneAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantFestival OrganizerDouble MasterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
Beevent1KTreat 2019
08-27-2019, 08:33 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2019, 08:37 PM by Jupiter.)
Jupiter wandered the festival grounds with no real purpose. He finally starting to feel the effects of the alcohol slowly working it’s way through his system. Every once in a while the ground wasn’t where he thought it should be and he found himself taking steps that were too short or off center to compensate. These changes barely registered, though. How could they compare to the majesty around him that now had his attention? He wasn’t normally one to notice such things but tonight, with the aid of the alcohol, he was feeling rather contemplative.

The midnight sky overhead was devoid of clouds and the moon was at its thinnest so the stars shone with quiet brilliance. There was a purplish hue to it that he didn’t think he’d ever noticed before, possibly thanks to the moon whose usual glow muted the intricacies of the sky that cradled it. It was also possible, likely even, that the only reason he noticed it now was because the liquor had made him squishy.

He yawned, his sleepy eyes on the heavens, and then licked his lips. Now that all the fun was over for him it was time to find a nice place to crash. Jupiter chuckled to himself; too slapstick to be worried as he considered the hangover he was going to have when he woke up.

The smile was quickly wiped from his face as an orange streak suddenly came at him out of the darkness. It struck his right foreleg and though it was a small orange streak, he was caught so unawares by it that it succeeded in sweeping the leg out from under him. Jupiter’s front half went down with a painful twist leaving his rump in the air and his tail windmilling as he tried to catch himself. "The fuck-"

There was a suddenly flurry of fur, teeth and claws as the little beast leaped into his scruff and began to yank out tufts of dark blue fur. No doubt it meant more harm than that, but the cat was small and his scruff was loose and fatty. The few swipes that landed on his head stung fiercely and wept small droplets of blood.

Cursing the whole while, Jupiter flipped over onto his back in the hopes of smashing the little beast under him. It climbed his ribs like a jungle gym, its little claws digging into his skin and propelling it around his chest fast enough to avoid getting even its tail mashed beneath the behemoth. Upon reaching his belly it promptly began to bite the shit out of the inside of his opposing elbow. Jupiter did a sit up in an effort to reach the cat but it quickly released his elbow and evaded his jaws. When he inevitably had to lay back down it proceeded to sink its teeth into his lower rib cage. It went for a nipple which earned a yelp and another stream of curses from Jupiter.

The giant succeeded in getting his hind paws up fast enough to kick the tabby off his chest. It sailed over his head with a startled yowl trailing behind it. Jupiter had just enough time to stumble to his paws - and then stumble a step to the side as the earth tilted - before phoom! the little cat was on him again. While he had been struggling to gain his footing the tabby had sneaked around behind him. As soon as he provided a semi stable landing spot it had flung itself at his rump. As far as Jupiter could tell it landed with the claws off all four paws out - and each and every one of them had stuck into his skin. "You-" Seething now, he donkey kicked out in the hopes of rocketing the tabby into the next territory.

His efforts were in vain. Once again the little cat was too fast for him. It scaled his rump quickly and was out of the danger zone before Jupiter's hind legs were even drawn up to his belly. He kicked empty air. Once out of his reach, the cat's reign of terror continued. It leaped from his rump to his scruff where it wrapped all four legs around his neck. Jupiter could feel its tail lashing from side to side across the tops of his shoulders. It bit into his scruff again; this time yanking a mouthful backwards and stretching it out like bubble gum.

Alright, enough was enough. Jupiter planted his legs and shook out his coat as though ridding it of water. The cat was tossed either which way - he could feel its claws zigzagging across his skin - but it managed to hold on. What neither of them counted on was that he'd lose his balance mid shake. The giant toppled to the ground and at last the cat was thrown free.

Jupiter wasted no time in getting to his paws and running off. He had no desire to tangle further with the little demon. Crazy little bastard. As he ran it occurred to him that there was a burning on his belly. Though he probably should have continued on, he couldn't help but stop and look. He squinted at his lower ribs and the steady stream of blood pouring from one particular area. Was he... was he... "Fuck!" Was he missing a nipple??

"Jupiter"   "Amadeus" ”You”
[Image: ZQdAdlz.png]

NOTE: this character is pretty on the outside but nothing but ugliness and innuendo on the inside. It's best to consider all threads with him rated 'M' regardless of the official tags.